IceSickle: the Martian Peg Game
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1 stash of Icehouse pieces | |
1 Volcano board   [5x5 grid board w/ 1" squares] | |
Rules of play:
- Determine who will start the first rounds Placement phase.
- The second player will go first in the Jumping phase.
- Phase I -- Placement
- Take turns placing one pyramid from the stash onto an empty space on the
- After all pieces have been placed onto the board, move onto the Jumping
- Phase 2 -- Jumping
- Take turns making a valid jump[*], which captures at least one piece.
- If a player is unable to do this on their turn, the game ends.
- Score this round, then play a second time with the other player Placing
- Each player totals up the Pip-Counts[**] of the pieces that they have
captured, and notes those scores.
- Then remove all remaining pieces from the board, and play a second game
with the other player placing the first piece.
- Total the scores from the two games and the player with the highest
total wins.
- [*] Definition of a jump:
- A jump is made by following these steps:
- Select a piece on the board.
- Move it in a straight line (orthogonal or diagonal)
over (at most)
as many spaces as it’s Pip-Count[**],
and land in the following space
-- which must be empty.
- smalls can jump over only one space (and land in the second)
- mediums can jump over one or two spaces
- and larges can jump over one, two or three spaces
- mediums can jump over one or two spaces
- smalls can jump over only one space (and land in the second)
- Remove all pieces that were jumped over ("captured") during the
and place them in front of the player that made the move.
- Select a piece on the board.
- [**] Definition of Pip-Count:
- Pip-Count is the value of a piece based on it's size:
- Large pieces count as 3 points each.
- Medium pieces count as 2 points each.
- Small pieces count as 1 point each.
- Large pieces count as 3 points each.
Labels: icehouse
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