Talked to Danny earlier, and got to hear about his coming game with his students. It sounds like he's going to have a lot of fun... six players, one DM... First level party comprised primarily of Halflings and half-elves. Dan helped Julian with some plotting and mapping, so he knows a few "surprises that will be popping up in the course of the adventure...I think that helped his enthusiasm. He also assisted many of the players with character backstory and general fleshing out of the party. As it stands now, there's a rogue (Danny... going to multi-class with a ranger, I think), A pair of clerics (Each with bladed weapons.. is that allowed now?), a paladin, a fighter, and Ex-pirate Assassin-type turned good. They're going to go on an old-school cave/dungeon crawl Wednesday after school (Half-day for thanksgiving) until 5:30. I look forward to hearing how it goes... I'm Happy that he's found a little social gaming fun to squeeze into his burny-outie teaching schedule.
It looks like we'll not be going to his place for thanksgiving... instead, I think my brother and I will just spend some time together and get Chinese or Mexican, and give thanks that someone else is cooking, and maybe catch that seagoing flick. In other, related news, bro never returned for his TV today.
MmMM... Chocolate Braaaiiiins.
RE: What I've been watching on CSPAN2
Here's a way for seniors to express to Congress their displeasure with AARP for supporting this bill.
Also, if they are unsure, have them go here and click on their state. This is a report commissioned by the Institute For America's Future about how this bill would brutalize the Medicare system for each state.
Emergency Campaign to Save Medicare - Reports by State
I'll be the first to admit that I don't know enough about this bill, but I think that the first sign of a bad deal is the fact that it's getting rushed through without giving people any real time to go over all of it's details. And those that I HAVE seen I find disgusting.
The NYT's Paul Krugman on the bill, and AARP's stance
This is a good bill that will help every Medicare beneficiary," wrote Tom Scully, the Medicare administrator, in a letter to The New York Times defending the prescription drug bill. That's flatly untrue. (Are you surprised?) As the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities points out, the bill will force millions of beneficiaries to pay more for drugs, thanks to a provision that cuts off supplemental aid from Medicaid. Poorer recipients may find previously affordable drugs moving out of reach.
That's only one of a number of anti-retiree measures tucked away in the bill. It contains several Trojan horse provisions that are clearly intended to undermine Medicare over time — it will allow private insurers to cherry-pick healthy clients in selected cities, and it will heavily subsidize private plans competing with traditional Medicare. Meanwhile, the bill prohibits Medicare from using its bargaining power to cut drug prices; drug company stocks have soared since the bill's details became public.
Yet the bill has a good chance of passing, thanks to an endorsement from AARP, the retiree advocacy organization, which has already begun an expensive advertising campaign on the bill's behalf. What's going on?
Let's step back a minute. This is a bill with huge implications for the future of Medicare. It's also, at best, highly controversial. One might therefore have expected an advocacy group for retired Americans to take its time in responding — to make sure that major groups of retirees won't actually be hurt, and to poll its members to be sure that they are well informed about what the bill contains and don't object to it.
Instead, AARP has thrown its weight behind an effort to ram the bill through before Thanksgiving. And no, it's not urgent to get the bill passed so retirees can get immediate relief. The plan won't kick in until 2006 in any case, so no harm will be done if the nation takes some time to consider.
Many of AARP's members feel betrayed. The message boards at the organization's Web site have filled up with outraged posts. A number of those posts say something like this: "Now you're just an insurance company." Indeed, that may get to the heart of the matter.
Over the years AARP has become much more than an advocacy and service organization for older Americans. It receives more than $150 million each year in commissions on insurance, mutual funds and prescription drugs sold to its members.
And this Medicare bill is very friendly to insurance and drug companies. Senator John Breaux, one of only two Democrats who participated in negotiations over the bill, takes the controversy as a good sign: "No one got everything they wanted." But as Jonathan Cohn points out in The New Republic, drug and insurance companies got exactly what they wanted: no efforts to limit prices, generous subsidies and lots of additional business. For example, insurance companies that offer an alternative to Medicare will not only be able to pick and choose their customers, but will also get 30 percent more per client than the government spends on the average Medicare recipient.
So do AARP executives support this bill because they hope to share in the bounty? Maybe, but it probably runs deeper than that. Once an advocacy group becomes as much a business as a service organization, its executives are likely to start identifying more with industry interests than with the groups they are supposed to serve.
Thus it may seem odd on the surface that William Novelli, AARP's chief executive, wrote a glowing preface to Newt Gingrich's book on health care reform. After all, Mr. Gingrich has long advocated turning the administration of Medicare over to private companies — an unpopular idea, and also an expensive one (forget the cliches about inefficient government: private companies have much higher overhead than Medicare). But what looks like wasted money to taxpayers and retirees looks like opportunity to private providers. Enough said.
Am I being too cynical? How could I be? In case you haven't noticed, we live in a golden age of pork: the other big piece of legislation marching through Congress, the energy bill, makes the Smoot-Hawley tariff look like a classic of good government.
So it should come as no surprise that Medicare "reform" appears likely to be another triumph for the coalition of the bought-off — a coalition that, sadly, includes AARP.
really liked Master and Commander, which is a good sign, I'm likely to agree with his opinion on things of that nature.
Daniel Meadows- The Bus, before and after images between 1973 and 2001... I really like seeing the effects of time on people.
Oh, who can resist the Weekly World News? It never fails to make me grin. I'd get a subscription if the paper wasn't such an inky rag.

Brother came by, wanting to borrow "$35 to do laundry, and to get by until he's paid on Monday"... I told him that I couldn't help him with cash, but if he wanted soap, bleach and softener that I could hook him up. He then tried to bargain me down to $20, and then just $10 to do his wash. "Because he borrowed it from a guy" I told him to tell the guy that he gets paid on Monday, and will take care of him then... Like he said he'd take care of me. It hurt to have to say no, but the fact that he's communicating with his old cronies and showed up with a beer in his hand "that someone gave him" made it easier for me. He always smells of beer, when he comes by even though he claims that he's not a problem drinker. My reply to the was "If it's not a problem, I dare you to go until my birthday without having a drink... and if you do have a problem, you need to get it fixed". I think that he'll come back later for the TV of his that I'm storing here, in order to pawn it. I figure the whole reason he came down my way to "do laundry" was to try and hustle me for some funds. That's not going to happen any more. I'll give him supplies... laundry soap, detergent, etc, but I just can't validate giving him any money. I just won't support his habits or lack of forethought anymore. Dealing with Frankie recently has helped me to understand that I'm not doing my brother or myself any good by helping him to be an addict. I don't want to see him descend to Frankie's level as a result of my "assistance." So, that's got me a little cranky today. I love my brother, but I don't like what he's up to. I'm glad that I can rely on my sweetheart and Newt to bring good thoughts.
There are some who call me Kareem Adel Jabbar (No relation to basketball players)
Scotto's Dirty little secret of the day - I'm fascinated watching the U.S. Senate debate on legislation on C-Span 2 right now. A place where people can still use the term "boondoggle" multiple times in serious conversation. (I still think of that as a Boy Scout reference when I hear it.) Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) seems to be a voice of reason, questioning elements of Dick Durbin's (D-IL) statements about drug companies, Medicare, HMOs and seniors. (Medicare Prescription Drug plan).. Basically a Big sloppy Kiss to the Insurance industry, and harsh to folks on Medicare. It's nice to see folks arguing for a social motive, rather than a profit least on the face of things. I really like folks that can think on their feet, rather than just delivering a canned speech, too.
It occurs to me that I have no idea where my blue dice bag & dice are. I've got some assorted 6-siders in boxed games, or with my minis, but the big blue bag has been packed away since I moved here. I could guess at the location, but don't know for sure.
I had a crick in my right side, probably from over exerting myself on the stretching this morning, but I'm feeling better now.
Geek moment: The person I was most sad to see go as a result of Crisis was Clayface (Matt Hagan) . (Even more than The Flash or Supergirl.) I was really happy to see him back on the Batman Cartoon.
Wow... 40 years ago, JFK in Dallas. I was born after the fact, so it seems like it's ancient history, not so recent.
Human Oddities
Wonderful composite of Moon and Sun via

You are water. You're not really organic; you're
neither acidic nor basic, yet you're an acid
and a base at the same time. You're strong
willed and opinionated, but relaxed and ready
to flow. So while you often seem worthless,
without you, everything would just not work.
People should definitely drink more of you
every day.
Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Vary one answer, where I was sitting on the fence, and I get -

You are DNA. You're a smart person, and you appear
incredibly complex to people who don't know
you. You're incomparably full of information,
and most of it is useless.
Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Having trouble toddling off to sleep tonight, so I'll just type-type until I feel the desire to kick back and relax or read in a horizontal position.. My workout has some stretches that feel great. My favorite is one when I lay on my stomach and use a belt or sheet to bend my leg out and back behind me... the stretch is easy to do, and I can feel a very palpable difference. The only hazard is that Newt likes to come visit and play while I'm doing it, so I'm easily distracted..I end up losing count or the beat, and having to restart again later. He's very fond of taking a swat at the ponytail or one of my mitts, and he's too cute to turn down.
Well, in other news, the mother takes off for her Thanksgiving week cruise on Monday.... they'll be out to sea until Saturday night. I'm glad that she and her husband get to travels so much, and see the world, even if they're not really retired. They do it so much, though, that I'm likely to call it "retired-ish".
Had a gab with the Bro for a bit yesterday, and I've got confirmation that he's talked to Mike and Andy a bit lately, which is disappointing, but not surprising. I have to call Danny up, and see if having the brother along is ok, or see if Bro and I will do something non-traditional for dinner, instead. I'd like to be there to help spare Danny the "deal with family alone" stress, too.
Went and looked up the word "top" (like a dreidel) just to find out what it's the top of...I was guessing it was a mutation of the word "tip" since it balances on a point. Nothing so unusual. Top comes from the old English toye, meaning plaything. Sometimes my quest for the rest of the story stops pretty quickly.
Cat in the Hat is getting EL STINKEROO reviews... Well, that's too bad. Looks like Elf is the runaway hit this go-round. There's always Master and Commander, too.
I'm surprised how good South park was last night. (All About Mormons?) They basically punched holes in the Mormon belief system and then turned it around at the end. Something that I've always liked about the show is that when it's good, nobody gets away without a mark. Nobody's perfect.... what's more, they don't have to be.
Last bit:
Handy Dandy guide to DC "Earths"
Earth-Zero - Post Crisis Earth
Earth-One: Young Heroes (Contemporary Superman, Batman, Justice League, The Shadow, Doc Savage)
Earth-One A: The Superfriends
Earth-Two: Old Heroes (Superman / Batman from the 40s- Justice Society no Superboy)
Earth-Two A: Stuff between Golden and Silver Age that aren't specifically Earth-One or Two (Earth-E?), Earth-Two-period Superboy Stories
Earth-Three: Crime Syndicate - Evil Mirror Earth (Ultraman, Power Ring, etc)
Earth-Four: Charlton Comics (Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Judomaster)
Earth-Five: Appeared in the Crisis?
Earth-Six: Lady Quark - Don't know much about this one.
Earth-Twelve: Inferior five, Funny Animals, Jerry Lewis Comics, Has Versions of Plastic Man, Supes, WW, and the Flash)
Earth-Fourteen: Some Purple Butterfly in Animal Man
Earth-Seventeen: Overman, etc - More Grant Morrison
Earth-A: New Earth Created via Johnny Thunder, changed the JLA origin, created "Lawless League"
Earth-B: Batman Starting in WWII, Had a Brother named Thomas, Green Arrow recovers his fortune, Catwoman is a murderer, mostly like earth-one
Earth-C:Captain Carrot & The Zoo Crew, old national Funny Characters
Earth-C minus: Captain Carrot of Earth-C was originally a comic book artist who worked on a comic called the JLA (Just a Lot of Animals), this Earth is the settings for those comics.
Earth-D: the only Earth added officially to the Multiverse after the end of the CRISIS crossover - Same as Earth Five of Six? Justice Alliance of America, Flash of Earth-D who was inspired to become the Flash after reading the exploits of Barry Allen in comic books.
Earth-E: Its role was to deal with the "Super-Sons" series. Ugh. I'm glad this one blew up.
Earth-K: Kamandi's Future post-apocalyptic World. Possibly Earth-One, later on.
Earth-S: Fawcett Comics(Captain Marvel & Family)
Earth-X: Quality Comics (Uncle Sam, Blackhawks, The Ray) WWII won by Nazis.
Earth-Crossover (Where DC & Marvel Comics combine)
Earth-Fox (Later absorbed and merged with Earth-Four (Blue Beetle, Phantom Lady)
Earth-Marble (DC parody of Marvel comics)
Earth-Mirror (Variation on Earth-Three, Flash specific; Rogues are Heroes)
Earth-Prime: The "Real World" Right here. Superheros are published in Comics (and sometimes visit by crossing from other Earths)
Earth-Quality (Similar to Earth-X, but Freedom Fighters never formed, Has a Kid Eternity, Like Earth-S)
Earth-Warren (Creepy, Eerie & Vampierella, Monster Comics)
Something Awful's Photoshop Phriday - Comic Book covers Some good, some not.
Shrunken Head Gallery (I may've linked to this before)
Design your own police car
Mood CD's to make when I get the time/inclination (a la Octane)
CD 1 - Punk
01. Husker Du - New Day Rising [2:34]
02. Social Distortion - The Creeps [2:02]
03. Social Distortion - Mommy's Little Monster [3:35]
04. Social Distortion - Under My Thumb [1:59]
05. AFI - Kung-Fu Devil [2:12]
06. Black Flag - White Minority [1:02]
07. Bad Religion - Better Off Dead [2:39]
08. GBH - Am I Dead Yet [2:31]
09. The Clash - I Fought The Law [2:25]
10. 45 Grave - Fucked by the Devil [3:02]
11. 45 Grave - Surf Bat [1:58]
12. X - Breathless [2:14]
13. X - The Have Nots [4:45]
14. X - Johnny Hit And Run Paulene [2:51]
15. Cramps - Can Your Pussy Do The Dog [3:19]
16. Cramps - Bikini Girls with Machine Guns [3:18]
17. Dead Milkmen - Surfing Cow [3:32]
18. Dead Milkmen - Punk Rock Girl [2:38]
19. Ramones - Sheena Is A Punk Rocker [2:46]
20. Ramones - Rockaway Beach [2:03]
21. Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The UK [3:31]
22. Sex Pistols - (I'm Not Your) Stepping Stone [3:06]
23. Cock Sparrer - Droogs Dont Run [2:53]
24. The Kinks - Lola [4:01]
CD 2 - Surf
01. Dick Dale - Misirlou [2:29]
02. Duane Eddy - Rebel Rouser [2:24]
03. The Stingrays - Larry's Got A Longboard [3:00]
04. Chantays - Pipeline [2:19]
05. The Ventures - Out Of Limits [2:15]
06. The Ventures - Walk don't run [2:06]
07. The Ventures - Telstar [2:47]
08. The Ventures - Perfidia [2:05]
09. The Ventures - Guitar Twist [2:18]
10. The Ventures - Ghost Riders In The Sky [2:29]
11. The Ventures - Tequila [2:13]
12. The Ventures - Guitar Boogie Shuffle [2:34]
13. The Ventures - Cruel Sea [2:21]
14. Lively Ones - Surf Rider [3:19]
15. The Phantom Surfers & Davie Al - Sheena Was A Punk Rocker [2:30]
16. The Trashmen - I'm Not Your Steppin' Stone [2:39]
17. The Red Elvises - Rocketman [3:10]
18. Red Elvises - 200 Flying Girls (Rocketman's [3:39]
19. Six-String Samurai - The Great Battle [2:46]
20. Dave Baby Cortez - Happy Organ [2:01]
21. The Blues Brothers - Peter Gunn Theme [3:48]
22. Buddy Holly and The Crickets - Rave On [1:47]
23. Quicksilver Messenger Service - How You Love [2:45]
24. Quicksilver Messenger Service - Gold And Silver [6:44]
25. Quicksilver Messenger Service - Shady Grove [3:01]
CD 3 - Roadhouse
01. The Doors - Hello, I Love You [2:15]
02. The Doors - Touch me [3:12]
03. The Doors - Love Her Madly [3:20]
04. The Doors - Five To One [4:26]
05. The Doors - Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar) [3:16]
06. The Doors - Break On Through (To The Other Side) [2:29]
07. Sam The Sham and the Pharaohs - Lil' Red Riding Hood [2:41]
08. Alabama3 - Woke Up This Morning [4:05]
09. Alabama3 - Mansion On The hill [3:00]
10. Alabama3 - Sister Rosetta [6:43]
11. Elvis Presley - Lot of Living to Do [2:33]
12. Little Richard - Keep A-Knocking [2:18]
13. Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride [4:28]
14. Yardbirds - Over Under Sideways Down [2:21]
15. Yardbirds - For Your Love [2:29]
16. Ramones- The KKK Took my Baby Away [2:32]
17. Ramones - Rockaway Beach [2:03]
18. Ramones - Sheena Is A Punk Rocker [2:46]
19. The Trashmen - Ghost Riders In The Sky [2:47]
20. Allman Brothers - Midnight Rider [2:57]
21. Gene Pitney - Man who Shot Liberty Valance [2:59]
22. Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire [2:34]
23. Los Lobos - La Bamba [2:19]
24. Wall of Voodoo - Mexican Radio [4:08]
25. Mexican Rocky Horror Cast - El Baille Del Sapos [3:54]
CD 4 - Rock
01. Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes [1:13]
02. Elvis Presley - Blue Moon of Kentucky [2:02]
03. Elvis Presley - Big Boss Man [2:52]
04. Elvis Presley - Burnin' Love[2:56]
05. Elvis Presley - Marie's the Name [2:10]
06. Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel [2:11]
07. Elvis Presley - I Got A Woman [2:25]
08. Elvis Presley - My Baby Left Me [2:12]
09. Elvis Presley - Hard Headed Woman [1:56]
10. Elvis Presley - Suspicion [2:35]
11. Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds [4:30]
12. Buddy Holly - Maybe Baby [2:04]
13. Buddy Holly - That'll be the day [2:28]
14. Buddy Holly - (You're So Square) Baby, I Don't Care [6:59]
15. The Kinks - All Day And All Of The Night [2:25]
16. The Troggs - Wild Thing [2:39]
17. The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love [2:10]
18. The Beatles - We Can Work It Out [2:16]
19. The Beatles - Nowhere Man [2:44]
20. The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby [2:04]
21. The Beatles - You've Got To Hide Your Love A [2:11]
22. The Beatles - Abbey Road [4:20]
23. Molly Hatchet - Flirtin' With Disaster [4:59]
24. Outsiders - Time Won't Let Me [2:50]
25. Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen [4:04]
Let's see what I was up to in history -
1 year ago - classic kids audio books, history, forms in LJ work, goodbye to work-Pam, Mojo has a hissy fit vs Bonbon/Kev
2 years ago - beatnik, thanksgiving, harry potter quiz, wandering
3 years ago - thanksgiving
Ok, time to hit the sack. Hopefully sleep will come quickly. Until later, dear journal!
It looks like we'll not be going to his place for thanksgiving... instead, I think my brother and I will just spend some time together and get Chinese or Mexican, and give thanks that someone else is cooking, and maybe catch that seagoing flick. In other, related news, bro never returned for his TV today.
MmMM... Chocolate Braaaiiiins.
RE: What I've been watching on CSPAN2
Here's a way for seniors to express to Congress their displeasure with AARP for supporting this bill.
Also, if they are unsure, have them go here and click on their state. This is a report commissioned by the Institute For America's Future about how this bill would brutalize the Medicare system for each state.
Emergency Campaign to Save Medicare - Reports by State
I'll be the first to admit that I don't know enough about this bill, but I think that the first sign of a bad deal is the fact that it's getting rushed through without giving people any real time to go over all of it's details. And those that I HAVE seen I find disgusting.
The NYT's Paul Krugman on the bill, and AARP's stance
This is a good bill that will help every Medicare beneficiary," wrote Tom Scully, the Medicare administrator, in a letter to The New York Times defending the prescription drug bill. That's flatly untrue. (Are you surprised?) As the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities points out, the bill will force millions of beneficiaries to pay more for drugs, thanks to a provision that cuts off supplemental aid from Medicaid. Poorer recipients may find previously affordable drugs moving out of reach.
That's only one of a number of anti-retiree measures tucked away in the bill. It contains several Trojan horse provisions that are clearly intended to undermine Medicare over time — it will allow private insurers to cherry-pick healthy clients in selected cities, and it will heavily subsidize private plans competing with traditional Medicare. Meanwhile, the bill prohibits Medicare from using its bargaining power to cut drug prices; drug company stocks have soared since the bill's details became public.
Yet the bill has a good chance of passing, thanks to an endorsement from AARP, the retiree advocacy organization, which has already begun an expensive advertising campaign on the bill's behalf. What's going on?
Let's step back a minute. This is a bill with huge implications for the future of Medicare. It's also, at best, highly controversial. One might therefore have expected an advocacy group for retired Americans to take its time in responding — to make sure that major groups of retirees won't actually be hurt, and to poll its members to be sure that they are well informed about what the bill contains and don't object to it.
Instead, AARP has thrown its weight behind an effort to ram the bill through before Thanksgiving. And no, it's not urgent to get the bill passed so retirees can get immediate relief. The plan won't kick in until 2006 in any case, so no harm will be done if the nation takes some time to consider.
Many of AARP's members feel betrayed. The message boards at the organization's Web site have filled up with outraged posts. A number of those posts say something like this: "Now you're just an insurance company." Indeed, that may get to the heart of the matter.
Over the years AARP has become much more than an advocacy and service organization for older Americans. It receives more than $150 million each year in commissions on insurance, mutual funds and prescription drugs sold to its members.
And this Medicare bill is very friendly to insurance and drug companies. Senator John Breaux, one of only two Democrats who participated in negotiations over the bill, takes the controversy as a good sign: "No one got everything they wanted." But as Jonathan Cohn points out in The New Republic, drug and insurance companies got exactly what they wanted: no efforts to limit prices, generous subsidies and lots of additional business. For example, insurance companies that offer an alternative to Medicare will not only be able to pick and choose their customers, but will also get 30 percent more per client than the government spends on the average Medicare recipient.
So do AARP executives support this bill because they hope to share in the bounty? Maybe, but it probably runs deeper than that. Once an advocacy group becomes as much a business as a service organization, its executives are likely to start identifying more with industry interests than with the groups they are supposed to serve.
Thus it may seem odd on the surface that William Novelli, AARP's chief executive, wrote a glowing preface to Newt Gingrich's book on health care reform. After all, Mr. Gingrich has long advocated turning the administration of Medicare over to private companies — an unpopular idea, and also an expensive one (forget the cliches about inefficient government: private companies have much higher overhead than Medicare). But what looks like wasted money to taxpayers and retirees looks like opportunity to private providers. Enough said.
Am I being too cynical? How could I be? In case you haven't noticed, we live in a golden age of pork: the other big piece of legislation marching through Congress, the energy bill, makes the Smoot-Hawley tariff look like a classic of good government.
So it should come as no surprise that Medicare "reform" appears likely to be another triumph for the coalition of the bought-off — a coalition that, sadly, includes AARP.
Daniel Meadows- The Bus, before and after images between 1973 and 2001... I really like seeing the effects of time on people.
Oh, who can resist the Weekly World News? It never fails to make me grin. I'd get a subscription if the paper wasn't such an inky rag.

There are some who call me Kareem Adel Jabbar (No relation to basketball players)
Scotto's Dirty little secret of the day - I'm fascinated watching the U.S. Senate debate on legislation on C-Span 2 right now. A place where people can still use the term "boondoggle" multiple times in serious conversation. (I still think of that as a Boy Scout reference when I hear it.) Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) seems to be a voice of reason, questioning elements of Dick Durbin's (D-IL) statements about drug companies, Medicare, HMOs and seniors. (Medicare Prescription Drug plan).. Basically a Big sloppy Kiss to the Insurance industry, and harsh to folks on Medicare. It's nice to see folks arguing for a social motive, rather than a profit least on the face of things. I really like folks that can think on their feet, rather than just delivering a canned speech, too.
It occurs to me that I have no idea where my blue dice bag & dice are. I've got some assorted 6-siders in boxed games, or with my minis, but the big blue bag has been packed away since I moved here. I could guess at the location, but don't know for sure.
I had a crick in my right side, probably from over exerting myself on the stretching this morning, but I'm feeling better now.
Geek moment: The person I was most sad to see go as a result of Crisis was Clayface (Matt Hagan) . (Even more than The Flash or Supergirl.) I was really happy to see him back on the Batman Cartoon.
Wow... 40 years ago, JFK in Dallas. I was born after the fact, so it seems like it's ancient history, not so recent.
Human Oddities
Wonderful composite of Moon and Sun via

You are water. You're not really organic; you're
neither acidic nor basic, yet you're an acid
and a base at the same time. You're strong
willed and opinionated, but relaxed and ready
to flow. So while you often seem worthless,
without you, everything would just not work.
People should definitely drink more of you
every day.
Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Vary one answer, where I was sitting on the fence, and I get -

You are DNA. You're a smart person, and you appear
incredibly complex to people who don't know
you. You're incomparably full of information,
and most of it is useless.
Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Well, in other news, the mother takes off for her Thanksgiving week cruise on Monday.... they'll be out to sea until Saturday night. I'm glad that she and her husband get to travels so much, and see the world, even if they're not really retired. They do it so much, though, that I'm likely to call it "retired-ish".
Had a gab with the Bro for a bit yesterday, and I've got confirmation that he's talked to Mike and Andy a bit lately, which is disappointing, but not surprising. I have to call Danny up, and see if having the brother along is ok, or see if Bro and I will do something non-traditional for dinner, instead. I'd like to be there to help spare Danny the "deal with family alone" stress, too.
Went and looked up the word "top" (like a dreidel) just to find out what it's the top of...I was guessing it was a mutation of the word "tip" since it balances on a point. Nothing so unusual. Top comes from the old English toye, meaning plaything. Sometimes my quest for the rest of the story stops pretty quickly.
Cat in the Hat is getting EL STINKEROO reviews... Well, that's too bad. Looks like Elf is the runaway hit this go-round. There's always Master and Commander, too.
I'm surprised how good South park was last night. (All About Mormons?) They basically punched holes in the Mormon belief system and then turned it around at the end. Something that I've always liked about the show is that when it's good, nobody gets away without a mark. Nobody's perfect.... what's more, they don't have to be.
Last bit:
"Look, maybe us Mormons do believe in crazy stories that make absolutely no sense, and maybe Joseph Smith did make it all up, but I have a great life. and a great family, and I have the Book of Mormon to thank for that. The truth is, I don't care if Joseph Smith made it all up, because what the church teaches now is loving your family, being nice and helping people. And even though people in this town might think that's stupid, I still choose to believe in it. All I ever did was try to be your friend, Stan, but you're so high and mighty you couldn't look past my religion and just be my friend back. You've got a lot of growing up to do, buddy. Suck my balls."I'm not a Mormon...*very* far from it, in fact....but I can get behind that sentiment.
Handy Dandy guide to DC "Earths"
Earth-Zero - Post Crisis Earth
Earth-One: Young Heroes (Contemporary Superman, Batman, Justice League, The Shadow, Doc Savage)
Earth-One A: The Superfriends
Earth-Two: Old Heroes (Superman / Batman from the 40s- Justice Society no Superboy)
Earth-Two A: Stuff between Golden and Silver Age that aren't specifically Earth-One or Two (Earth-E?), Earth-Two-period Superboy Stories
Earth-Three: Crime Syndicate - Evil Mirror Earth (Ultraman, Power Ring, etc)
Earth-Four: Charlton Comics (Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Judomaster)
Earth-Five: Appeared in the Crisis?
Earth-Six: Lady Quark - Don't know much about this one.
Earth-Twelve: Inferior five, Funny Animals, Jerry Lewis Comics, Has Versions of Plastic Man, Supes, WW, and the Flash)
Earth-Fourteen: Some Purple Butterfly in Animal Man
Earth-Seventeen: Overman, etc - More Grant Morrison
Earth-A: New Earth Created via Johnny Thunder, changed the JLA origin, created "Lawless League"
Earth-B: Batman Starting in WWII, Had a Brother named Thomas, Green Arrow recovers his fortune, Catwoman is a murderer, mostly like earth-one
Earth-C:Captain Carrot & The Zoo Crew, old national Funny Characters
Earth-C minus: Captain Carrot of Earth-C was originally a comic book artist who worked on a comic called the JLA (Just a Lot of Animals), this Earth is the settings for those comics.
Earth-D: the only Earth added officially to the Multiverse after the end of the CRISIS crossover - Same as Earth Five of Six? Justice Alliance of America, Flash of Earth-D who was inspired to become the Flash after reading the exploits of Barry Allen in comic books.
Earth-E: Its role was to deal with the "Super-Sons" series. Ugh. I'm glad this one blew up.
Earth-K: Kamandi's Future post-apocalyptic World. Possibly Earth-One, later on.
Earth-S: Fawcett Comics(Captain Marvel & Family)
Earth-X: Quality Comics (Uncle Sam, Blackhawks, The Ray) WWII won by Nazis.
Earth-Crossover (Where DC & Marvel Comics combine)
Earth-Fox (Later absorbed and merged with Earth-Four (Blue Beetle, Phantom Lady)
Earth-Marble (DC parody of Marvel comics)
Earth-Mirror (Variation on Earth-Three, Flash specific; Rogues are Heroes)
Earth-Prime: The "Real World" Right here. Superheros are published in Comics (and sometimes visit by crossing from other Earths)
Earth-Quality (Similar to Earth-X, but Freedom Fighters never formed, Has a Kid Eternity, Like Earth-S)
Earth-Warren (Creepy, Eerie & Vampierella, Monster Comics)
Something Awful's Photoshop Phriday - Comic Book covers Some good, some not.
Shrunken Head Gallery (I may've linked to this before)
Design your own police car
Mood CD's to make when I get the time/inclination (a la Octane)
CD 1 - Punk
01. Husker Du - New Day Rising [2:34]
02. Social Distortion - The Creeps [2:02]
03. Social Distortion - Mommy's Little Monster [3:35]
04. Social Distortion - Under My Thumb [1:59]
05. AFI - Kung-Fu Devil [2:12]
06. Black Flag - White Minority [1:02]
07. Bad Religion - Better Off Dead [2:39]
08. GBH - Am I Dead Yet [2:31]
09. The Clash - I Fought The Law [2:25]
10. 45 Grave - Fucked by the Devil [3:02]
11. 45 Grave - Surf Bat [1:58]
12. X - Breathless [2:14]
13. X - The Have Nots [4:45]
14. X - Johnny Hit And Run Paulene [2:51]
15. Cramps - Can Your Pussy Do The Dog [3:19]
16. Cramps - Bikini Girls with Machine Guns [3:18]
17. Dead Milkmen - Surfing Cow [3:32]
18. Dead Milkmen - Punk Rock Girl [2:38]
19. Ramones - Sheena Is A Punk Rocker [2:46]
20. Ramones - Rockaway Beach [2:03]
21. Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The UK [3:31]
22. Sex Pistols - (I'm Not Your) Stepping Stone [3:06]
23. Cock Sparrer - Droogs Dont Run [2:53]
24. The Kinks - Lola [4:01]
CD 2 - Surf
01. Dick Dale - Misirlou [2:29]
02. Duane Eddy - Rebel Rouser [2:24]
03. The Stingrays - Larry's Got A Longboard [3:00]
04. Chantays - Pipeline [2:19]
05. The Ventures - Out Of Limits [2:15]
06. The Ventures - Walk don't run [2:06]
07. The Ventures - Telstar [2:47]
08. The Ventures - Perfidia [2:05]
09. The Ventures - Guitar Twist [2:18]
10. The Ventures - Ghost Riders In The Sky [2:29]
11. The Ventures - Tequila [2:13]
12. The Ventures - Guitar Boogie Shuffle [2:34]
13. The Ventures - Cruel Sea [2:21]
14. Lively Ones - Surf Rider [3:19]
15. The Phantom Surfers & Davie Al - Sheena Was A Punk Rocker [2:30]
16. The Trashmen - I'm Not Your Steppin' Stone [2:39]
17. The Red Elvises - Rocketman [3:10]
18. Red Elvises - 200 Flying Girls (Rocketman's [3:39]
19. Six-String Samurai - The Great Battle [2:46]
20. Dave Baby Cortez - Happy Organ [2:01]
21. The Blues Brothers - Peter Gunn Theme [3:48]
22. Buddy Holly and The Crickets - Rave On [1:47]
23. Quicksilver Messenger Service - How You Love [2:45]
24. Quicksilver Messenger Service - Gold And Silver [6:44]
25. Quicksilver Messenger Service - Shady Grove [3:01]
CD 3 - Roadhouse
01. The Doors - Hello, I Love You [2:15]
02. The Doors - Touch me [3:12]
03. The Doors - Love Her Madly [3:20]
04. The Doors - Five To One [4:26]
05. The Doors - Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar) [3:16]
06. The Doors - Break On Through (To The Other Side) [2:29]
07. Sam The Sham and the Pharaohs - Lil' Red Riding Hood [2:41]
08. Alabama3 - Woke Up This Morning [4:05]
09. Alabama3 - Mansion On The hill [3:00]
10. Alabama3 - Sister Rosetta [6:43]
11. Elvis Presley - Lot of Living to Do [2:33]
12. Little Richard - Keep A-Knocking [2:18]
13. Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride [4:28]
14. Yardbirds - Over Under Sideways Down [2:21]
15. Yardbirds - For Your Love [2:29]
16. Ramones- The KKK Took my Baby Away [2:32]
17. Ramones - Rockaway Beach [2:03]
18. Ramones - Sheena Is A Punk Rocker [2:46]
19. The Trashmen - Ghost Riders In The Sky [2:47]
20. Allman Brothers - Midnight Rider [2:57]
21. Gene Pitney - Man who Shot Liberty Valance [2:59]
22. Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire [2:34]
23. Los Lobos - La Bamba [2:19]
24. Wall of Voodoo - Mexican Radio [4:08]
25. Mexican Rocky Horror Cast - El Baille Del Sapos [3:54]
CD 4 - Rock
01. Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes [1:13]
02. Elvis Presley - Blue Moon of Kentucky [2:02]
03. Elvis Presley - Big Boss Man [2:52]
04. Elvis Presley - Burnin' Love[2:56]
05. Elvis Presley - Marie's the Name [2:10]
06. Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel [2:11]
07. Elvis Presley - I Got A Woman [2:25]
08. Elvis Presley - My Baby Left Me [2:12]
09. Elvis Presley - Hard Headed Woman [1:56]
10. Elvis Presley - Suspicion [2:35]
11. Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds [4:30]
12. Buddy Holly - Maybe Baby [2:04]
13. Buddy Holly - That'll be the day [2:28]
14. Buddy Holly - (You're So Square) Baby, I Don't Care [6:59]
15. The Kinks - All Day And All Of The Night [2:25]
16. The Troggs - Wild Thing [2:39]
17. The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love [2:10]
18. The Beatles - We Can Work It Out [2:16]
19. The Beatles - Nowhere Man [2:44]
20. The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby [2:04]
21. The Beatles - You've Got To Hide Your Love A [2:11]
22. The Beatles - Abbey Road [4:20]
23. Molly Hatchet - Flirtin' With Disaster [4:59]
24. Outsiders - Time Won't Let Me [2:50]
25. Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen [4:04]
Let's see what I was up to in history -
1 year ago - classic kids audio books, history, forms in LJ work, goodbye to work-Pam, Mojo has a hissy fit vs Bonbon/Kev
2 years ago - beatnik, thanksgiving, harry potter quiz, wandering
3 years ago - thanksgiving
Ok, time to hit the sack. Hopefully sleep will come quickly. Until later, dear journal!
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