Today’s been a sleepy, relaxing day. I've spent much of the day in a calm place, and taking it easy... as has my gluttonous protégé, Mr. Newtie McTreatEater. We've been flung all over the house in assorted comfortable poses, and just sort of lollygagging about, reading, napping, burning incense, wrestling with each other in a slackerly fashion and watching the occasional Spongebob cartoon...I'm having trouble figuring out the recorder fingering for the Spongebob theme... I may have to look up the sheet music for it, rather than playing it by ear. A complete slackerboy Saturday... I’ve needed something like this for a little while now. I'm bemused by the idea of the undersea creatures having a snowball fight.
Just popped into my head - I'd like some taco bell right now, and the phrase "wreak terrible vengeance" is a good one, as well as the variant "a terrible justice has been done"
I dig these groovy CD-R's... they look like 45s!
His fuzzy orange hinder is weighing down the futon down... :)
TOPPS Trading Cards including the brilliant Mars Attacks, as well as Batman, Frankenstein, and Ugly Stickers from 1965. From The Norman Saunders Site. "...a reference guide that documents the entire published works of Norman Saunders."
You Got Me Into This. From The West: Old Paintings created to be the Covers of Pulp Fiction Magazines. "...The pulp paintings of the 1930s-40s astound the senses with visions of gun smoke, brawny cowboys and beautiful heroines - frozen in moments of maximum impact, guns exploding or a terrified damsel on horseback."
wondering where my little brother is. hm.
I'm reading a book by C.S. Lewis - Mere Christianity. Superb. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting a good, non-predatory evangelical insight about the faith. The reading can be heady, but well worth some of the thinking required.
As I mentioned earlier, here's me lost in a cave, and some cave-drawings. It's an elephant, but the shaman-guy is wearing elk-antlers.

I wonder lately if I escape being called sir because I've got long hair. If I got a wiffle-cut (no, I'm not planning on it) tomorrow... would suddenly, most strangers call me 'sir'? Right now, most often, I'm referred to without title... "Excuse me" or "May I help you" or "Yes/No"... and I'm sort of glad of that. I've seen folks use the term, and it appears sort of weird.
I do get called mister occasionally, when a little kid wants to ask me something. I like that I'm approachable by kids.
Speaking of which, the almond joys are officially gone. My trick or treating brother assisted in my consumption of mass quantities over the last week.
It’s too late in the night to make a hot supper... I think a bowl of cheerios will do the trick. I just realized... I didn't eat lunch today! Dang... how did that happen? I'm not that hungry, probably because I drank about a gallon and a half of water from the cooler over the course of today. I've only had cereal today... breakfast and supper. Well, that works. I'll have some real food tomorrow though. Just reflecting on not having had any makes me hungrier.
Before I hit the sack, a fun link... bcdb: it's an imdb just for cartoons!
Cool singing horses. Safe for work, but it's got sound.
Coca Cola is releasing a Yoo-Hoo-like substance called Choglit.... possibly the dopiest name for a drink this decade. Looks dangerously similar to a Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper can. Careful mixing them up!
Put my votes in all nice and neat-like. I'm actually more enthusiastic about the amendments than the candidates. a lot of negative campaigning has been going on the TV lately, and I'll be happy to see those commercials brought to an end. A pleasant surprise is that I seem to have gotten less political junk mail this year. Maryland has a neato-named Governor candidate (though he won't win, because he's a libertarian, rather than the 'big two') SPEAR LANCASTER. He sounds like a cool private eye, or an angry white savage, raised by a lost tribe of javelin-throwing natives. Spear. That's an odd name... a weapon. I'd heard of Dirk, Lance, Glaive, Pike and Mace.... am I forgetting any? I can't say as I know anyone named Halberd, Flail or Quarrel... I suppose Gun names don't really count, because they're generally named for a person, not the other way around. Smith & Wesson... Is Colt named for a person, or just a horse?
"What's green, has eight legs, and would kill you if it dropped on you from out of a tree?"
"A pool table!"
Nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk!
Newt was fairly vocal this morning...not sure what set him off, but he was willing to carry on a conversation for a little while. "Mer!" "What's that?" "Mer!" "Are you sure?" "Mer!" "The Blue one?" "Mer! Mer!" "Ok... what about the monkeys?".. with that, Newt just cuddled back with in bed... I may never know the answer to the Monkey question. I've worn him out this morning. He's now purring peacefully atop monitor two as I type this... he's more fond of the screens, as they're warmer than the futon, and he can play with me more easily when in front of me, rather than behind.

I should pick up a new web cam. This one’s output is pretty dang fuzzy.
I'm still not terribly hungry, even after yesterday's semi-fast. I wouldn't mind some waffles, though...maybe I'll treat myself to something tasty at lunch. I'm not sure who'd deliver waffles, but IHOP would be nice about now. I could really go for one of my sweetie's apples in the bowl on her desk, too.
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