chest still a little congested and muscles sore from being flat on my back. I won't be doing much sitting, but I am tasked with walking around as well as laying down. Already looking forward to my first scalding shower on the 8th.
I have some nice goodies to help me mend up. and sent me two fine books from my wish list to read: Last Call and The Magician's Companion. Brother brought me Hellblazer: Damnation's Flame, too.
Also, the palm is resynched and recovered, so my ebooks have returned, as well. Good thing, because I'm still having trouble sleeping more than 45 min or so at a time.
Haven't moved bowels since surgery...hoping that'll happen sometime soon. I've been eating solid foods since midday Tuesday, so it should come to pass, soon.
Home from the hospital, and happy to be so. Thank you for all the kind wishes! More to follow when I can see straight.
I have some nice goodies to help me mend up.
Also, the palm is resynched and recovered, so my ebooks have returned, as well. Good thing, because I'm still having trouble sleeping more than 45 min or so at a time.
Home from the hospital, and happy to be so. Thank you for all the kind wishes! More to follow when I can see straight.

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