Happy Birthday,! I hope that this sixth is as good as your first sixth, or better! The Marvel Comics Pope gives you his blessing.
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I'm craving some pink lemonade gum. And some Chili-Fries. And a long nap.
I've discovered that shoutcast works well in There, but only if you use a stereo stream.. also, bandwidth will make it skip after about 2 or three hours. I may start doing web-broadcasts of OTR again, just because it seems like there's a need for more dragnet / the shadow / cbs mystery theatre
There is one major, MAJOR difference between brown eggs and white eggs.
Brown eggs are brown and white eggs are white.
Does that answer your question?
No? OK then. According to the Egg Nutrition Board (and who should know better?), "White shelled eggs are produced by hens with white feathers and ear lobes. Brown shelled eggs are produced by hens with red feathers and red ear lobes. There is no difference in taste or nutrition between white and brown eggs." The people at Crisco (who may know even more than the egg nutritionists) go further to say, "They simply come from two different breeds of chickens. Brown eggs, however, are more expensive because the chickens that lay them eat more than those that lay white eggs." Among the breeds that lay brown eggs are the Rhode Island Red, the New Hampshire and the Plymouth Rock--all larger birds that require more food.
But Bill Finch of the Mobile Register suggests that brown eggs may have tasted better at one time. He says, "For years, the chickens preferred by commercial growers happened to lay white eggs. A few smart cooks sought out brown eggs because most of the home-reared American flocks, which had access to flavor-enhancing weeds and bugs, happened to lay brown eggs. Commercial egg producers eventually got wise to this. They started raising chickens that laid brown eggs, and charged a premium for them at the store.
"But because the white AND brown grocery-store eggs are the result of the same bland commercial diet, their eggs taste exactly the same. Many people still apparently don't realize they've been duped at their own game."
Here on Fibber Island
We strum rubber guitars
Our friends live on Mars
And we sew buttons on our cars
Here on Fibber Island
Our house is made of pie
Our dog is two miles wide
And all he talks about is pie
Here on Fibber Island
We swim on the ground
Wheels are square, not round
We eat chocolate by the pound
Here on Fibber Island (here on Fibber Island)
No one sings along (no one sings along)
We just ride giraffes (we just ride giraffes)
And wear bicycles for hats (bicycles for hats)
To get to Fibber Island (oooooh)
You just close your eyes (oooooh)
Start fibbin' in your mind (oooooh)
And see what you can find (oooooh)
Here on Fibber Island
We hide mittens in our hair
You might need to stare
To see the mittens in our hair
Come to Fibber Island
And strum rubber guitars
Meet our friends from Mars
And sew buttons on our cars

Which Family Guy Character are you? Take the Quiz!

Happy Birthday,
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I'm craving some pink lemonade gum. And some Chili-Fries. And a long nap.
I've discovered that shoutcast works well in There, but only if you use a stereo stream.. also, bandwidth will make it skip after about 2 or three hours. I may start doing web-broadcasts of OTR again, just because it seems like there's a need for more dragnet / the shadow / cbs mystery theatre
There is one major, MAJOR difference between brown eggs and white eggs.
Brown eggs are brown and white eggs are white.
Does that answer your question?
No? OK then. According to the Egg Nutrition Board (and who should know better?), "White shelled eggs are produced by hens with white feathers and ear lobes. Brown shelled eggs are produced by hens with red feathers and red ear lobes. There is no difference in taste or nutrition between white and brown eggs." The people at Crisco (who may know even more than the egg nutritionists) go further to say, "They simply come from two different breeds of chickens. Brown eggs, however, are more expensive because the chickens that lay them eat more than those that lay white eggs." Among the breeds that lay brown eggs are the Rhode Island Red, the New Hampshire and the Plymouth Rock--all larger birds that require more food.
But Bill Finch of the Mobile Register suggests that brown eggs may have tasted better at one time. He says, "For years, the chickens preferred by commercial growers happened to lay white eggs. A few smart cooks sought out brown eggs because most of the home-reared American flocks, which had access to flavor-enhancing weeds and bugs, happened to lay brown eggs. Commercial egg producers eventually got wise to this. They started raising chickens that laid brown eggs, and charged a premium for them at the store.
"But because the white AND brown grocery-store eggs are the result of the same bland commercial diet, their eggs taste exactly the same. Many people still apparently don't realize they've been duped at their own game."
Here on Fibber Island
We strum rubber guitars
Our friends live on Mars
And we sew buttons on our cars
Here on Fibber Island
Our house is made of pie
Our dog is two miles wide
And all he talks about is pie
Here on Fibber Island
We swim on the ground
Wheels are square, not round
We eat chocolate by the pound
Here on Fibber Island (here on Fibber Island)
No one sings along (no one sings along)
We just ride giraffes (we just ride giraffes)
And wear bicycles for hats (bicycles for hats)
To get to Fibber Island (oooooh)
You just close your eyes (oooooh)
Start fibbin' in your mind (oooooh)
And see what you can find (oooooh)
Here on Fibber Island
We hide mittens in our hair
You might need to stare
To see the mittens in our hair
Come to Fibber Island
And strum rubber guitars
Meet our friends from Mars
And sew buttons on our cars

Which Family Guy Character are you? Take the Quiz!
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