1. Easy part - the book you're currently reading. If you're in the middle of multiple books, pick one.
2. Harder part - give a memorable line from it. If you can't come up with one, I'll have to assume it's not a memorable book (or your memory isn't what it used to be).
My answers:
1.The Tidewater Tales
2. "We will pay, but not count, the cost."
Misc linkies -
Pic of Earth from Mars and, even more spiffy, Earth and Jupiter from Mars
Soap Camera See also: Clock - From the fine people at cockeyed.
I should'a built that dang ark when I had the chance.
Friday 5
1. Name five things in your refrigerator.
- margarine
- diet barq's cream soda
- fresh orange juice (YES!)
- huge bottle o' water
- silken tofu
2. Name five things in your freezer.
- microwave pad thai
- freezer-pack for my back
- ice cubes
- mint chocolate chip tofutti
- veggie burgers
3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.
- litter bags
- air
- a drain pipe
- mole men
- The earth's core
4. Name five things around your computer.
- Newt!
- Palmtop cradle
- jar of fossils / gravel
- bankbook
- hair ties
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
- relaxing
- Hanging out with friends at some point. (Probably Dan on the holiday)
- reading
- enjoying the rain
- sleeping in
Speaking of fives... Happy Kallisti-day! Hail Eris, and all that. I am not a cabbage, though I am a pod.

1. Easy part - the book you're currently reading. If you're in the middle of multiple books, pick one.
2. Harder part - give a memorable line from it. If you can't come up with one, I'll have to assume it's not a memorable book (or your memory isn't what it used to be).
My answers:
1.The Tidewater Tales
2. "We will pay, but not count, the cost."
Misc linkies -
Pic of Earth from Mars and, even more spiffy, Earth and Jupiter from Mars
Soap Camera See also: Clock - From the fine people at cockeyed.
I should'a built that dang ark when I had the chance.
1. Name five things in your refrigerator.
- margarine
- diet barq's cream soda
- fresh orange juice (YES!)
- huge bottle o' water
- silken tofu
2. Name five things in your freezer.
- microwave pad thai
- freezer-pack for my back
- ice cubes
- mint chocolate chip tofutti
- veggie burgers
3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.
- litter bags
- air
- a drain pipe
- mole men
- The earth's core
4. Name five things around your computer.
- Newt!
- Palmtop cradle
- jar of fossils / gravel
- bankbook
- hair ties
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
- relaxing
- Hanging out with friends at some point. (Probably Dan on the holiday)
- reading
- enjoying the rain
- sleeping in
Speaking of fives... Happy Kallisti-day! Hail Eris, and all that. I am not a cabbage, though I am a pod.
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