Saturday, December 07, 2002


Chat from the Menstrualhut spammer... and after I had such a nice time with my sweetie, too. I hope I don't have to ban her from the community. I wish I wasn't so fast on the "delete it" trigger finger. Her two posts had foul language.

Session Start (AIM - biglug23:vegansdnteatknee): Sun Dec 01 19:20:31 2002
[19:20] vegansdnteatknee: compassion, feminism, feminisms, girlhood, girls, safety, sisters, sociology, taboo, women, women's health, women's issues, womyn
[19:21] BigLug23: call the police or an abuse center if you feel that action needs to be taken. a request to spam another person is a violation of the TOS
[19:21] vegansdnteatknee: what the hell is tos?
[19:21] BigLug23: terms of service. in the livejournal faq.
[19:21] vegansdnteatknee: yo im not a livejournal junky, i told you or whoever
[19:22] vegansdnteatknee: would it have killed on eof you to make a reasonable reply?
[19:22] vegansdnteatknee: "why dont you do this?
[19:22] vegansdnteatknee: "heres an idea"
[19:22] vegansdnteatknee: etc
[19:22] BigLug23: the message was deleted, because it was generally abusive.
[19:22] vegansdnteatknee: why would you think a girl would get on there and lie?
[19:23] BigLug23: I'm not judging you, or them. I'm just staying within the written rules. You requested that people send hatemail to someone they don't even know, and that's not within the community nor livejournal's rules.
[19:24] vegansdnteatknee: i dont know what generally abusive means, but i do know you gotta be a fucktard to not give a shit about the situation.. have fun hiding your head in the sand you fucking ass hole.
and here's a suggestion I have, break the rules... all the musicians you listen to do, all the politicians you respect probably went against some "tos" don't be a tool, you start a group about fucking blood and you cant step outside your cage for one fucking entry abotu a REAL issue "girl issues" my ass.
[19:25] BigLug23: Again, if you know about someone being abused, call the police or human services. Spam isn't a reasonable solution. If you like, I can give you the numbers to them in your area, or you can seek them out on
[19:25] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on

Random Scotto factoid - When My brother and I got toys from a similar set (Star wars, Battlestar Galactica, army men, etc) I *always* picked the bad guys / freaky looking ones. I think the only good-guy star wars figures I had were Chewbacca, Yoda and some droids. R2-D2, R5-D4, a Protocol droid (or C-3PO sprayed chrome rather than gold.)

Bad guys simply have cooler sculpts/shapes/uniforms/evil robo voices or growls.

A year ago, I started the coloring book community - lj comm="coloringbook" It has gotten pretty dusty around there lately...the last post as of this writing was a Halloween one.

Hmm. My picture hosting area at Bellsouth is down. That's a kick in the head... I hope it wakes up soon.

Went to Blimpie's for lunch... The Veggie Max sub is tasty! Of course, getting a side of chips negated most of the healthy side of that meal. The Jalapeno chips didn't have much of a bite to 'em... like someone ran the bags near a Jalapeno patch, just to capture a hint of the scent to toss on there... I think I should've gone with half sammich and half broccoli-cheese soup, no chips. (I am comfortably full of sammich, though.)

A gray day...a little warmer than yesterday.

Action figure cam - I just saw Greedo holding up another patron! (With Mr. T in the background.)

It was a tough night sleeping. I got about 5 hours in three or four fractured periods of rest over from about 2 am to 10:30 am.

Heaven knows what's going on next door, but the bro and his roommate have a guest over they're talking pretty loudly, but it doesn't seem to be argumentative. I went out to say hey, and asked about the interview. He says that his interview went well yesterday and that she'll call back. I hope that it's so... The only thing that strikes me as odd is that he hadn't shaved since I saw him last night (He had about three-days growth on his chin... not the best way to interview). I asked him last night if he needed a razor, and he said it was covered.

Today's Sunday, and December already... It would seem Papa Time has wings on his feet.

I hope that this month is much more pleasant than the last two for those I care for (that includes myself).

There's a section of ebay devoted to selling only plastic army men. the Heading goes - All Categories > Toys & Hobbies > Toy Soldiers > Modern (1970-Now) > Plastic


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