Marshall McLuhan: "A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding.... I wonder how many people that are voting even know what all the issues are about. I'll refrain from all the Florida voter jokes that might be out there. This is mostly for my own memories a few years down the line…
No on Amendment 1; reject death penalty change - an unwise and unnecessary amendment placing the death penalty in the state Constitution in a harmful way. The amendment is bad public policy, takes away Floridians' civil rights, undermines the Florida Supreme Court and is a bunch of hooey, to boot.
Yes on Amendment 2; require cost impact notice on constitutional amendments -protect the state and their wallets and bank accounts from irresponsible high-cost amendments that don't have a price tag attached.
No on Amendment 3, for 'home rule' - a harmful change that lawmakers have already wisely rejected.
Yes on Amendment No. 4: make it harder for state lawmakers to impose clouds of secrecy to block out "Government in the Sunshine," which requires government records and meetings to be open to the public.
What was amendment 5? Is it gone? It’s not in my book or on any of my research sites. It's not even on the sample ballot.
No on smoke-free Amendment 6; it goes too far... I'm all for no smoking rules, but I think smoking and non-smoking sections work ok in food establishments and hotels.... got to keep the tourists happy.
No on Amendment No. 7's tax ‘free riders’ Proposed state Amendment No. 7 is an unwelcome and unjustified example of lawmakers asking voters to sew yet another jagged patch onto Florida's crazy-quilt tax system.
Yes on Amendment 8 - Universal Pre-K schooling - I'm all for helping to make children smarter, happier, and more able to think.
Yes on Amendment 9 - smaller classrooms - From pre-kindergarten through third-grade, no more than 18 students could sit in one room. In grades four through eight, 22 students would be allowed. High school classes would be limited to 25 students. see above.
Yes on amendment 10 - would make it a crime, punishable by a year in jail and/or $5,000 for a farmer to confine an expectant sow in a gestation cage, typically a 2-foot-by-7-foot metal crate. An animal cruelty start.
No to Amendment 11 on statewide university board ... Florida's system would only get *more* screwed up.
Charter Questions
- yes on creation of a citizens' bill of rights
- no on revaluing chair & vice chair to mayor and vice mayor
- no on county auditor
- yes on coordination of inter-county fire departments
- no on revision authority
- yes on protection of "whistleblowers"
- yes on requirements of posting notice and a public hearing prior to county's consideration and adoption of new amendments
- yes on adopting a non-interference ordinance
- no on general hullabaloo
- yes on clarification of the charter review commissions powers and abilities
- yes on updating technical changes since 1974
- no on revised rule on initiative and referendum elections
- yes on number of signature minimum
When you picture government forces going after militia groups, do you picture 7-year-old kids? There are more than 300,000 children soldiers serving around the world. I think that it's interesting that they don't mention Israel in the study. (That's who I think of, when I picture military children.. start military training at about 12, and go into the army at 17)

It remains to be seen how much help it'll be.
Evil Clown generator is pretty nifty.
I've got tomorrow off... duties will include swinging by the bank, and finishing the new accounts there. Must remember to bring some candy corn to give to all employees in costume. Bring the bike to the shop, and have the rear tire looked at.
Chef Wav, quite appropriate.
I read something about being a spectrum apart. Somehow, I read that as "speculum apart". Where's my brain, tonight?
Version 6 of PalmOS will be built on BeOS and include .NET support. Wow. That's as big a changeover as Windows to WinNT or MacOS to OS X. Wow.
keeno dialect survey
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