Saturday, November 02, 2002

Back from the bank, and many tellers got candy corn.... saw my brother doing deliveries this morning, and he hooked me up with a few yummy cookies and sody-pop. Morning Sugar-Rush!

Big Gay Al's gift shop had their cow dudded out as a witch. I was surprised that Al himself wasn't dressed up.
Trick or treat.. it's moo-moo bingo the cow dressed as a witch.

I made it back at just about noon... I'm wondering when or if the little knock-knocks will begin tonight.

stopped at the corner of Federal and Broward... the building is coming up quickly. I preferred to photograph the cranes over the building... the top of the building is about four stories right now.
blue skies and cranes

I also saw a Vactor Hydroevacuator on the site, but it rounded a corner before I could photograph it. A very nifty looks like some sort of wacky mad max vehicle. Lots of pipes and compressors...probably quite capable to burst through concrete walls with A-team-like acumen and gusto.

I wonder how my sweet little Victorian undead beloved is doing today? I imagine that I'll catch her here or there sometime soon.


Enjoy lots of candy, ghosts and goblins!

To celebrate, a picture I just took of Newt.

Newt sleeps as I type away. No Scotto hands, because I was taking the piccie.. not seen is that this was take in mostly monitor light...the camera left the shutter open for me and illuminated well.

He's strategically placed so I can bury my face in his tummy, and give him kitty-smoochies.


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