Sunday, July 28, 2002

Ow... ow ow ow ow ow...

no no no no no..

not for the squeamish. I mean it. Really.

*stomps around the house, going *ow ow ow ow ow*



found via maus

Went to All Books and Records with the bro... he got the spider-man ps2 game for a song (direct trade for street fighter 3....) and I got a copy of The Big Book of the Weird Wild West... he had things to do today, so we parted company there, and I went on to Past Present Future. Sadly, they had no copies of UA2 left in stock, but they'll hold one and call me when it comes in. I did get gifties for the office however...The Essential Spider-Man, Volume 1, The Essential Fantastic Four Volume 1, Essential Hulk, and Essential Dr. Strange. That should keep Kevin, Karen, and myself busy for a while during the slow-compile, data-crunching times. I added a couple of those to my wish list, too...just so I can remember to order myself the Howard the duck collection. Waugh! Next time I send off a goodie bag, I'm going to get a few of the used things for myself. (No point in paying $4 shipping for a $4.50 book.)

Here's the trip I took today...not bad... about 13 miles round trip(with shortcuts and bus travel not counting). a healthy haul (mind you, I had a nice shopping breather twice in between. It was a nice enough day that I didn't take the bike too far on the bus... but it was nice to know that the option was there if I'd tuckered out. Needless to say, I did shortcut through the park on the way home, so you can shave about a mile off there. I'm bone tired now, but feel good after having had a nice shower.

A Picture of a squirrel from Holiday Park. He was drinking from a puddle, and I barely had time to catch him. I'm happy that I snapped him in motion!
run, little rodent! Run!

The ride was *much* more pleasant on the way back... it was cooling off, instead of the noon-oven. *Worn out*

nap time for an hour... looking forward to sweetie-time tonight.

Misc drawings and piccies from today, and last night.

a lot! you've been warned. mouse over the pictures for minor commentary.

Werewolf... I don't get much more fuzzier.

I smell BO! There was a stinky on the bus. Note my ponytail.

Speaking of stinky... I burn sandalwood sticks in Newt's potty-zone, to protect from stink. Newt likes it.

inspiration for the mind-snipping monster mentioned earlier. I like his fingernails.

crude image of the brain... the back of my head was hurting this morning.

An example of how hard the computer department works. he really had folks on both the cell, land line, and computer going all at once.

mid-day network siesta.

Newt taking advantage of an open dresser drawer. *zoom* and he's in.

newt slacking on the east sill, this morn.

Newt in the sink... hard to brush my teef.


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