Tuesday, May 21, 2002

ok, I'm back, showered in both rain and hot water, shave... and have a smile on my face. Mentally clear and have the cobs brushed away.... but I'll still probably take that nap later.

I have a *lot* of tasty, healthful food... all my arms could carry. I don't feel guilty for using plastic bags because I was walking in the rain and recycle 'em anyhow, as kitchen trash or back at the market's recycling center... I'm delighted that this city uses a waste-to-energy program(opens in a new page) and recycles so much... no giant landfills here to deal with, and the resources are put to better use. (Heck, we even water the city grass with recycled wastewater... like spraying fertiliser on the stuff... the greenest grass around.

Back to rest and relaxation, dear journal.

Benefit of having been to the grocery store... looking at a full pantry, and saying "it all looks so good... what's for lunch?"

Here's what I made... (and I have enough left over for supper, too...)

Ginger Orange Tofu


  • Your favorite white rice recipe (plain), fully prepared.

  • 1 cup orange juice

  • Spinach, a small batch, rinsed and stems removed.

  • 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

  • Fresh ginger, julienned to measure 1/8 cup

  • 1/4 tsp. ground ginger powder.

  • 1 brick of tofu (non-silken), rinsed and cubed.

  • 2 tbsp. olive oil

  • Salt and pepper to taste.


In a non-stick fry-pan or wok, saute olive oil, tofu and garlic, keep stirring so as not to burn the garlic. As you are browning the tofu, add the fresh and powdered ginger, and the spinach. Depending on the portion, more olive oil may be necessary. Once lightly browned, pour in the orange juice, bringing down the heat, and reduce for five minutes. The idea is for the vegetables to absorb the juice flavor, so add more if necessary to retain a broth. Pour entire mixture over the bed of white rice. Enjoy!

Serves: 2

Preparation time: ~30 minutes, maybe a little more, if you're telling the cat to stay away from the burners.

Good walkies... and freshly scrubbed. The walk was nice... refreshing. I pictured Pterodactyls fighting the Goodyear blimp... both of which have to team up to destroy the enemy Atlanteans riding up the coast in their seawater-filled bubble-cars, brandishing tridents and speaking in their dolphin-like nattering tongue. They can't fool me. They don't know, but we can take 'em, when it comes down to brass tacks.

Dogs know you're a pod person... they *always* know. Fortunately, they're in on the joke.

and now, we pull back, zooming over Florida, and retreating to an outside shot of a snow-globe, totally ripping off Citizen Kane, but with the sound of sizzling fajitas in the background...until later, dear journal.


Wow.. what a groovy goodiebag from !!

A hand made washcloth was all I was expecting... but there were some newt-toys, a glow in the dark skull keychain, candy, cool danger stickers, a kazoo... Ahh.. wonderful, wonderful stuff.

Newt is currently wearing the cloth as a "horse blanket", and I think it'd make a swell cape, too, should he decide to fight crime with Lucille. Warm, stylish, and easily cleaned. supa-Noot!

Thank you so much!

totally unrelated....

My poor little database program is growing by freaky leaps and bounds....the dang thing has swollen to four megs (from 35k), and that's before the data is inserted... with data, it's about 16 gig. waaaaaay tooo freaky big... but it loads quickly, and does what's been asked of it, save for the three reports that I'm building now.... went from a simple 5 command interface to about 15 options with a bunch of sub-commands too... ack! My sweetheart compared it to the little monster you feed ONCE and only ONCE form the power puff girls... *grins*


Wow... major rain this morn, so much so that the walk will be curtailed until later.

Sun's peeking out just enough to light the room... which is just fine by me. Giving me a nap attack... I just might head back in for another hour or so.

John Ashcroft wants to know what you've been reading, and thanks to the USA Patriot act, he can supoena any library or bookstore and find out. It also places a gag order on the book dealer, prohibiting them from revealing that they or their customers (that's *you*) are being investigated. Yikes! Not like I'm guilty of anything, but I'm glad I keep my address different on all my silly "saver" cards. (I use 1600 pennsylvania avenue... ) But library books, too? They've got me there. I wonder if there'll be tagging of certain books as dangerous? I know I checked out the Anarchist's Cookbook on more than one occasion as a teen, and that one should surely shake a few cages, these days.

gratuitous newtcam shot

While working on a palette for my page, I got distracted via a nifty link.

Much cooler than Hot or Not. What's Better asks you to rate incongruous things. What's better, dumb donald (from fat albert) or a complete breakfast? moe howard or elmo? fabio or a nuclear explosion? swiss cheese or the color aqua? The Ropers or Slobodan Milosevic?

a sleestak halloween costume..

sleestak costume

the crusades?

the crusades?

Seriously. I could do this all day.

pictures from today's meeting...hover over the pic for minor commentary

evil chupacabra-finlander hybrid... truly a nightmare.

talked until I had to pop them in the nose... in my dream. see below.

talked into a stupor....sales folks make my head numb.

potty mouf.. murray can cuss like a sailor, if you let him!

hmmm... I can't seem to get my yahoo news to synch with the palm... the server must've been down. drat!

The catgrass that I sneak-planted out on the side of the house is *huge*! I think it grows about five times faster than the rest of the lawn...now I just have to tell some kitties about it so they'll have something to snack on.

On the topic of kitties... Newt has no idea how much damage I *could* do to him. I chase him around the house, and he turns and chases me back...he know's I wouldn't hurt him, so he's allowed to be the fierce hunter, and take me down like a caveman and a mastadon.

I need to get up extra early tomorrow.. followup at the docs... hopefully I can get some sports-therapy out of my back being naughty the other day. Once I find a good light-table, I'll take piccies of my MRI films and post them here.

supa-noot to the rescue!

On ground, night patrol, while Lucille gets some rest...

patrolling the counters....

and the alleyways...

bereft of his cape, newt must fight to the death with the multicolored evil flea.


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