Which OS are You?
Shop at the Home Despot. I want that Solar-powered Submarine!
Found a photo community that's sort of like the scavenger hunt one I was considering.
Thinking of being with my sweetie like two peas in this pod-hammock. Also, cool Jellyfish looking stools and Peachy Loveseat.
What do we want? Brains! When do we want 'em? ..... Brains! A company in Atlanta is scanning people's brains with MRIs, in an effort to record our subconscious thoughts about products and ads. The process has been dubbed neuromarketing. (The sidebar has a extra link.. "Email us your thoughts" They're not getting 'em that easily! I wonder what part of my bran activates when it's time to flip the station?)
I forgot to mention yesterday that Danny got me a paperback (Captain Nemo) and a mage knight booster. (Containing a Chest, a stone golem, gorgon, skull warder, and a seeker mock) I especially like the gorgon sculpt.
Long, deep sleep last night, to make up for bro waking me up at 4am yesterday... he saw my light on and the TV going, so he knocked... I fell asleep with everything running the night before.
Mio moved out on Friday, and there's a new guy in the apartment already. His name is Alan, a fellow my brother knows. I'll be introduced to him sometime this week. He sounds like a nice guy, and he knows the rules. Bro is thinking about taking a Skipper position for a vacation / fishing trip to Bermuda.
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow yesterday.
Random Scotto factoid: My least favorite episodes of Happy Days were any that had Potsy singing or Fonzie as a Teacher.
Random Scotto pondering - What is it about cool air that makes my hair more manageable? Less humidity?
OK, enough trundling around... time for some more productive action, including a shower. Until later, dear journal.
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