I really can't believe I've been using this thing for three years now. The function has changes a little here and there, as have my moods and whims. I've met some wonderful people here, and only encountered a few problem children. It's reaffirmed my faith in humanity, or at least that part of it which is willing to write in electronic format on a regular basis. My personal, private entries have increased, and I've managed to make at least one post a day, averaging at about 3-4. If LJ was removed tomorrow, I think that I'd have at least 4 nice people that I'd be able to stay in contact with, and not see them dissolve completely.
My brother is off on his fishing trip... He'll be back in a week, with some real money in his hand. He sounds like he's off to a good start, and that he knows he needs to get his stuff together… but I'll reserve judgment until later, if at all. I'd like to see him get into an apartment, and clean up his act. We'll see. He's reopened a can of worms with the house thing, and that really should have just been laid to rest years ago.
Note to self, try to do a doodle for - "The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." Hmmm...maybe a series.
Eh.net is an interesting resource for folks interested re: world currencies, inflation rates, power of purchase and minimum wages in the world. (not just the USA.) really handy if you're writing (or running a campaign) in the 1930s, you can assign costs appropriately.
According to this New Scientist article, the first probe specifically designed to explore an asteroid just launched. If all goes according to plan, the Japanese satellite Muses-C will return in 2007 from asteroid 1998 SF 36 with a host of data, including samples.
my vampire clue "The closest shop to here is Discount Magic, right by Regret and 87th. I do wish those damn magic shops would stay still for a while."
I've sired 2 more vampires... who are Liliana and Angelis?
word of the day is on the button!
zombie (ZOM-bee) noun, also zombi
1. A person behaving like an automaton: listless, wooden, or lacking energy.
2. A snake god in West Indian, Brazilian, and West African religions.
3. In voodoo, a supernatural force or spirit that can enter a dead body; also, the soulless body that is revived in this manner.
4. A computer process that has died but is still listed in the process table.
5. A drink made of various kinds of rum, liqueur, and fruit juice.
[From Kimbundu nzambi (god, ghost). Kimbundu is a Bantu language of northern Angola.]
"Only a zombie would fail to see the brilliance of Cowan's campaign."
Peter Howell; The Beyond's Zombies Have Long, Gory Family History; The Toronto Star (Canada); Jun 17, 1998.
"Any film that manages to put together, for example, a battle between two real-life giants; a zombie emerging from the grave; a six-car demolition derby in the lobby of the Chrysler Building; a trotting race run by dead horses; a stunning, blond athlete named Aimee Mullins, who happens to be a double amputee, ... and much more, including a final scene in which the Irish giant flings a stone into the sea, where--in time for `Cremaster 4' -- it becomes the Isle of Man, well, a film like this may be one that only a Dick Cheney could walk out on without a frisson of self-doubt."
Calvin Tomkins; His Body, Himself; The New Yorker; Jan 27, 2003.
A photo of bookhenge, for posterity. That's my avatar in his standard set of clothes... red pirate jacket and bunny slippers. Maybe I can get a There Family portait made, sometime soon with D, Whims, and the rest all in a bundle. I wonder how to get a good group shot? There are more than 7 of us now, tough to fit into a chat unit.

Drunk Man Hurt After Running Into Elephant
May 19, 2003 02:52 AM EDT
HANOI, Vietnam - A drunk Vietnamese tourist who ran into an elephant he didn't see standing in the street was injured when the animal picked him up and tossed him aside, an official said Monday.
Vu Quang Phuc, 39, was rushed to a hospital after Saturday's attack, said the official of Buon Don tourist site in Daklak province, some 220 miles northeast of Ho Chi Minh City.
He suffered three broken ribs and bruises on his face and body, a doctor at the hospital in Ho Chi Minh City said.
Phuc was among a group of tourists from Ho Chi Minh City. He stumbled out of a restaurant when he heard an 8-year-old boy wailing on the ground after tripping, said the official who identified himself only as Du.
Phuc didn't see the full-grown elephant - one of several dozen owned by villagers in the area - and he ran into it. The animal lifted him up with its trunk and pitched him several meters.
Du said it was the first incident in the area of a tourist attacked by an elephant.
Buon Don is a popular site among foreign and local tourists, where they can ride elephants and visit ethnic minority groups living in the area.
I really can't believe I've been using this thing for three years now. The function has changes a little here and there, as have my moods and whims. I've met some wonderful people here, and only encountered a few problem children. It's reaffirmed my faith in humanity, or at least that part of it which is willing to write in electronic format on a regular basis. My personal, private entries have increased, and I've managed to make at least one post a day, averaging at about 3-4. If LJ was removed tomorrow, I think that I'd have at least 4 nice people that I'd be able to stay in contact with, and not see them dissolve completely.
My brother is off on his fishing trip... He'll be back in a week, with some real money in his hand. He sounds like he's off to a good start, and that he knows he needs to get his stuff together… but I'll reserve judgment until later, if at all. I'd like to see him get into an apartment, and clean up his act. We'll see. He's reopened a can of worms with the house thing, and that really should have just been laid to rest years ago.
Note to self, try to do a doodle for - "The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." Hmmm...maybe a series.
Eh.net is an interesting resource for folks interested re: world currencies, inflation rates, power of purchase and minimum wages in the world. (not just the USA.) really handy if you're writing (or running a campaign) in the 1930s, you can assign costs appropriately.
According to this New Scientist article, the first probe specifically designed to explore an asteroid just launched. If all goes according to plan, the Japanese satellite Muses-C will return in 2007 from asteroid 1998 SF 36 with a host of data, including samples.
my vampire clue "The closest shop to here is Discount Magic, right by Regret and 87th. I do wish those damn magic shops would stay still for a while."
I've sired 2 more vampires... who are Liliana and Angelis?
zombie (ZOM-bee) noun, also zombi
1. A person behaving like an automaton: listless, wooden, or lacking energy.
2. A snake god in West Indian, Brazilian, and West African religions.
3. In voodoo, a supernatural force or spirit that can enter a dead body; also, the soulless body that is revived in this manner.
4. A computer process that has died but is still listed in the process table.
5. A drink made of various kinds of rum, liqueur, and fruit juice.
[From Kimbundu nzambi (god, ghost). Kimbundu is a Bantu language of northern Angola.]
"Only a zombie would fail to see the brilliance of Cowan's campaign."
Peter Howell; The Beyond's Zombies Have Long, Gory Family History; The Toronto Star (Canada); Jun 17, 1998.
"Any film that manages to put together, for example, a battle between two real-life giants; a zombie emerging from the grave; a six-car demolition derby in the lobby of the Chrysler Building; a trotting race run by dead horses; a stunning, blond athlete named Aimee Mullins, who happens to be a double amputee, ... and much more, including a final scene in which the Irish giant flings a stone into the sea, where--in time for `Cremaster 4' -- it becomes the Isle of Man, well, a film like this may be one that only a Dick Cheney could walk out on without a frisson of self-doubt."
Calvin Tomkins; His Body, Himself; The New Yorker; Jan 27, 2003.

May 19, 2003 02:52 AM EDT
HANOI, Vietnam - A drunk Vietnamese tourist who ran into an elephant he didn't see standing in the street was injured when the animal picked him up and tossed him aside, an official said Monday.
Vu Quang Phuc, 39, was rushed to a hospital after Saturday's attack, said the official of Buon Don tourist site in Daklak province, some 220 miles northeast of Ho Chi Minh City.
He suffered three broken ribs and bruises on his face and body, a doctor at the hospital in Ho Chi Minh City said.
Phuc was among a group of tourists from Ho Chi Minh City. He stumbled out of a restaurant when he heard an 8-year-old boy wailing on the ground after tripping, said the official who identified himself only as Du.
Phuc didn't see the full-grown elephant - one of several dozen owned by villagers in the area - and he ran into it. The animal lifted him up with its trunk and pitched him several meters.
Du said it was the first incident in the area of a tourist attacked by an elephant.
Buon Don is a popular site among foreign and local tourists, where they can ride elephants and visit ethnic minority groups living in the area.
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