For Photo Friday

I love having conversations with folks that know what I'm talking about. Communal thoughts involving "Kneel before Zod" and the like. Lucky for me I know some... Lunch with Danny this afternoon, and maybe a viewing of the Hulk.
Dialect survey maps - I rather like the "What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?" Um... The devil is beating his wife? What? Liquid sun is a cool term, though. Also - What is your generic term for a sweetened carbonated beverage?
Internet Sacred Text Archive - This site is a freely available non-profit archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics. Texts are presented in English translation and, in some cases, in the original language. This site has no particular agenda other than promoting religious tolerance and scholarship.
Random factoid - A coffin is coffin-shaped, tapered roughly like a flat faceted mummy case; a casket is essentially a regular rectangular box.
Little fold-up robots!
From my monkfish search spider - Fish You May Want to Avoid
Just over 100 years ago Victorians imagined what the future would be like, anticipating marvelous inventions like personal buoyancy balloons (to allow us to walk on water), trains able to move several buildings at once, and a weather control machine, among others. Cards illustrating these splendors were printed by a German chocolate company, and now they're online. Victorian Visions of the Year 2000 is a most interesting browse.
Dr. Daystrom / Blacula / King of Cartoons passed away this week. So many cool roles. Thanks for contributing so much to pop culture, Mr. Marshall.
Updated: Wednesday, Jun. 18, 2003 - 9:16 AM EDT.
Kristi King, WTOP Radio
WASHINGTON - As you contemplate what type of fish to have for dinner, conservation groups are urging people not to eat certain fish because their numbers are getting dangerously low.
"The science is not in question. The science is strong that our oceans are under tremendous threat," says Ocean Conservancy President Roger Rufe, Jr.
Rufe says many fish populations are at risk from over fishing and destructive fishing practices.
On the Conservancy's suggested list of fish to avoid eating are orange roughy, imported king crab, Atlantic swordfish. Chilean sea bass and Icelandic and Atlantic cod. Beluga caviar, monkfish, rockfish, sharks, imported shrimp, wild sturgeon and bluefin tuna are also on the list.
On the list of best choices are farm-raised seafood, including clams, oysters, and mussels. Farm raised abakine, catfish, rainbow trout and striped bass.
Rufe is a member of the Pew Oceans Commission which just gave its recommendations to Congress. A Presidential Commission report is expected soon.
"This is the opportunity for President Bush to do for our oceans what Teddy Roosevelt a hundred years ago did for our land," he says.
related link, Seafood watch - Choices for healthy oceans.

I love having conversations with folks that know what I'm talking about. Communal thoughts involving "Kneel before Zod" and the like. Lucky for me I know some... Lunch with Danny this afternoon, and maybe a viewing of the Hulk.
Dialect survey maps - I rather like the "What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?" Um... The devil is beating his wife? What? Liquid sun is a cool term, though. Also - What is your generic term for a sweetened carbonated beverage?
Internet Sacred Text Archive - This site is a freely available non-profit archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics. Texts are presented in English translation and, in some cases, in the original language. This site has no particular agenda other than promoting religious tolerance and scholarship.
Random factoid - A coffin is coffin-shaped, tapered roughly like a flat faceted mummy case; a casket is essentially a regular rectangular box.
Little fold-up robots!
From my monkfish search spider - Fish You May Want to Avoid
Just over 100 years ago Victorians imagined what the future would be like, anticipating marvelous inventions like personal buoyancy balloons (to allow us to walk on water), trains able to move several buildings at once, and a weather control machine, among others. Cards illustrating these splendors were printed by a German chocolate company, and now they're online. Victorian Visions of the Year 2000 is a most interesting browse.
Dr. Daystrom / Blacula / King of Cartoons passed away this week. So many cool roles. Thanks for contributing so much to pop culture, Mr. Marshall.
Kristi King, WTOP Radio
WASHINGTON - As you contemplate what type of fish to have for dinner, conservation groups are urging people not to eat certain fish because their numbers are getting dangerously low.
"The science is not in question. The science is strong that our oceans are under tremendous threat," says Ocean Conservancy President Roger Rufe, Jr.
Rufe says many fish populations are at risk from over fishing and destructive fishing practices.
On the Conservancy's suggested list of fish to avoid eating are orange roughy, imported king crab, Atlantic swordfish. Chilean sea bass and Icelandic and Atlantic cod. Beluga caviar, monkfish, rockfish, sharks, imported shrimp, wild sturgeon and bluefin tuna are also on the list.
On the list of best choices are farm-raised seafood, including clams, oysters, and mussels. Farm raised abakine, catfish, rainbow trout and striped bass.
Rufe is a member of the Pew Oceans Commission which just gave its recommendations to Congress. A Presidential Commission report is expected soon.
"This is the opportunity for President Bush to do for our oceans what Teddy Roosevelt a hundred years ago did for our land," he says.
related link, Seafood watch - Choices for healthy oceans.
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