Cool Beans.. The deaf kid was found, as a direct result of those calls placed at 2am. I look forward to seeing what the followup report
Giant Pandas make terrible mounts. While they are about as fast as horses, they have a much livelier gait, lifting and swaying riders more than a horse would. They'd partially make up for this with the ability to swim and climb over trickier barriers, but also have to forage and feed for 12 hours a day.
The annals of Su-Ling Prefecture tell the sad story of Chao-Li, a stern young fishmonger who knowingly took a rokurokubi as a wife. "I order you to serve me!" he said to her on their wedding day. serve him she did, to herself, on a plate with seven mangoes, three dates, and a bed of fresh noodles.
I long to rest on the back of a giant turtle with my beloved, slowly being walked down the beach, as the sun goes down. There's something about the twilight between wakefulness and sleep.. that calm, seemingly eternal soothing time when your body is both heavy and light at the same time.
I was delighted that two anonymous people (or one, in two places?) replied to the Egyptian twins question in my journal. Thanks Pete and Anonymous!

Find Your Warped Personality
this quiz was made by mysti
Florida Man Admits Directing Kids To Adult Web Sites
HOLLYWOOD, FL -- A Florida man is admitting he played tricks to lure kids to pornographic web sites.
John Zuccarini, of Hollywood, pleaded guilty yesterday to 49 counts of directing minors to sexually explicit content.
Police say Zuccarini registered domain names on the web that were just one letter off from popular kid sites.
That means if children misspelled the domain name they wanted to get to, they'd automatically be taken to the adult-themed sites instead.
Prosecutors are asking for a three-year sentence in prison.
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