Today went well... a lot of nitnoids got set up, and I could get some good programming in as well. Built some custom reports for Kahuna and RI, and it looks like they'll be mighty handy in the grand scheme of things.. we got the new printer on the network today, too, and it's running really nicely. Newbie won't have to come downstairs anymore to steal somebody else's system in order to print, now. This morning's weather was cool again, but it got to the warm side later on. Still no letter from the bro. I'll grant myself until the weekend before I get too worried about it. RI seems to have been more in the groove today.. maybe because Kahuna is back tomorrow.
Newbie brought bagels in for her volunteer meeting and there was a sizable pile left over, so veggie spread and bagels were today's lunch-o-rama.
Time to start thinking about cutting up a gourd for the end of
Speaking of Halloween... Candy Corn Poll - feel free to answer in comments if you prefer.
Random Scotto factoids - The last person named Roy I knew personally had only three fingers on his right hand, was a bad businessman that hosed his friends, and would use the American Indian phrase "Aho!" as a term of greeting and general interjection. (I think he was more likely Native Irishman than American)
The last two guys I knew named Ray (Not Roy) were gamers. The last two guys I knew named Alex were also gamers. The Rays served as examples of nice, intelligent guys and good conversationalists. The Alexes were not.
The Last *four* guys Named Rick were gamers. (Well, or at least played in 'em. I don't know if Rick Clark is an actual "gamer" or just being social.)
Images Central: The Largest Comic book images database that I've seen.
oversized items.. or where batman villains get stuff.
Coolest name for an animal found so far today - The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a
Sex Gallery - may or may not be worksafe, depending on your boss.
a year ago - dsl flicker, Lauper Photo, Kelly and Lexie meow and poop, lincoln poll, House blessing
2 years ago - owies pass, odd news, took newt to work, werewolf (mafia) game, GPS factoid
3 years ago - Salty dog, slushies for lunch, CTD song, boycotts
Newbie brought bagels in for her volunteer meeting and there was a sizable pile left over, so veggie spread and bagels were today's lunch-o-rama.
Time to start thinking about cutting up a gourd for the end of

Speaking of Halloween... Candy Corn Poll - feel free to answer in comments if you prefer.
Random Scotto factoids - The last person named Roy I knew personally had only three fingers on his right hand, was a bad businessman that hosed his friends, and would use the American Indian phrase "Aho!" as a term of greeting and general interjection. (I think he was more likely Native Irishman than American)
The last two guys I knew named Ray (Not Roy) were gamers. The last two guys I knew named Alex were also gamers. The Rays served as examples of nice, intelligent guys and good conversationalists. The Alexes were not.
The Last *four* guys Named Rick were gamers. (Well, or at least played in 'em. I don't know if Rick Clark is an actual "gamer" or just being social.)
Images Central: The Largest Comic book images database that I've seen.
oversized items.. or where batman villains get stuff.
Coolest name for an animal found so far today - The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a
Sex Gallery - may or may not be worksafe, depending on your boss.
a year ago - dsl flicker, Lauper Photo, Kelly and Lexie meow and poop, lincoln poll, House blessing
2 years ago - owies pass, odd news, took newt to work, werewolf (mafia) game, GPS factoid
3 years ago - Salty dog, slushies for lunch, CTD song, boycotts
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