This work week should be interesting, with just me, CS and Rhodey. Hopefully I will be able to take the opportunity to get a stronger dialogue working between them. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Talked to Dave last night for the first time in an age... poor man is uberbusy. Everyone but the little baby is down with the flu, he's working like crazy on refinishing the 2nd house, and he's pulling overtime at work to stay on top of things. He's near exhausted, but I think he'll pull through... remarkably strong will and body.

The Water Bus... Broward County Transit has boats to take you to a good number of stops along the waterways throughout Fort Lauderdale. The big honking Borders bookstore / Galleria mall stop is my most frequent location, launching from Mangoes. (My monthly bus pass also works on the boats, so it's a free ride and runs from morning to midnight.)

Cool Little shoe-shine stand that's been there for decades, and is still in use by Leonard, (the original proprietor's son, I think) during the week. He makes a pretty penny, and is considered a bit of a landmark in South Florida. I'm always impressed that it can go unmolested on the weekends, considering it's right next to the parking garage.

Here's where all the people are! Riverwalk proper... Hooters, Hot Tuna Saloona and Ole' Ole' upstairs has plenty of business on a Sunday afternoon. On the right you can see a segway... there was another guy on one, but he zipped out of view before I could draw my camera. The pineapple fountain is a good place to sit and watch people go by.. you'll see all kinds, from trendies to old folks to bindlestiffs. The low-rise pants and belly-shirts are still popular with young Brazilian girls, but everyone else seems to have moved on. I've noticed a real trend to dress in degrees of black and white in sharp contrast, or as a single color. It seems the color spectrum isn't as popular as the "monochrome look".

My attempt to get five of the eight floors shown at once from the library stairwell. I suspect that security wasn't too happy with me doing that, but I left before I got any talking to... I really only stopped in to investigate new DVDs and pick up tax forms in preparation for my coming filing.

Obligatory Newt Pic! Can't go long without one of those! Also shown is the front eye of the little-seen Newtcam itself.
A librarian was recently killed in a freak accident in the parking garage... her SUV blew threw the 5th story level and crashed to the ground below last Friday. I wonder if Doug or Tony knew her?
Harry Shearer is called to jury duty on the Robert Blake case as is Christina Applegate and tells his tale to Lloyd Groves.
Not Fooling Anybody, a "chronicle of bad conversions and storefronts past".
I noticed that ShOr deleted her
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