Tell me if you do one? I want to see as many as possible. I'm gathering them in an album here
assorted links of interest
via PAP-
Bubblegum Ally --in San Luis Obispo. What would normally be a generic alley between two stores downtown is turned into a twisted art experiment by people plastering the walls with gum. A recent addition seemed to have been made on Valentine's Day.
The one one the far right showing the scale is truly awesome.
via bleu
Time Magazine's gallery of cinema covers from 1924 to 2001 - the older ones are the best.
Remember how everyone's socks were getting rocked because the universe was discovered to be turquoise (if perceived by the human eye) back in January? Well, it turns out that it's not turquoise. It's beige. The color of the universe was previously (and mistakenly) believed to be turquoise because the software used in the project to determine what color the human eye would see mistook a pink-looking point for a shade of white. Whoops!
finally, a followup on dooce's termination for having a blog (among other things... clogs and socks!)
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