Monday, July 22, 2002

This Looks Like a Job For...a complete scan of Action Comics #1. I dig old comics, I dig Superman, & I dig Joe Schuster's simple but effective art. There's something really endearing about it. I adore the early vision of Superman as someone who stops wife beaters and munitions manufacturers. He was so populist and leftist...too bad that changed into the cosmic demigod we have today. (Although I like that version of Superman, too... just not as nearly as much.)

Also...The cutest psych test ever. with just enough bad English to endear it to me. Hello, Dr. Kitty!

"You easily feel stressful. - Only with a little bit of additional work plus controlling your temper, you would then lose energy."

They recommend "Not only you would accumulate your stress, you are weak to release it. for this type exercise and Karaoke will be the best way."

Thanks for showing me those links, josh!

I've decided to name the bike the "Hofmann Zephyr"... a combination of and 's suggestions. Bright color trails and a gentle breeze. I like that. All the suggestions were fun ones.
The Hofmann Zephyr! I need to get some glow sticks or crepe!

I feel that I can only vaguely conceptualize infinity, not really understand it. I can make a sign for it and manipulate it in an equation, I can make up metaphors for describing it or "understanding" it, I can come up with synonyms and thought experiments...but I cannot experience infinity. How the heck can I possibly understand infinity when everything I experience is finite? Do not confuse a facility for description with understanding. Map and territory, menu and meal.

Hitting the sack... sweet dreams, dear journal. Warm thoughts to any who read this. Peace.

A quick quote before I go -

"I share the belief of many of my contemporaries that the spiritual crisis pervading all spheres of Western industrial society can be remedied only by a change in our world view. We shall have to shift from the materialistic, dualistic belief that people and their environment are separate, toward a new consciousness of an allreality, which embraces the experiencing ego, a reality in which people feel their oneness with animate nature and all of creation."


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