Cheddar Chex mix, while normally tasty and delicious, is a poor choice for a snack first thing in the morning, especially right after brushing one's teeth. Bleh.
Newt's sleeping with his paws up on the wall. I've never seen him do that before.
He was awake just a moment ago.
Very nifty-named hot sauces. thanks, Dave!

Which Neon Genesis Evangelion Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Misato! You are Shinji's caregiver in Neon Genesis, and also his teacher and tutor. You are rather wild, but you curb that wildness into responsibility and practicality. You can take the lead in most situations, and keep things under control. You have an alluring charm that makes most men want to bed you, but you're waiting for the right one (though rumors may differ) Overall you're a sassy, intelligent creature, filled with common sense and charisma
Treebeard Action figure....It Talks!!! don't look if you don't want spoilers. Here's a gallery of other artist's conceptions. This may be a gifty I get for myself.
Ok, I admit it, I thumb through thew weekly world news online. Latest wacky article I'm fond of? Chinese digging tunnel through center of the earth to invade America. - “Roughly 500 million bloodthirsty, screaming Chinese troops will come pouring out of that hole -- hell-bent on a bold mission to conquer the United States, reduce our people to slavery and seize all our women.”
Bald Bears!
Froogle... Google shopping. hmm. oh, this is evil. I could be made to spend a lot of money with only a little prodding.
Thank you for the beautiful homemade card,! The Sticker is still pine-y fragrant, too!
Monkeys prefer gender specific toys - Researchers at the University of London gave a bunch of toys to some monkeys. The boy monkeys played with boy toys, and the girl monkeys played with girl toys.
Hmm... your own genitals as a refrigerator magnet... or as soap!
Ok... everyone on my friend's list that's sick... get better, already. My sweetie's doing well now, thank goodness.
I saw something tonight that's going to give me dreams.. or maybe nightmares.. I wonder what.
What element of today's journey through the hours is going to play back in my sleep theatre?
gave me some games on CD today... Serious Sam and house of the dead 2... Killin' Zombies. It was nice of her... she knows I dig stuff similar to that.
Well, I have a windows update here.. time to reboot and see what happens. Night night, dear journal.
Cheddar Chex mix, while normally tasty and delicious, is a poor choice for a snack first thing in the morning, especially right after brushing one's teeth. Bleh.
Newt's sleeping with his paws up on the wall. I've never seen him do that before.

He was awake just a moment ago.

Very nifty-named hot sauces. thanks, Dave!
Which Neon Genesis Evangelion Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Misato! You are Shinji's caregiver in Neon Genesis, and also his teacher and tutor. You are rather wild, but you curb that wildness into responsibility and practicality. You can take the lead in most situations, and keep things under control. You have an alluring charm that makes most men want to bed you, but you're waiting for the right one (though rumors may differ) Overall you're a sassy, intelligent creature, filled with common sense and charisma
Treebeard Action figure....It Talks!!! don't look if you don't want spoilers. Here's a gallery of other artist's conceptions. This may be a gifty I get for myself.
Ok, I admit it, I thumb through thew weekly world news online. Latest wacky article I'm fond of? Chinese digging tunnel through center of the earth to invade America. - “Roughly 500 million bloodthirsty, screaming Chinese troops will come pouring out of that hole -- hell-bent on a bold mission to conquer the United States, reduce our people to slavery and seize all our women.”
Bald Bears!
Froogle... Google shopping. hmm. oh, this is evil. I could be made to spend a lot of money with only a little prodding.
Thank you for the beautiful homemade card,
Monkeys prefer gender specific toys - Researchers at the University of London gave a bunch of toys to some monkeys. The boy monkeys played with boy toys, and the girl monkeys played with girl toys.
Hmm... your own genitals as a refrigerator magnet... or as soap!
Ok... everyone on my friend's list that's sick... get better, already. My sweetie's doing well now, thank goodness.
option explicit
Private wrkDefault As Workspace
Private dbsNew As Database
Private tdfNew As New TableDef
Private cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Private cmd As New ADODB.Command
Private strcnn As String
Private rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Private sDataBaseName As String
'******--------PS: Reference ADO 2.5 and DAO 3.6***********-
Private Sub CreateDB()
On Error GoTo err
sDataBaseName = "c:\NewDB.mdb"
Set wrkDefault = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set dbsNew = wrkDefault.CreateDatabase(sDataBaseName, _
dbLangGeneral, dbEncrypt) 'Create New DataBase
Set dbsNew = wrkDefault.OpenDatabase(sDataBaseName, True, False) 'open the created Database
Set tdfNew = dbsNew.CreateTableDef("NewTable") 'Create Table
With tdfNew
.fields.Append .CreateField("NewField", dbtext) 'Create a new field with text as data type
End With
dbsNew.TableDefs.Append tdfNew 'add the table to the DB
dbsNew.Close 'close database
If err.Number = 3204 Then 'DB exists
Kill sDataBaseName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub populateDB()
cnn.ConnectionString = "ODBC;DBQ=" & sDataBaseName & ";UID=;PWD=;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
strcnn = "SELECT * FROM NewTable"
rs.open strcnn, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
rs.fields("NewField").Value = "Hello"
' To read from the DB into say a textbox named text1
' text1.text=rs.fields("NewField").Value
Set rs = Nothing
MsgBox "Done. Database can be found at " & sDataBaseName, vbInformation + vbOKOnly
End Sub
'the correctly functionality of code is necessary activate in references of proyect the Microsoft DAO 3.51 LIBRARY
Public db As Database
'databas as path of Database
Function OpenDB()As Boolean
On Error GoTo Erroropening
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(databas)
OpenDB = True
Exit Function
OpenDB = False
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Function
Function CloseDB()As Boolean
On Error GoTo Errorclose
Set db = Nothing
closeDB = True
Exit Function
CloseDB = False
End Function
I saw something tonight that's going to give me dreams.. or maybe nightmares.. I wonder what.
What element of today's journey through the hours is going to play back in my sleep theatre?
Well, I have a windows update here.. time to reboot and see what happens. Night night, dear journal.
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