Sunday, July 06, 2003


Supreme Court wisely rules that you can't legislate morality and that privacy between consenting adults is a-ok as the Texas sodomy law (that applies to homosexuals only) is struck down. Ruling invalidates other remaining sodomy laws on the books.

Well! Florida will now legally allow noncoital sex! Strictly, onanism counts, but that common usage was dropped not too long after St. Peter Damain coined the term in the 11th century. I know that oral does as well as the more commonly recognized anal. (I've heard it used to describe bestiality, though I doubt that's legal.) I'm not gay, but those laws applied to me too, given that I'm happy to have nerve endings.

See more legalese, here

Beta version 2.0 of the Google toolbar is out, including blogging tools, an auto-form filler, and a pop up stopper.

My daily photo log has been added to my bio page...I'm not sure for how long. If I use it 3 or 4 more times I'll start contributing the registration fee to it.

Scroogle community apparently didn't read my bio page when it added me along with about 700 other uses. A minor pain in the ass. I've unsubscribed myself, and sent a little text message to the listed phone. The down side is that I might've enjoyed reading it if I hadn't been spam-added. To his credit, he IMed me back right away and apologized, and was nice enough about it. He claimed to have added my page because he liked the design, but that's most likely a load of crap. if he'd taken any interest and read the first thing that comes up on my bio page, he'd have known proper procedure.

I'm getting more Harry potter Spam in my email filter now, and fewer Mortgage or Penis enlargement.

New meeting scheduled for Tuesday morning for the XML import upgrade and Tradeshow database. It'll be good to get Mark, Tom and myself all on the same page... I imagine that they'll come up with some options and usability features that I've not thought of including so far. The xml is really, at its heart just a set of user macros that automates the existing procedure, and takes care of some of the more common errors.

New Ren & Stimpy Episodes on TNN tonight at 10:pm, then some annoying sounding other cartoons, and Then, more ren & stimpy at 11:30. Tricky going against Family guy, and adult swim on the cartoon network. Weirdly, it seems that by looking at it, all TNN has right now is Real TV from 9am to 6:30 pm, then some misc junk, then ren & stimpy. They need to buff out the roster some. I wonder why it's going under its third incarnation. The "star trek and duke boys" channel didn't work out? I know Nickelodeon owns it, too… maybe slap a few more cartoons in there?


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