Sunday, September 08, 2002

Spent much of the day playing mage knight with Dave... I picked up 20 random figs via starter kit... and what's the first one I draw? A werebear, of course. :)

I also got - two freelancers (red and blue) Which look to me like German Shock troops...a shade, wood golem Living elemental (A good brother piece to the golem), amotep gunner, ranger (not nearly painted this well) Half-troll hacker, black powder boomer, leech medic , screeching terror, altem guardsman, and dwarven fuser (who looks like he has a spoon on his nose).

My least favorite piece- Amazon Blade mistress... because the paint job is awful, and the base is tough to click.

My Faves - Chaos Mage - I like his antlers, and he kicks butt...much neater looking in person. I also got his little brother, the Slasher, who looks nothing like his picture there. Deep Spawn is nifty, but mine is black, with a light green detail.

Most useful overall? The Chaos Mage, above, and the Grave Robbers (I got a red and a blue of those, too)... Kept me from losing my army very fast.

I had a nice time... Cathi seems to be sort of rough around the edges, these days, though. Weirdness... Mark Archilla is working at the Lost Realms store, and recognised me right away. I may call 'em back and say hi... it's weird seeing him with long hair and I guess he's living on his own in west palm.Still a nice, friendly, genuine guy, though.


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