Thursday, January 31, 2002

This is a true story. I don't know what relevance it might have, other than how memes get started, but...

When I was in college, I had a friend named Rick. Rick was quite a character: terminally depressed engineering student with a quirky grin who dressed like a stoner. He had only one leg, and had a sense of humor about it. He got me into GWAR. We did Warhammer 40K together. I wish I knew where he landed.

Well, one night I wanted to call him up and see what he was up to, and I was in a silly mood. The phone at his place rang, and the answering machine went on. So I left the following message:

"Hello, WORM! This is mistress Scorpia! Every night you call me, begging me to sodomize you over the phone... but NO MORE! From now on, if you want to get me hot, it's going to have to be decapitation..."

"Uh, Scotto...?" came this voice from the line.

It was Rick. He'd been taking a nap when I'd called, and had been rudely woken up my the sound of my voice coming from the machine. We laughed about it and made plans for the next day, and then he went back to sleep.

Well, the day after that, Rick had a funny thought. He played the tape of what I'd left into the mic on his machine, and then, right when he'd cut me off, he said (pimp voice) "Woah! I think our gal's getting a little touchy there... why don't you leave a message and we'll call you back when she calms down?"

He goes out. He comes back, there's a message from a lab partner, laughing his head off.

The next day, he comes home, and there's twenty messages on his machine. Twenty. Rick was the sort of person who never gets called... a few friends or family, and there's never been more than 3 on the line.

Call 1: "(silence) (click)"

Call 2: (female voice) "You're sick! (click)"

Call 3: (female voice) "Hi! I was just calling to hear your message... n'bye!"

And so on, and so on, and so on.

Next day, he goes to class. On a desk next to his is written "For a good time call (Rick's number)"

This continued on for about a week, and then petered out. But I still laugh about it, years later. And just to think, there's lots of people who went to FAU who might, if asked about "Mistress Scorpia," start laughing.


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