Sunday, July 06, 2003


cat treats fell on the chocolate cake

From sjgames
Everybody talks about large amounts of monkeys, and large amounts of time, and the complete works of Shakespeare. Very occasionally, someone actually puts a monkey in front of a keyboard . . . but we have not yet gotten so much as "To be or not to QEWRIQER#$%@$%" out of the hairy little shirkers. Clearly we need more monkeys, or more typewriters, or more money. Yes! More money!

Indeed, progress marches on, and the Arts Council of England, bless their little hearts, has financed a milestone of sorts: the first politically correct monkey-Shakespeare experiment. Not only can you read some very advanced thinking about the meaning of monkeys and who REALLY wrote the plays (they don't take seriously the idea that it was a guy named Shakespeare) . . . but also you can send them YOUR money and get your very own copy of the simian scribbles, on your choice of media. And if you do send them money, what do you think they'll spend THAT on?

It’s interesting to see there an upswing of linkers again... I wonder what sets that trend off or on? People seem to come or go in a group.

Misc meme found in 's journal. Any relation to ?

*5 things you are wearing*
1. an orange cat armband (well, he's laying across my arm...)
2. my patience with work's network, thin
3. my heart on my sleeve
4. a thin film of toothpaste inside my mouth
5. gray sweatpants

*5 things you can see*
1. a cobra microtalk communicator
2. a cool jar of gravel and fossils that I got from for my birthday. (I’ve only gone about 1/8 in, and found all sorts of loot)
3. a woefully underused recorder, waiting to be played again when the time is right
4. 100 glow in the dark zombies
5. a Buddha incense burner

*5 things you are doing right now*
1. breathing slowly
2. wondering what the other edge of "the big three" is up to (Newt's asleep on my arm, and bro is prepping for tomorrow's trip)
3. waiting or some reply emails to come down the pipeline
4. sniffing around LiveJournal
5. beaming at the nice comment made about me on friendster

*5 things you ate in the last 24 hours*
1. cinnamon raisin bagel
2. chocolate cake with whipped cream icing
3. veggie chili with cornbread
4. green beans
5. Newton-ears (well, nibbled)

*5 things you did so far today*
1. woke up
2. got out of bed
3. dragged a comb across my head
4. sang "red rubber ball"
5. forgot last night's dream

*5 things you can hear right now*
1. mockingbirds in the distance
2. wind in the trees, and in the chimes
3. the computer fan
4. street traffic of folks coming to work
5. my fingernail scratching the back of my neck

*5 colors you can see*
1. maroon (on the n-50 slider toggle)
2. cyan (Shiva’s' skin)
3. slate (gargoyle)
4. fire engine red (3.5" disk)
5. Cherrywood (gift box)


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