What's on top of Your Computer?
My Monster Name is Demon Ooh, what a classic, your monster name is nice and simple; it’s demon. Demons keep themselves busy in the hell dimensions where they have reached popular acclaim by staring in Buffy and Angel. This new popularity has allowed the demons to expand their wardrobe out from the usual red skin, horns, tail and goat legs to a whole series of weird and wonderful suits. The Levenshtein distance between Newton and Demon is 3. |
Well, Red fur and a tail, anyhow. :)
My Monster Name is Ghost Ghosts are often spirits of people who can’t find rest in death. Having failed to fulfill an important task in life, ghosts find that they’re no more likely to fulfill this role in death either and so make do by floating around and scaring people. Telltale signs of a ghostly presence include a drop in temperature, the hairs on the back of your neck raising and people running away screaming “Ahhh! A ghost!” The Levenshtein distance between Scotto and Ghost is 4. |
Ghost is pretty accurate, these days... I like a cool room, and have been restless.
Brunching Shuttlecocks is no more. :( At least there are archives.
I've tried to explain to Danny that DSL would be the same price as normal Dial-up if he's going to get another line, but I don't think that it's sunk in. I'm not sure what part of "it costs the same, and is 50x faster" he doesn't understand. I suspect he's just not listening.
Looks like I'm back in the lj top 40 again.. I was out for a week, after being steady at 20/21 there since it's inception. I have no idea what booted me off, or who left so that I'd reappear at 20 again. I still only recognize maybe 5 journals on the list, and three of those are communities. I've got no idea how I went form 20, to off, to back at 20 again, without changing ranks...the top 40 would make more sense to me if I understood Google's ranking methods. Speaking of Google, they've added Google compute a mass cooperative information designed to help solve problems hit by distributed computing, like the old Seti@home site. This is even more handy, not as a screensaver but as just helping out. More info is available at folding@home. At one time at my last company, I had over a dozen machines with the screensaver running.
One of my vampire-spawn has vanished, leaving me with only 3 direct descendants. Liliana , mixedresults and LdySaphyre (sire of are all lasting quite nicely, though.
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