I'm reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol. I must have read it hundreds of times when I was a kid. It was my favorite book. It's odd to read those lines now as an adult and remember them in their muchness. It's like going from big to small and back again. It's all about as curious as it can be.
Check out also this page, with links to Oz, Tarzan, Tom Sawyer, and other fantastic texts.
see also - http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Web/People/rgs/rgs-home.html (more on-line books, including banned books on-line, and other specialties)
Free, baby. http://gutenberg.org
More than you or I could ever hope to read. :)
Books On-line: Call Numbers / Subjects
Select the category that best fits what you are looking for:
complete list
of books classified by call number is also available as a single
large file (over 2 MB).
Check out also this page, with links to Oz, Tarzan, Tom Sawyer, and other fantastic texts.
see also - http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Web/People/rgs/rgs-home.html (more on-line books, including banned books on-line, and other specialties)
Free, baby. http://gutenberg.org
More than you or I could ever hope to read. :)

This page lets you look up on-line books by their Library of Congress
call number category. It can serve as a crude listing by subject.
Not all books are represented here, but most on-line titles in
library catalogs are listed.
Browse by Subject Category
Select the category that best fits what you are looking for:
- A: General Works
- B-BD: Philosophy
- BF: Psychology (also parapsychology and the occult)
- BH-BJ: Aesthetics, Ethics, Etiquette
- BL-BX: Religion
- BL: Religion: General, Miscellaneous, and Atheism
- BM: Judaism (Jewish Bibles and biblical commentary are found in BS)
- BP: Islam, Baha'i, and New Religions
- BQ: Buddhism
- BR-BX: Religion: Christianity and the Bible
- BR: Christianity (General)
- BS: The Bible (Hebrew and Christian)
- BT: Christian Doctrine
- BV: Christian Practice
- BX: Christian Denominations
- BR: Christianity (General)
- BL: Religion: General, Miscellaneous, and Atheism
- C: History: Auxiliary sciences
- D: History: General, and Regions Outside the Americas
- DA Great Britain and Ireland
- DAW Central Europe
- DB Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia
- DC France, Andorra, Monaco
- DD Germany
- DE Mediterreanean Region, Greco-Roman World
- DF Greece
- DG Italy
- DH-DJ Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands
- DJK Eastern Europe
- DK Russia, Former Soviet Republics, Poland
- DL Northern Europe, Scandinavia
- DP Spain, Portugal
- DR Balkan Region
- DS Asia
- DT Africa
- DU Oceania, Australia, New Zealand
- DX Roma (Gypsies)
- DA Great Britain and Ireland
- E: History: United States (General)
- F: History: United States (Regional), and the Americas
- G: Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, Recreation
- G-GB: Geography (General and Physical)
- GC: Oceanography
- GE: Environmental Sciences
- GF: Human Geography
- GN: Anthroplogy
- GR: Folklore
- GT: Manners and Customs (see also Etiquette in BJ)
- GV: Recreation and Leisure
- G-GB: Geography (General and Physical)
- H: Social Sciences
- HA: Statistics
- HB-HJ: Economics and Business
- HB: Economic Theory and Demography
- HC-HD: Economic History and Conditions
- HE: Transportation and Communications
- HF: Commerce
- HG: Finance
- HJ: Public Finance
- HB: Economic Theory and Demography
- HM: Sociology (General)
- HN: Social History, Problems, and Reform
- HQ: Family, Marriage, Sex and Gender
- HS: Societies and Clubs
- HT: Cities, Communities, Ethnicity
- HV: Social Service, Welfare, Criminology
- HX: Socialism, Communism, Utopias, Anarchism
- HA: Statistics
- J: Political Science
- K: Law (see also J for some constitutional works)
- L: Education
- M: Music
- N: Fine Arts
- P: Language and Literature
- PA: Classical Languages and Literature
- PB: Modern European Languages; Celtic Languages and Literature
- PC: Romance Languages
- PE: English Language
- PG: Slavic (incl. Russian) Languages and Literature
- PH: Uralic and Basque (incl. Finnish and Hungarian) Languages and Literature
- PJ-PL: Literature: African, Asian, and Pacific
- PM: Indigeneous American and Artificial Languages
- PN: Literature: General, Criticism, Collections
- PQ: Literature: French, Italian, and Spanish
- PR: Literature: English (non-American)
- PS: Literature: American
- PT: Literature: Germanic
- PA: Classical Languages and Literature
- Q: Science
- QA: Mathematics and Computer Science
- QB-QE: Physical Sciences
- QH-QR: Biological Sciences
- QH: Natural History and Biology (General)
- QK: Botany
- QL: Zoology
- QM: Human Anatomy
- QP: Physiology
- QR: Microbiology
- QH: Natural History and Biology (General)
- QA: Mathematics and Computer Science
- R: Medicine
- S: Agriculture
- T: Technology
- TA: Engineering (General and Civil)
- TC: Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering
- TD: Technology and the Environment (including pollution)
- TE-TG: Highways, Railways, and Bridges
- TH: Building Construction
- TJ: Mechanical Engineering
- TK: Electrical Engineering (and computer networks); Nuclear Engineering
- TL: Motor Vehicles, Air and Space Technology
- TN: Mining and Metallurgy
- TP: Chemical Technology
- TR: Photography
- TS: Manufacturing
- TT: Handicrafts; Arts and Crafts
- TX: Home Economics (including food and cooking)
- TA: Engineering (General and Civil)
- U: Military Science
- V: Naval Science
- Z: Bibliography and Library Science
Browse the complete subject list
complete list
of books classified by call number is also available as a single
large file (over 2 MB).
If you would like to see a detailed breakdown of the LC Classification,
see this page from the Library of Congress.
(It doesn't point to books, but it does show the
various categories to a reasonably detailed level.)
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