Scotto the Livejournalist is the last of the great eccentrics.The funny thing is, he doesn't know it. He thinks his behavior is perfectly normal. He sees himself as a pillar of propriety and a paragon of protocol. Scotto has strong views about every topic under the sun. There's not a subject he doesn't know about or a moral point he can't pontificate on. Scotto is entitled to be a little arrogant. He knows an awful lot about an awful lot of things. He is well versed, well rehearsed, and deeply immersed in the kind of knowledge that we lesser mortals can only dream of attaining. Thankfully, he is there to shed the light and show the way. This, he does generously and patiently, as befits a person of superior intellect. Scotto the Livejournalist is wise, intelligent and (thankfully) oblivious to irony.
Or, at least, that's how Scotto the Livejournalist is, at his worst. He can't help it. He's an Aquarian and Aquarians are infamous for their occasional outbursts of pomposity. Happily there is another truly delightful side to him. Scotto is as honest as the day is long, as generous as the ocean is deep. This is partly where the eccentricity comes from, for a person with such strong opinions Scotto is surprisingly willing to please. He is keen to win friends and influence people. He loves to feel that he belongs. He always wants to be in on the action, part of the scene and one of the gang. Rather like Groucho Marx though, he is never sure that he would want to be part of any club that would a member. He is always on the lookout for some new cause to support, or enterprise to sign up to. You might think that this would make him fickle but actually Scotto is exceedingly loyal. He may be forever expanding his horizons but he never forgets his friends and he never reneges on his commitments. This is why, despite the highly idiosyncratic nature of Scotto's personality, so many people think the world of him.
Nice Tits (worksafe)
Cool Strap-on (worksafe)
The status of LiveJournal:
At 10:56 am EST on Friday, January 10th, Admin writes :
Yes, we've turned off the comment/entry posting ability for free users. I just woke up, so I'll post more when I know what's up.
U.N. probing reports of cannibalism of Pygmies in Congo by rebel troops
By RODRIQUE NGOWI, Associated Press Writer
NAIROBI, Kenya - U.N. investigators have found credible evidence to support reports that Congolese rebel troops have killed and eaten Pygmies in northeastern Congo, U.N. officials said Wednesday.
During the past week, U.N. human rights investigators have been looking into reports of cannibalism in Congo's northeastern Ituri province, where forces of the rebel Congolese Liberation Movement, or MLC, and its allied Congolese Rally for Democracy-National, or RCD-N, are accused of killing and eating Pygmies living in its dense tropical forests, said Manodje Mounoubai, spokesman for the U.N. mission in Congo.
"The U.N. is taking these accusations very seriously and has sent a team of six officials to investigate the accusations and other human rights abuses in the region," Mounoubai said in a telephone interview from the Congolese capital, Kinshasa. He said he preferred to wait until the investigators had left the area before providing further information.
However, other U.N. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said investigators have established that the charges are credible.
MLC and RCD-N troops often hire Pygmies to hunt food for them in the forests as they concentrate on fighting to oust the rival rebel Congolese Rally for Democracy-Liberation, or RCD-ML, from mineral-rich areas of Ituri province, a U.N. official familiar with the investigation said on condition of anonymity.
But if the expert hunters return empty-handed, rebel troops kill and eat them, the official said.
Sudi Alimasi, an official with the rebel RCD-ML, said the group began receiving reports of cannibalism more than a week ago from people displaced by fighting.
"We hear reports of MLC and RCD-N commanders feeding on sexual organs of Pygmies, apparently believing this would give them strength," Alimasi said by telephone from Kinshasa. "We also have reports of Pygmies being forced to feed on cooked remains of their colleagues."
The Program for Aid to Pygmies in Beni, a Congolese advocacy group, called on the international community not to abandon the Pygmies — "a minority race already threatened with extinction."
"It is unacceptable that the international community focuses on protecting endangered animals like the okapi, the mountain gorilla and the rhinoceros and pays no attention to the fate of human beings like ... the Pygmies, who are nevertheless every bit as much in danger of extinction," the group said in a statement.
Nearly all the foreign troops involved in the war in Congo that broke out in August 1998 have withdrawn, but fighting has intensified among the country's main rebel factions, splinter groups and tribal fighters after the pullout in the east.
Being a pulp era fan, I like any article with cannibalism in the Congo. Adding pygmies to the mix just makes it all that much more proper.
The sad part is that articles about rebel troops (and govt troops as well) eating people have become so common as to be old hat. Maybe it's something in the water.
Pictures of the local pyramid mausoleum (via penguinboi)-

Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens South, in Davie, Fla. was completed in 1974. It is 109 feet tall, 85 percent of its 4200 crypts are sold, and is primarily used for whole-body entombment.
Scotto the Livejournalist is the last of the great eccentrics.
Or, at least, that's how Scotto the Livejournalist is, at his worst. He can't help it. He's an Aquarian and Aquarians are infamous for their occasional outbursts of pomposity. Happily there is another truly delightful side to him. Scotto is as honest as the day is long, as generous as the ocean is deep. This is partly where the eccentricity comes from, for a person with such strong opinions Scotto is surprisingly willing to please. He is keen to win friends and influence people. He loves to feel that he belongs. He always wants to be in on the action, part of the scene and one of the gang. Rather like Groucho Marx though, he is never sure that he would want to be part of any club that would a member. He is always on the lookout for some new cause to support, or enterprise to sign up to. You might think that this would make him fickle but actually Scotto is exceedingly loyal. He may be forever expanding his horizons but he never forgets his friends and he never reneges on his commitments. This is why, despite the highly idiosyncratic nature of Scotto's personality, so many people think the world of him.
Nice Tits (worksafe)
Cool Strap-on (worksafe)
The status of LiveJournal:
At 10:56 am EST on Friday, January 10th, Admin
Yes, we've turned off the comment/entry posting ability for free users. I just woke up, so I'll post more when I know what's up.
U.N. probing reports of cannibalism of Pygmies in Congo by rebel troops
By RODRIQUE NGOWI, Associated Press Writer
NAIROBI, Kenya - U.N. investigators have found credible evidence to support reports that Congolese rebel troops have killed and eaten Pygmies in northeastern Congo, U.N. officials said Wednesday.
During the past week, U.N. human rights investigators have been looking into reports of cannibalism in Congo's northeastern Ituri province, where forces of the rebel Congolese Liberation Movement, or MLC, and its allied Congolese Rally for Democracy-National, or RCD-N, are accused of killing and eating Pygmies living in its dense tropical forests, said Manodje Mounoubai, spokesman for the U.N. mission in Congo.
"The U.N. is taking these accusations very seriously and has sent a team of six officials to investigate the accusations and other human rights abuses in the region," Mounoubai said in a telephone interview from the Congolese capital, Kinshasa. He said he preferred to wait until the investigators had left the area before providing further information.
However, other U.N. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said investigators have established that the charges are credible.
MLC and RCD-N troops often hire Pygmies to hunt food for them in the forests as they concentrate on fighting to oust the rival rebel Congolese Rally for Democracy-Liberation, or RCD-ML, from mineral-rich areas of Ituri province, a U.N. official familiar with the investigation said on condition of anonymity.
But if the expert hunters return empty-handed, rebel troops kill and eat them, the official said.
Sudi Alimasi, an official with the rebel RCD-ML, said the group began receiving reports of cannibalism more than a week ago from people displaced by fighting.
"We hear reports of MLC and RCD-N commanders feeding on sexual organs of Pygmies, apparently believing this would give them strength," Alimasi said by telephone from Kinshasa. "We also have reports of Pygmies being forced to feed on cooked remains of their colleagues."
The Program for Aid to Pygmies in Beni, a Congolese advocacy group, called on the international community not to abandon the Pygmies — "a minority race already threatened with extinction."
"It is unacceptable that the international community focuses on protecting endangered animals like the okapi, the mountain gorilla and the rhinoceros and pays no attention to the fate of human beings like ... the Pygmies, who are nevertheless every bit as much in danger of extinction," the group said in a statement.
Nearly all the foreign troops involved in the war in Congo that broke out in August 1998 have withdrawn, but fighting has intensified among the country's main rebel factions, splinter groups and tribal fighters after the pullout in the east.
Being a pulp era fan, I like any article with cannibalism in the Congo. Adding pygmies to the mix just makes it all that much more proper.
The sad part is that articles about rebel troops (and govt troops as well) eating people have become so common as to be old hat. Maybe it's something in the water.
Pictures of the local pyramid mausoleum (via penguinboi)-

Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens South, in Davie, Fla. was completed in 1974. It is 109 feet tall, 85 percent of its 4200 crypts are sold, and is primarily used for whole-body entombment.
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