Saturday, February 22, 2003

happy dreams of dancing with my sweetheart...8am, and I'm rocking and rollin' and ready for the day. No time, no time for an extended entry... will write more on the road, dear journal.

2/12/03 9:12 am

Sending off the last element of Vallies day today... I hope she likes what I'm sending. I think it will please her.

Some kind of stink in the air this morning woke me up. At first I thought that Newt had gotten sick, but after a thorough search and catching a whiff of the outside, I've come to the conclusion that someone either spread some fertilizer on the grass or it is some kind of pesticide. Either way, it reeks a bit like poo.

Trash truck with a giant mechanical arm whooshed by, picking up cans and emptying them without coming to more than a rolling stop. Amazing how quickly and efficiently they work. They get extra points for returning the can in an upright position afterwards.

Arriving at work early to make phone calls and prep for a meeting up the street.

Nordis seems to be a sure thing.. Long haul out to Coral Springs, but there is a very nice increase in pay and benefits. Mostly programming, database stuff, more employee management and coordination. The CIO over there wanted me to start today if I could. I'm going to give the place an eyeball on Friday, and if all goes well, I'll be there in a week. A pretty professional company, so it looks like sandals are out, but I can get away with a polo shirt and no tie.

I'm going to keep my options open, though. There's a data librarian / admin position that's opening up in a month. The person at Direct mentioned that he'd keep me appraised.

Big week this week. Tomorrow I'm reaping the reward of a nice long rest before work.

The Drama Deck... The old RPG Torg had a deck of cards that helped folks along with the adventure. Little plot trumps a person could put out there for when they wanted to make things a little more interesting... and they knew ahead of time what was in their hand. It was always vague, but promising for the story being told. Like "unexpected reversal", "a second wind", "The Authorities arrive", "Someone falls in love", "Someone gets greedy", or my personal favorite... "ESCAPE!"

I wonder how much fun being handed five of those every so often in your life would make things?

Lets see if I can find the whole list. Here it is...Some were duplicated more than others... the deck had about five "second chances", and "Idea" but only one "Escape!"


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