It's a lovely, bright morning, the sunlight slicing through blinds just a bit, drawing a yellow-orange set of thin lines on the opposite wall. I've got a brief morning meeting, and then in the afternoon I may be doing a little lunch with Danny, if all goes well.
I'm glad that I didn't have to call the law on Liberty Mutual, and I'm thankful for that. The only real downside of it now is that I don't get it directly deposited into my account.
Saw the last episode of Lovejoy, and I've got to say, I was rather disappointed. Everyone went different ways, and the manor is sold off. Very Sad, considering the rest of what I've seen of the show had some real humor and entertaining stories. The first episode begins tomorrow, and hopefully I'll get a chance to watch from the beginning. I wonder if my views on the characters will be colored by knowing where everyone ends up? From what I hear, the author of the books where the character comes from isn't terribly fond of the series, because the books have a much harder edge.
The honor of worst ending is still Blake's 7 (sort of an Anti-Star Trek)...where basically all the good guys die at the end. I prefer at least a glimmer of hope, not anything that bleak. Speaking of which. There's a Blake's 7 sequel series in the pipeline, set twenty-five years after the original series, and five years after the sequel they were planning three years ago.
From Tom Waits: "Never let the weeds get higher than the garden/Always keep a sapphire in your mind/Always keep a diamond in your mind." (From "Get Behind the Mule")
A bunch of other comic fonts more nifty than comic sans, from the aptly-named ban comic sans.
Random memory of going to Disney world, and getting "chocolate doubloons" in a bag of pseudo-suede with a skull and crossbones on it... later used to hold my gaming dice. From a spur of the moment trip with Pam in the mid-90s…We decided to go the day before. I wonder where that bag is now... if it got tossed out, or if it's paced up with gaming stuff in my closet.
The Geographical Directory of World Paper Money is worth browsing for the maps alone.
Find Sounds at findsounds.com... a good start is the examples page, or just "scream".
I wonder if it's too early to think about a Halloween costume.
I think the idea of a public gay high school is as bad an idea as a public fat school, or a public "can't afford nice clothes" school. People get beaten up and harassed for all sorts of reasons. I think that money would be better spent punishing and treating the thugs wanting to hurt the other students, rather than having people run away from the issue. Otherwise, you're just putting the violence off, not preventing it.
NEW YORK (AP) -- New York City is creating the nation's first public high school for gays, bisexuals and transgender students.
The Harvey Milk High School will enroll about 100 students and open in a newly renovated building in the fall. It is named after San Francisco's first openly gay city supervisor, who was assassinated in 1978.
"I think everybody feels that it's a good idea because some of the kids who are gays and lesbians have been constantly harassed and beaten in other schools," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday. "It lets them get an education without having to worry."
The school is an expansion of a two-classroom public school program that began in 1984. A gay-rights youth advocacy group, the Hetrick-Martin Institute, has managed and financed the program since its inception.
The new school's principal, William Salzman, said the school will be academically challenging and will follow mandatory English and math programs. It also will specialize in computer technology, arts and culinary arts.
State Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long criticized the creation of the school.
"Is there a different way to teach homosexuals? Is there gay math? This is wrong," Long said. "There's no reason these children should be treated separately."
The Hetrick-Martin Institute's Web site says the school will give its students "an opportunity to obtain a secondary education in a safe and supportive environment. ... We believe that success requires the ability to respect and value the diverse human community."
Random Scotto factoid- before my palmtop, I would almost always have a legal pad with me for note taking and scribbling.
Ok, I'm getting ready for my meeting. Until later, dear journal.
a year ago - random voog glimpse, infrasound, dinner timeline, GRASP, hate group mapping, Jen plans on being wed, FMM steals paid time from me, mach 8 jets
2 years ago - animal traits poll, Museum of Black Superheroes, remonstrate, Pompano info, evil news, mental health day, rainbow newt poll, icq/lj tech trouble
3 years ago - April stress, New everway group review, Babel fish translations, green lantern, Jerrys Birthday bash, Discover marquee, Bev Preggers, Bro working at Amici's, We Like Pie, 29th Scroll, 6th Verse
Meeting went well, and I was flattered that Brett visited my site and noted my web log. The foot brace seems to dig in a bit to the sole on the left-hand side, so I’m going to have to have the doctor adjust it for me. I'm looking forward to polishing my skill and learning some lasso...from what I understand, it's pretty straightforward and if I got php, I'm already well there. I look forward to hearing from them soon. The receptionist was an outstanding, friendly lady, as is the big chief and other programmer I met. They seem to have a really good team.
Journey home through the haunted tunnel via palm-cam. I was going to animate it, but it would've tripled the size. Good ol' jpeg wins again. Minor commentary on hover.
Getting together with Danny after Lovejoy today [update- Lovejoy's pilot episode was quite good, much better earlier in the series.] Not sure what we'll do yet, but the day is young.
Well, I stand corrected. I saw Charlie's Angels 2 today with ol' Danny, and expected just boobies and explosions, but it was so over the top and goofy that I found it genuinely enjoyable and entertaining. I still think Cameron Diaz is boring and has the personality of a turnip, but everyone else really did a great job for a campy over the top sort of chop-socky movie. It was full of loopy stunts and fighting... and also nice to see Crispin Glover back as the Thin Man. I think it was as good as it was because it knew it was a cheeseball movie, and decided to run with it. Mighty fine soundtrack, too. B-52s, Beach Boys, Bowie, and to name a group not starting with B, Electric Six. Planet Claire in particular a great ambient song to shoot folks to. I didn't mind the flock of cameos, but am embarrassed to say that I recognized Pink. I'd say it was far superior to the first one, which I'd give a 5 as popcorn and forget movie. I'd boil it down to just a good American-made wire-fu flick with some funny bits. I still really dislike the promotional tour of being giggly-girly buddies... Though, since so much of it is action and eye candy I wonder how much of it I'll remember story wise in a few hours. I'm happy that the T&A was secondary to cool combat sequences and silly banter.
Basically the girls and the villains are supers... I could see it as a particularly wacky RPG session on a night when folks needed a break from "serious gaming". Viewed in that context, I'd give it a 7 or an 8 out of 10. I'm really pleasantly surprised that it was as a good time as it was.
Additional Bonus - All of the Previews were *actual movie previews* and not Car / Soda Pop / Misc-Other Adverts.
During the film, I had some of the freshest nachos with the crispest and tastiest jalapenos ever, and a reasonably tasty flagon/fish tank/keg of raspberry iced-tea.
Afterwards, we went for a beer, where he had a burger, and then we both desserted on some chocolate mousse cake. Yummy yum. (After cleansing palates with ice water.) We got some good talking in, too.
Prior to going to the movie, I got some prezzies. Spark charts for World History and HTML… Both quite handy and very entertaining, and a build your own wooden frog model.
Random History Year Factoids - Featuring Weapons Development.
c. 8000 BCE - Bow and arrow Invented
c. 300 BCE - Crossbow in China
850 - First Gunpowder in China
1200 - First Explosive Rockets in China
1250 - Gunpowder introduced in Europe
1270 - First firearms in China
1320 - First European use of Cannons
1515-1520 - First Rifles Developed
1621 - First Modern Army under Gustavus II of Sweden
1834- Samuel Colt Develops the Revolver
1862 - Gatling creates machine gun
1915 - Germans use poison gas in warfare
1939 - Germany Atomic Fission discovered by Otto Hahn.
1941 - Manhattan Project to build atomic bomb begins
1952 - US explodes first Hydrogen Bomb
1953 - USSR Explodes Hydrogen Bomb
1998 - India and Pakistan test nuclear bombs
The speed at which knowledge builds upon itself is amazing. 7700 years from bow and arrow to crossbow. 700 years to develop firearms. 3 years to create atomic bombs. What does that say?
It's a lovely, bright morning, the sunlight slicing through blinds just a bit, drawing a yellow-orange set of thin lines on the opposite wall. I've got a brief morning meeting, and then in the afternoon I may be doing a little lunch with Danny, if all goes well.

I'm glad that I didn't have to call the law on Liberty Mutual, and I'm thankful for that. The only real downside of it now is that I don't get it directly deposited into my account.
Saw the last episode of Lovejoy, and I've got to say, I was rather disappointed. Everyone went different ways, and the manor is sold off. Very Sad, considering the rest of what I've seen of the show had some real humor and entertaining stories. The first episode begins tomorrow, and hopefully I'll get a chance to watch from the beginning. I wonder if my views on the characters will be colored by knowing where everyone ends up? From what I hear, the author of the books where the character comes from isn't terribly fond of the series, because the books have a much harder edge.
The honor of worst ending is still Blake's 7 (sort of an Anti-Star Trek)...where basically all the good guys die at the end. I prefer at least a glimmer of hope, not anything that bleak. Speaking of which. There's a Blake's 7 sequel series in the pipeline, set twenty-five years after the original series, and five years after the sequel they were planning three years ago.
From Tom Waits: "Never let the weeds get higher than the garden/Always keep a sapphire in your mind/Always keep a diamond in your mind." (From "Get Behind the Mule")
A bunch of other comic fonts more nifty than comic sans, from the aptly-named ban comic sans.
Random memory of going to Disney world, and getting "chocolate doubloons" in a bag of pseudo-suede with a skull and crossbones on it... later used to hold my gaming dice. From a spur of the moment trip with Pam in the mid-90s…We decided to go the day before. I wonder where that bag is now... if it got tossed out, or if it's paced up with gaming stuff in my closet.
The Geographical Directory of World Paper Money is worth browsing for the maps alone.
Find Sounds at findsounds.com... a good start is the examples page, or just "scream".
I wonder if it's too early to think about a Halloween costume.
I think the idea of a public gay high school is as bad an idea as a public fat school, or a public "can't afford nice clothes" school. People get beaten up and harassed for all sorts of reasons. I think that money would be better spent punishing and treating the thugs wanting to hurt the other students, rather than having people run away from the issue. Otherwise, you're just putting the violence off, not preventing it.
The Harvey Milk High School will enroll about 100 students and open in a newly renovated building in the fall. It is named after San Francisco's first openly gay city supervisor, who was assassinated in 1978.
"I think everybody feels that it's a good idea because some of the kids who are gays and lesbians have been constantly harassed and beaten in other schools," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday. "It lets them get an education without having to worry."
The school is an expansion of a two-classroom public school program that began in 1984. A gay-rights youth advocacy group, the Hetrick-Martin Institute, has managed and financed the program since its inception.
The new school's principal, William Salzman, said the school will be academically challenging and will follow mandatory English and math programs. It also will specialize in computer technology, arts and culinary arts.
State Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long criticized the creation of the school.
"Is there a different way to teach homosexuals? Is there gay math? This is wrong," Long said. "There's no reason these children should be treated separately."
The Hetrick-Martin Institute's Web site says the school will give its students "an opportunity to obtain a secondary education in a safe and supportive environment. ... We believe that success requires the ability to respect and value the diverse human community."
Random Scotto factoid- before my palmtop, I would almost always have a legal pad with me for note taking and scribbling.
Scott is the #32 most common male name.
0.546% of men in the US are named Scott.
Around 668850 US men are named Scott!
source namestatistics.com
0.546% of men in the US are named Scott.
Around 668850 US men are named Scott!
source namestatistics.com
Newton is the #966 most common male name.
0.005% of men in the US are named Newton.
Around 6125 US men are named Newton!
source namestatistics.com
0.005% of men in the US are named Newton.
Around 6125 US men are named Newton!
source namestatistics.com
von Berg is a very rare last name.
Very few last names in the US are von Berg.
Be proud of your unique last name!
source namestatistics.com
Very few last names in the US are von Berg.
Be proud of your unique last name!
source namestatistics.com
Ok, I'm getting ready for my meeting. Until later, dear journal.
a year ago - random voog glimpse, infrasound, dinner timeline, GRASP, hate group mapping, Jen plans on being wed, FMM steals paid time from me, mach 8 jets
2 years ago - animal traits poll, Museum of Black Superheroes, remonstrate, Pompano info, evil news, mental health day, rainbow newt poll, icq/lj tech trouble
3 years ago - April stress, New everway group review, Babel fish translations, green lantern, Jerrys Birthday bash, Discover marquee, Bev Preggers, Bro working at Amici's, We Like Pie, 29th Scroll, 6th Verse
Meeting went well, and I was flattered that Brett visited my site and noted my web log. The foot brace seems to dig in a bit to the sole on the left-hand side, so I’m going to have to have the doctor adjust it for me. I'm looking forward to polishing my skill and learning some lasso...from what I understand, it's pretty straightforward and if I got php, I'm already well there. I look forward to hearing from them soon. The receptionist was an outstanding, friendly lady, as is the big chief and other programmer I met. They seem to have a really good team.
Journey home through the haunted tunnel via palm-cam. I was going to animate it, but it would've tripled the size. Good ol' jpeg wins again. Minor commentary on hover.

Getting together with Danny after Lovejoy today [update- Lovejoy's pilot episode was quite good, much better earlier in the series.] Not sure what we'll do yet, but the day is young.
Well, I stand corrected. I saw Charlie's Angels 2 today with ol' Danny, and expected just boobies and explosions, but it was so over the top and goofy that I found it genuinely enjoyable and entertaining. I still think Cameron Diaz is boring and has the personality of a turnip, but everyone else really did a great job for a campy over the top sort of chop-socky movie. It was full of loopy stunts and fighting... and also nice to see Crispin Glover back as the Thin Man. I think it was as good as it was because it knew it was a cheeseball movie, and decided to run with it. Mighty fine soundtrack, too. B-52s, Beach Boys, Bowie, and to name a group not starting with B, Electric Six. Planet Claire in particular a great ambient song to shoot folks to. I didn't mind the flock of cameos, but am embarrassed to say that I recognized Pink. I'd say it was far superior to the first one, which I'd give a 5 as popcorn and forget movie. I'd boil it down to just a good American-made wire-fu flick with some funny bits. I still really dislike the promotional tour of being giggly-girly buddies... Though, since so much of it is action and eye candy I wonder how much of it I'll remember story wise in a few hours. I'm happy that the T&A was secondary to cool combat sequences and silly banter.
Basically the girls and the villains are supers... I could see it as a particularly wacky RPG session on a night when folks needed a break from "serious gaming". Viewed in that context, I'd give it a 7 or an 8 out of 10. I'm really pleasantly surprised that it was as a good time as it was.
Additional Bonus - All of the Previews were *actual movie previews* and not Car / Soda Pop / Misc-Other Adverts.
During the film, I had some of the freshest nachos with the crispest and tastiest jalapenos ever, and a reasonably tasty flagon/fish tank/keg of raspberry iced-tea.
Afterwards, we went for a beer, where he had a burger, and then we both desserted on some chocolate mousse cake. Yummy yum. (After cleansing palates with ice water.) We got some good talking in, too.
Prior to going to the movie, I got some prezzies. Spark charts for World History and HTML… Both quite handy and very entertaining, and a build your own wooden frog model.
Random History Year Factoids - Featuring Weapons Development.
c. 8000 BCE - Bow and arrow Invented
c. 300 BCE - Crossbow in China
850 - First Gunpowder in China
1200 - First Explosive Rockets in China
1250 - Gunpowder introduced in Europe
1270 - First firearms in China
1320 - First European use of Cannons
1515-1520 - First Rifles Developed
1621 - First Modern Army under Gustavus II of Sweden
1834- Samuel Colt Develops the Revolver
1862 - Gatling creates machine gun
1915 - Germans use poison gas in warfare
1939 - Germany Atomic Fission discovered by Otto Hahn.
1941 - Manhattan Project to build atomic bomb begins
1952 - US explodes first Hydrogen Bomb
1953 - USSR Explodes Hydrogen Bomb
1998 - India and Pakistan test nuclear bombs
The speed at which knowledge builds upon itself is amazing. 7700 years from bow and arrow to crossbow. 700 years to develop firearms. 3 years to create atomic bombs. What does that say?
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