Tavo Viva in the Boynton Beach Mall. I had a lot of fun there with friends,but swore off fast food for about a year after working there.
2. Have you ever had an affair or fling with someone you worked with?
Yup, and it lasted all of 3 weeks. Breyer... a lovely girl, but liked to date around. Not for me.
3. Have you ever shoplifted? If yes, what did you steal?
Yup, a batman on a motorcycle toy when I was 6 or so from a five and dime. My dad found out about it, and gave me a talk about what Batman would do if he knew I took it... and he gave me a stern spanking too.
4. What was your favorite childhood toy?
That's tough. Boy-dolls, I think...(those insecure about their sexuality call 'em action figures) Hulk and Spiderman, and Legos.
5. What are your plans this weekend?
If my back is better, and if my sweetie is going out with the girls... I'll try to hit the movies. otherwise I'll hang out at home and chill. I need to put some manuscripts into the mail, and send off a goodie bag. (long overdue)
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