Monday, February 03, 2003

Odd dreams last night… a lot of movement and travel. There were many sensations of high speeds and if not flight, a sideways plummet. Swift Free-fall. I don't recall a vehicle. Gadzooks... Speaking of movement, this morning blasted past. Off to work! Until Later, dear journal.

Work got the sql slammer virus this weekend...I'm surprised, as usually we're up to date on our service packs...I guess this one slipped past the guards. Ah well... all better now! Kev & Sappho got the poo-end of the stick on that one.

I'm proud of my brother... looks like he's about out of the reeds. He's got a good job to start up with this weekend, and it looks like he'll be bright eyed and bushy-tailed for it. It'll be nice to see him drawing a decent paycheck.

Got half my w-2 today... I need to check and make sure it was done right. I should wait until I get the half form when we were being leased help rather than an actual subsidiary of RC.

Sappho mentioned that she wanted me on her team, should she ge ton a trivia game show. :)


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