Um, holy cow, I now have 50 images available as icons. I can't even think of what to use them all for. Maybe every "current mood?" as it stands, I think I've resent every icon I've *ever* used for more than 2 entries back into storage now.
Very cool that they mentioned Pellucidar on the Tarzan cartoon tonight. Someone has been doing genre homework. (At the Earth's Core is where I cribbed most of my info for Doc Firestone and the Gusano)
Ciudad Juarez is known as 'the city of the dead girls'. In 10 years almost 400 women have been murdered in this city on the border between Mexico and El Paso, Texas, and the killings continue. Now a courageous Mexican-American journalist is alleging a group of six businessmen is behind the slaughter. Described as 'untouchables', their wealth puts them above the law. Their motive is said to be blood sport.
The border has always been violent, but organized crime exploded in 1993 when the Carrillo-Fuentes drug cartel, known as the Juarez Cartel, took control. It is the most powerful cartel in Mexico, and the most brutal, being responsible for trafficking most of Latin America's drugs into the US. In daylight, the narcos smuggle their loads across three bridges that link Juarez with El Paso. Law enforcers on either side have the choice, according to one former trafficker, of being 'very rich, or very dead'.
Cartel members live in garish mansions in the Golden Zone of Juarez, a far cry from the shanties where most of the city's two million residents subsist. The narcos pay millions of dollars in bribes to stay above the law and Juarez has become one of the money-laundering capitals of the world. Narco money has built 'legitimate' businesses and made Juarez the fourth-largest city in Mexico. The rise of the cartel coincided with the feminicido, the female murders. The first victim was Angelica Luna Villalobos; her body was dumped in the Alta Vista neighbourhood in 1993.
Since then, 370 women have been killed. Some deaths may be attributed to domestic violence or random crime. But more than a third of the women were raped before death. Most victims are tortured and mutilated. Sometimes the killer leaves a signature; a breast or a nipple is sliced off. The bodies are then dumped in wasteland.
The average age of the victims is 16; all were poor. Their deaths, says Amnesty International, 'have no political cost to the authorities'. Many suspects are in custody, but the killings go on.
Human rights organizations accuse the authorities of incompetence, and there have been allegations of torture used to obtain false confessions. Women are frightened to go out, day or night, reminded of danger by the pink crosses marking places where bodies were found.
Only prostitutes come out at night - to cater to the Americans from an army base in El Paso. Prostitutes can earn $100 a day compared to the $30-$60 weekly wage of a factory worker. 'This is a dangerous job,' said Sandrita, 19, 'but it's safer than working in a maquila (factory). Most of the girls who disappear have worked in the maquilas. At least we get protection from the police.'
Hundreds of factories - often internationally owned sweatshops - have drawn tens of thousands of women here from all over Mexico to seek work. The police have often blamed the girls for the abductions, accusing them of behaving sluttishly. Public pressure forced the maquila bosses to provide buses to ferry the girls home safely.
A mother of one of the victims took The Observer to a cross that marked where her 17-year-old daughter's body was dumped. The girl disappeared after leaving work to catch a bus home. Like other victims, she had been gang-raped and strangled. Her left breast had been severed and her body, covered in bite marks, was badly beaten.
Diana Washington Valdez has investigated the murders for five years for the El Paso Times. Courageous in the mould of Veronica Guerin, the investigative journalist murdered in Ireland, she has gone on the record about the killers' identities. In doing so, she knows she is putting her life on the line.
In her book, Harvest of Women, to be published next year, Washington exposes the seedy underworld of Juarez's narco-traffickers. 'The girls are carefully screened,' she says. 'They're always a safe bet. Disposable women. They are watched in advance for suitability - young and poor.'
Washington's accusations are based on her research and on leaks from the FBI and Mexican investigators.
'Mexican federal authorities have conducted investigations, which reveal who the killers are,' she claims. 'Five men from Juarez and one from Tijuana who get together and kill women in what can only be described as blood sport. Some of those involved are prominent men with important political connections - untouchables.'
The chosen victims are so young, explains Washington, to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Underlings supply new victims: 'They capture the girls and bring them to their masters.'
Washington alleges at least 100 women have been killed by these men, of whom all but one are multi-millionaires. They have political connections going all the way to President Vicente Fox, and some have allegedly made contributions to Fox's presidential campaign. They have ties to the Juarez Cartel, and have used their drug wealth to build respectable businesses.
In March, the FBI passed a report to the Mexican authorities detailing locations in Juarez where the abducted girls are brought to. The FBI believes the Mexicans did not act on the intelligence, even though it revealed plans to capture another four girls.
Sickened that the authorities did nothing to prevent further murders, Washington campaigned to expose the killers. She does not believe they will be arrested.
'It sounds crazy,' said psychologist Dr Stanley Krippner, who teaches in Cuidad Juarez, at the Institution of Medical and Advanced Behavioural Technology. He attributes the murderers' behaviour to a mix of male bonding and wild fantasies.
'It is one aspect of men in power,' he said, 'especially in a developing country. They know they can get away with outrageous behaviour because they are more powerful than the police and the government.'
Manuel Esparza, spokesman for the women's sexual homicide department, said: 'We don't have information that links our cases to organised criminals, to the drug cartels.' He says if there was evidence of who was committing the murders they would be arrested. But Amnesty International's report, which Esparza admitted he hadn't read, said his unit had undermined the credibility of the justice system.
Now the feminicido seems to be spreading. In the neighbouring city of Chihuahua, at least 16 young women have disappeared over two years in a seemingly copycat pattern. Eight have turned up dead.
People with urinary incontinence could one day use a remote control to keep their bodily functions in check.
Scientists in Australia say they are close to making replacement sphincters operable by remote control.
Urinary incontinence occurs when the sphincter muscle is no longer able to keep urine in the bladder.
The scientists say their replacement sphincter resolves that problem and enables users to decide when they want to go to the bathroom.
Muscle transplant
The technique, developed by scientists at the University of Melbourne, involves removing tissue from other parts of the body to create a ring of muscle.
This muscle is then transplanted to make the artificial sphincter.
A small electrical stimulator, similar to a heart pacemaker, is also implanted to give the user control over the muscle.
The patient can then use a remote control to operate the muscle when they wish to go to the bathroom.
Professor John Furness, who led the research, believes the technique could transform the lives of millions of people with urinary incontinence.
"The only surgical solutions available until now have involved prosthetic devices that have had problems with leakage, failure and adverse tissue reactions," he said.
"This treatment has the potential to revolutionise the management of severe urinary incontinence which afflicts tens of thousands of people worldwide.
"This is a miserable condition, and if not effectively managed, can result in people entering nursing homes or institutions because they are unable to cope."
The scientists have now teamed up with Continence Control Systems International, an Australian company, to develop the technology.
They are hoping to start clinical trials in 2005, which if successful could see the device becoming available within five years.
Urinary incontinence can occur because of trauma to the sphincter muscle.
In men, this can follow surgery for prostate cancer. In women, it can occur when they reach the menopause, particularly if they have had children.
They brought a 3-step commode over today.. um.. I'm using the regular john, just fine, and you're only a week late, guys. I accepted it, but am not sure about where I'll put the thing.
Hair-nurse still hasn't arrived, was supposed to come by this morning.
I swear, this insurance company will deliver a coffin a month after a scheduled burial... It's all been too little, too late. Liberty Mutual, I weep for your clients. I cannot advise strongly enough about leaving that group, if they're your provider.
I've been getting calls today from a "Sapphire Group" in Tampa that found my resume (from February-ish) and is wanting to interview me. Very interesting. I'll talk with them on the phone more later, out of courtesy, but I suspect odds to be slim on my wanting to head up there right now. It'd take a really powerful offer to lure me from ACIM and Ft Laud... plus, I'm still in mending mode.
Blotter Acid Art
Two Zombies Later - Strange and Unusual Music form the Exotica Mailing list Very cool stuff. I'm going to grab it all. Bongo Avenger is pretty darn groovy. (CD 1, Track 2)
Eye placement in 500 years of portraits.
Time Tales -is a collection of found photographs. found at flea-markets, thrift-shops, some are scooped up from streets and alleyways, fallen from an overstuffed bag or torn pocket. others turn up in a cabinet’s hidden compartment, found while wandering the rooms of an abandoned house. now the photos exist by themselves, lost in time. time tales does not want to reveal their mysteries. time tales asks to be the new home for lost photos, a resting place, for the nameless and the lost.
Lombergar - Some very good, bizarre digital art.
Ambient Orb slowly transitions between thousands of colors to show changes in the weather, the health of your stock portfolio, or if your boss or kid is on instant messenger FAQ
Bitrex! The Bitterest substance known. "The first use of Bitrex simply as a taste aversive was in a cream to prevent tail-biting in pigs."
Nicole Tran Ba Vang - pseudo-skin art, nsfw, but very interesting.
Finally got a good night's rest...In conjunction with a 2 hour power nap midday.
Wowie Zowie! Permanent Accounts have 20 icons, now! (and paid accounts can also buy up to 20 for $10 a year.. seems steep, but I know a lot of people that'll go for it.) Why, I remember, back in the day,when people had no icons and by cracky, they liked it just fine! The addition of userpics was a good idea, though. I'm itchin' to know what the up-and-coming fun stuff is, too. (I really don't use more than four or five icons, generally, but it's nice to have the option for variety. I didn't have a user icon for about a month or two into having my journal.
Apparently rumor has it that audio posts are coming soon.
Weird. I wonder why they changed my LJ clustermap's colors.. and why the color borders are wrong on some parts. I suspect the parsing of friend's lists is off. I do like that the search feature is active, now. I can look at the City of Baghdad, for example, and spot journals to peek at there. (I'm really not interested in the "questionnaire search" but I could see where it'd be handy to locate like-minded people to gather in meatspace.
Trans-gender star trek spider-man is just wrong, but a bunch of guys dressed up as AIM agents is dang cool.
Meow Memory, the kitten Memory Game.
Cool Mathematical Sculptures.
Info on the New Windows Build - Longhorn
current mood: Pretty good!
current music: John B - We Like the Music (Latino mix)
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