This Make a Snowflake thing is far too much fun. (the first one I made)
The Poo Chart, another Flash from the Scotto-lj past. A cartoon guide to healthy poops. I think it's great as desktop wallpaper!
Never switch midgets on an unruly crowd.
Thousands of fans rioted at Sierra Leone's national stadium Saturday when authorities substituted two local dwarf comedians for a widely anticipated out-of-town midget duo. Police arrested 30 people, amid damage and dozens of injuries.
Day-long radio ads had whipped up excitement and ticket sales for Friday night's scheduled performance by the two Nigerian entertainers, Aki and Paw Paw.
The Nigerian performers failed to show by early morning. Organizers put the two local dwarf comedians on the stage instead.
Fans rioted, throwing projectiles and smashing windows, light fixtures and hundreds of chairs.
Witnesses said police fired tear gas. Authorities said 30 people were arrested, including eight who allegedly had tried to steal the stadium's seats.
Dozens of show-goers were reported injured in the melee. Saturday, blood splattered parts of the stadium.
Acting President Solomon Berewa, filling in while President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah is at a Commonwealth summit in Nigeria, toured the riot site Saturday and condemned the violence.
Sierra Leone's National Stadium was built as a gift from China. The stadium was under repairs for damage from the West African nation's devastating 10-year rebellion, ended in January 2002.
It got cool last night (well, for South Florida... dropped to the low 40s.... that's about as cold as it gets in these parts.. it's in the low 50s now.) I'm much more concerned about folks in the North. Newt enjoyed the top of the monitor and my body warmth, depending on if I was laying flat on not. That said, I think yesterday was my busiest day ever, call-wise. I really didn't even get to watch much of the aforementioned JL episode, because of calls that came in.. the upside is that a healthy percentage of the folks reported missing were found within the hour of the reports' issue. I don't know if it's the weather or the season, but I was dealing with one case or another pretty much from sundown to midnight, and got a call from a hysterical parent this morning at 9am...Non-police aren't really even supposed to have access to the number she called on, so I have no idea how she got through.The best I could do was to talk calmly to her, reassure her, and give the name of some local agencies in her area that could be of more service. That said, I'm really looking forward to getting back into the technical side of things, and putting other people on call more frequently.
I feel good about tossing Newt's old Kibble into the flowerbed outside... one of the neighborhood kitties is hanging out there new, having a nice little dinner at the "salad bar" and Newtie's watching with great interest. Not even talking, just observing the gray and white cat as he has his snack. I'm glad to see it being put to use as more than just "eventual fertilizer". Whatever was smelling foul yesterday has cleared up today, too. There was something *really smelly* outside. I don't know what it was, but I get hit with a real reek when I go out front. I suspect it's fallout from cleaning out one of the vacated tenants' apartments.
Yet another Fort Lauderdale Beach Webcam.
Jupiter and Thetis - foom23 pointed this out to me ages, ago. It's pretty funny to me how similar the face is to my own. The sort of portrait Maxie Zeus might have commissioned for himself. I wonder whatever happened to foom?
Doc showed me these cards from AEG / Dork Tower... I've always liked the idea of getting whimsy/event cards as part of XP, like in Torg. I think that they could add a lot to any RPG, with a minimum of tweaking.
Random Name Generator... I like the obscurity settings! great for creating secret Identities, Aliases, or character names for tales.
Misc silly things to say when My Electric-guy in COH goes into combat. (His name is still in formative stages, too.. Something Silly Like Project AMP or the like, probably)
- "I bet this mega-hurts!"
- "Call me Thomas Dedison"
- "Socket to you!"
- "Lights out!"
- "Charge it!"
- "You're grounded"
- "They Say Lightning never Strikes twice... So I'll hit you a third time!"
I may rethink the COH guy.. perhaps a Shield-type healer-drainer would work better for me.
Downloading animated versions of Wyrd Sisters and Soul Music...I hear the art is weak, but the voicework is good.
a year ago - Got cookie bars, CDC/Promedmail (Zoonoses), Bigfoot links.
2 years ago - I got spooked by a phantom voice, prep for bear vs. man-armor, Mexican vanilla, KPMG sucks.
3 years ago - Globetrotters (Afro of holding), Myths of pearl harbor, Sigmund and the sea monster, chaos postcards, two sweet anonymous quotes.
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