One of the more beautiful applications to draw on Project Gutenberg for source material, TextArc gives the reader a visual representation of the interrelationships of texts as it reads through, for example, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. - via memepool
Annie is a very cool cat. -Brought to you by some guy that makes animal noises.
Newt and I have dealt with similar elements (especially those marked fetch, thief, proper training, and Halloween) He was very playful this morning... I had to wear him out before taking my shower. We must've run around for about a half hour or so.
I'm happy that my picture-server woke back up like a good boy.
Clash of the Titans on Sci-fi this morning as I get ready for work... Perseus (Hee hee...I still crack up when I see him on LA Law), the ancient Greek while sneaking away from Calibos invisibly, leaves footprints shaped like wing tips in the sand. I guess winged sandals have a pointed toe and a squared heel.
Good line from Burgess Meredith - "A divine gift should never be questioned, but merely accepted."
I still think Bubo is a pus-filled sore as a result of plague, not a wacky r2-d2 sounding robot owl, though.
I got a goodly dose of sleep last night... hit the sack early, and got my morning swabbing at 8. I slept like a corpse... just a total system shutdown. I don't recall any dreems, but my sleep was quite deep.

Annie is a very cool cat. -Brought to you by some guy that makes animal noises.
Newt and I have dealt with similar elements (especially those marked fetch, thief, proper training, and Halloween) He was very playful this morning... I had to wear him out before taking my shower. We must've run around for about a half hour or so.
I'm happy that my picture-server woke back up like a good boy.

Good line from Burgess Meredith - "A divine gift should never be questioned, but merely accepted."
I still think Bubo is a pus-filled sore as a result of plague, not a wacky r2-d2 sounding robot owl, though.
I got a goodly dose of sleep last night... hit the sack early, and got my morning swabbing at 8. I slept like a corpse... just a total system shutdown. I don't recall any dreems, but my sleep was quite deep.
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