Waiting at the The Doctor's today was a bit of a bugaboo... but I did get a lot of reading done and a little cat-nap in, to boot.
The Battle of Megiddo - Sunday, Dec. 7 8 p.m. and midnight ET/PT
Tomb Robbers Sunday, Dec. 7 - 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. ET/PT
The Priests of Amun Monday, Dec. 8 - 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET/PT
The Cult of the Apis Bull Monday, Dec. 8 - 9 p.m. and midnight ET/PT
Ancient Egyptians
This four-part docu-drama will be narrated by Jeremy Sisto from HBO's Six Feet Under.
The Battle of Megiddo
The struggle that gave birth to an empire.
May 19, 1458 B.C. — A rebel Syrian warlord challenges the might of Egypt. On a plain below the city of Megiddo, the two greatest armies the ancient world has ever seen prepare to fight. The fate of Egypt lies in the hands of its young pharaoh, who has never before seen battle. This is a true story. The chronicle of this epic struggle was carved into the stone walls of the temple of Karnak over 3,500 years ago. It records how a pampered prince was transformed by war — and turned his kingdom into an empire. He became Egypt's greatest warrior pharaoh, Tuthmosis III.
Tomb Robbers
The great tomb-robbing scandal of the 20th Dynasty
October 1111 B.C. — The holy city of Thebes is rocked by scandal. The tombs of the pharaohs are being plundered of priceless treasure. A laborer called Amenpanufer is arrested for tomb robbery and tortured. Three thousand years later, the records of his trial still survive. But this is no ordinary criminal case. It's the true story of the greatest tomb-robbing scandal in Egypt's history. The poor quarryman is just a fall guy, hauled in to cover up a web of lies and corruption — but he knows enough to bring down the most powerful men in Egypt.
The Priests of Amun
The greatest tragedy of ancient Egypt's Renaissance
March 632 B.C. — In the temple of Teudjoi in Middle Egypt, a group of priests gather to plot a murder. For decades, they've suffered under the brutal reign of a powerful outsider, Petiese, the cousin of Egypt's new pharaoh. Now the time has come for revenge against his unsuspecting family: his daughter, son-in-law and their two young boys. The story of this tragic family saga has survived for 2,500 years. Set against the backdrop of a nation in turmoil, it's the story of a 30-year feud that tears apart a city and brings down one of the most powerful dynasties in Egypt.
The Cult of the Apis Bull
Murder, betrayal and decadence in Egypt's dying days
Egypt, 164 B.C. — A bull that is worshipped as a God dies. Two children, twin girls, are plucked from poverty to become virgin priestesses of the Apis Bull cult. Their mother has abandoned them, and their father has been murdered. As handmaidens to the dead bull, they may be saved from a life of poverty and prostitution — but not if their mother has her way. The true story of the sacred twins is told in a letter they wrote to the pharaoh over 2,000 years ago. It's a tragic tale of greed and betrayal that unfolds in the shadowy underworld of the great temple city of Saqqara in the last decades of the Egyptian empire.
Taking a page from
- Newton
- Noodle
- Nudist
- Nudie Bar
- Newton J Fuzzbutton
- Newtie-bear
- Orange Boy
- Fuzz-Face
- Stripey Boy
- Son
- Furburger
- Fluffy Monkey
- Turd Fergerson (if he makes a stinky poop)
- Pooper McDumpsalot - see above
I'm going to have to get on the stick, and place my Amazon orders soon, if I want them to get to the destinations by Christmas. I'm fortunate that I can get a good amount of my shopping done without leaving the house... a pity that Danny doesn't have a wish list, but I usually buy him local events rather than ranged gifts.
Gold Rush Games sent me a pre-release version of The Dragon's Gate: San Angelo's Chinatown sourcebook, on the condition that I review it (and mention that it is in fact a pre-release version, that I don't distribute the file anywhere else.. standard legalisms.) More about San Angelo is at sacoh.com. It's 128 pages, so it'll take a day to digest, and another two to sniff out the pros and cons, I think.
Speaking of which, I picked up the pdf of Darwin's World 2.0 for d20, and it looks like a lot of fun. (and it's far better edited, readable and generally of use than the current Gamma World sounds) I wonder what a post-apocalyptic Chinatown would have as a blend of the two? I think the classic mix of Golden age or an old west game would be a lot more suitable.
Wrigley's "Grapermelon" gum sounds nasty...and 7-11 supposedly has a slurpee of the same flavor. "Limafootstankbeans" seems as palatable.
Hmm... where is that Egyptian Special Dec 7? The closest thing I can find is Nubia: The Forgotten Kingdom (Which looks cool, but is on Wednesday, the 10th.) I imagine I can wait, but don't want to miss if there's something else nifty coming up too.
Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well. Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working. Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation. |
Find the Megan's Law registrants in your neighborhood.
In accordance with Megan's Law and The Jacob Wetterling Act, all 50 states are required to register sex offenders and perform community notification. Many states have browseable, alphabetical lists, with their names, pictures, addresses, and crimes.
This Antique Christmas Lights site has old lights indexed by decades.
Like a digital clock, the digital sundial displays the current time using digits. In the true tradition of all sundials, the device is purely passive - it operates without electricity, and has no moving parts. Instead, the sunlight is cast through two cleverly designed masks in the shape of numbers that show the current time of day.
Animal Vegetable Video outfitting animals & plants with helmet-mounted video cameras worldwide Slow, but nifty site.
I like the Hilton sisters. Not the ones in current events... the Siamese twins.
Blog survey results from The Blog Search Engine
The Blog Search Engine held a survey on blogging which was concluded on December 1, 2003. The 610 survey respondents were made up mainly of blog owners who have submitted their blog to the Blog Search Engine (over 2,800 blogs submitted) and other blog owners contacted through different channels. Here are the results of the survey. (I put a lovely x by my answers)
Blogging Survey Results:
1. How often do you blog or update your blog?
Once a Day 28.9%
More than once in a day 23.9% x
2-4 Times a Week 33.6%
Once a Week 8%
Less than Weekly 5.6%
Summary: Bloggers are quite active online, 52.8% of all bloggers surveyed update their blogs at least once a day.
86.4% of bloggers surveyed blog or update their blogs more than once a week.
2. Where do you blog?
At work 4.8%
At home or at leisure 47%
At both home and work 48.2% x
Summary: While most bloggers do not blog only at work (only 4.8% do), 53% of those bloggers surveyed do blog in the workplace (at work, or at both home and work).
3. How many blogs do you own?
One blog 56.2%
Two blogs 22.8% x (actually, I own more, but I only update 2 regularly.. this, and the blogger mirror)
Three blogs 11.3%
Four blogs 5.1%
Five or more 4.6%
Summary: While most bloggers only own one blog, a large amount, 43.8%, own more than one blog.
21% of all bloggers surveyed own three blogs or more.
4. Do you run paid advertising in your blog?
Yes 13.4%
No 86.6% x (but I do run it on my homepage)
Summary: Only 13.4% of the bloggers surveyed run advertising in their blogs. Recently a large amount of advertising networks including BlogAds, Google’s AdSense (no personal blogs), and Skoobie have been open to running ads on smaller web sites and blogs.
5. If you do not run advertising in your blog, why not?
I want to, but I do not know how 15.7%
My free blog host does not allow it 10.1%
Do not want to 43.5%
Blogs and advertising do not mix 15%
Other reason 15.7% x Actually, if it's small and innocuous, I don' t mind.. pop-ups and banners are vile, though.
58.5% of bloggers who do not run advertising on their blog claim that the reason is because they do not want advertising or feel that advertising does not belong on blogs.
50.6% of all bloggers surveyed are not open to running advertising on their blogs.
10.1% may be barred from running advertising by their blog host, although they can still run affiliate links in their blog content if they choose.
Other reasons for not running advertising include:
“Not sure it will add to the quality of my blog”
“My readership isn't big enough for advertising to really do me any good, and it would just annoy what readers I do have”
“Not something I've ever considered”
6. Have you ever been approached by a company or organization asking you to blog about them or their product?
Yes 9.3% x
No 90.7%
Summary: An overwhelming amount of bloggers, 90.7%, have never been contacted by a company or organization with product or service information, asking the blogger to blog about them. This may be because the public relations industry has yet to direct a large amount of its efforts towards bloggers.
7. Would you blog about a company’s product or an organization if they emailed or asked you?
Yes I would 5.2%
Yes, if the product or organization was relevant to my blog content 26.9%
I would review their organization or product and blog my thoughts on them, good or bad 41.8% x though, if it was something too pointless, I'd skip it.
No, I do not blog about companies that email or contact me 26.1%
Summary: Although the majority of bloggers have yet to be contacted by a company or organization with blogging info related to a product or service, 73.9% off all bloggers are open to receiving and blogging about such information.
This is in vast contrast to advertising where only 29.4% of all bloggers surveyed are open to running ads (run advertisements or would like to).
However, 41.8% of bloggers may be open to PR contacts, but are willing to post a negative review in their blog if they do not like the product.
The PR industry has to be extra careful with bloggers by first reading their material, likes and dislikes, and then, pitching product or service information customized to the blogger.
Bloggers are more open to public relations efforts than the are for running advertising.
8. What kind of blog do you own (or manage)?
Movable Type Hosted on own domain 15.4%
WordPress hosted on own domain 4.1%
PMachine hosted on own domain 2.5%
Blogger hosted on own domain 12.8% x
Blogger Blogspot hosted blog 39.5%
Blog-City hosted blog 4.4%
TBlog hosted blog 3.9%
Typepad/Blogs.com 4.9%
Other 29.3% x This Livejournal!
Summary: The majority of bloggers surveyed, 52.3%, use Google’s Blogger as their blogging platform of choice. In addition, over 52.7% of all bloggers surveyed use a blog hosting service such as blogspot, blog-city, tblog, or TypePad to host their blogs.
Other blog platforms answered by respondents include RadioLand, Salon, MoBlog, Xanga, and LiveJournal.
9. Where do you find the info or news that you blog about (please check all that apply)?
Sites that I check regularly 68.5% x
Other blogs 58.9% x
Friends 54.3% x
News Sites and Online News Papers 47.7% x
Google News 33.8% x
Online Forums 25.6%
Email News Alerts 22.8% x
Weird News Sites 20.8% x
Yahoo News 19% x
RSS News Aggregators 17.5%
Moreover News 5.1%
MSN Newsbot 0.7%
Other 20.8% x
Other included newspaper, TV, magazine, life experiences, and cosmic rays from outer space.
10. Why do you blog?
For fun 73.6% x
To write 66.6% x
To reach out to the world 55.9% x
To cope 23.4%
For work 12.6%
For money 7%
Other 20.8%
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