Saturday, December 07, 2002

During my journey between home and work, I'm tooling down Andrews Ave, going at a good clip. The weather's nice and I have a healthy tailwind.

I scoot past a bench Just south of Oakland Park, and there is a clench of four fifteen- or sixteen-year-olds horsing around.

"Dude, I'm gonna jack your bike!" was bellowed out to me by a particularly rambunctious one...and then I ground to a halt, because I had arrived at the bus stop. Even before I dismounted, his friends could be quoted as saying "Oh, Shit... He's going to Jack you, now!" and he was pleading in a sad little whine..."I'm sorry... sorry.. please..." I don't think I have a mean face on... I smile, and say "No sweat... I'm just waiting for the bus, too. I'd be careful what I yell though.. there are a lot of psychos out there, y'know." Looked genuinely frightened, and apologized about three more times, to which I replied each time "No problem, it's cool". His friends, to their credit, didn't razz him too much, just sort of sat quietly during the ride.

I'm not *that* scary looking...he must've frightened himself more than I could. I hope my smile was taken as genuinely friendly, and not predatory. I think he was put at ease, some, but it was a quiet ride, considering there were so many teens aboard.

I wonder if he learned anything, or if he'll do that sort of stunt again in the future. I feel that he won't misbehave in that way again.

Fortunately, some of the "Little kids think I'm keeno" vibe at Mayah's birthday party a while back stuck... I don't like feeling like I'm just all about the intimidation.


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