Wednesday, August 20, 2003

I noticed someone replicated the community over at blurty... I wish them the best of luck, and hope it's as successful in its own location!

Heavy and loud thunderstorms this morning... strikes close enough to rattle the windows, and set off neighbor's car alarms.... and I'm thankful that I'm living indoors.

Kevan was thinking of shotguns instead of torches...I wonder what color to make them? Torches are easy enough as orange. I imagine they could be sort of a blue, maybe. in addition to my rough terrain, also considering leaving a little bloodstain where the infection took place. {type 1- zombie, type 2 - human, type 4 - torch/(rifle?)}

LiveJournal Haiku!
Your name:scottobear
Your haiku:the fours with himself
license plate of his thai crimes
I’m having din din
Created by Grahame

a year ago - A/C issues, Everyone Guilty of Enron, cake, Hurricane Andrew, bus stop photos, keywords

2 years ago - I photoshop my dream, coloringbook, fecund

3 years ago - nothin'

Early to bed tonight... Meeting tomorrow is at 9:30 am at ACIM... that means I'll get up at 6 to insure I'll be there early... fed, dressed, and sharp as a tack.

I've picked up a few new vampire kids! I currently have 9 active children, and who knows how many grands and great-grands. I got badly robbed on the way to a magic shoppe, and now I can't buy the loot I wanted, even after drinking up a big nest of humans. I wonder how complex that script is, and If I could replicate a similar one on my page. (or if I'd want to? the bandwidth seems pretty high)

Looking at my morning's logs, I see that I got pinged by CRC... Is Pam still working there, and if so, was that her hitting my site? I wonder sometimes where life has taken her. I still have the red ceramic mask and copy of Bioactive Natural Products.

Got a lot of nice mail today... Grammy, Rachel and Gray Pumpkin, to name a few. I like the fact that I'm able to maintain communication with friends and relatives in other states regularly in a more standard style. Depending on the recipient, the conversation can be more of a classic correspondence type (e-mail written in the form of letters, no quoting the former, but rewriting in order to keep it self-contained) ,a stream of conversational threads (similar to a phone chat) or somewhere in between as the case may be. Grammy seems best at keeping it similar to actual letters. My own preference seems to vary with my moods and the person I'm writing to.

Send in the Eagles to Battle Giant Gerbils

BEIJING (Reuters) - China is deploying eagles to control giant gerbils that have damaged an area of grassland larger than Switzerland.

The China Daily said on Tuesday burrowing by great gerbils (Rhombomys opimus) and other rodents had damaged 11.76 million acres of grassland in the far west. About 81,540 acres had been completely destroyed.

"It has been the most severe rodent disaster since 1993," Xiong Ling, an official with the region's headquarters for controlling locusts and rodents, was quoted as saying.

To combat the onslaught, the government was using poison and raising eagles to eat the burrowers now reaching the peak of their reproductive cycle, the paper said, adding as many as 790 burrow holes had been found per hectare in some areas.

Great gerbils, found in many parts of Central Asia, can grow up to 16 inches from head to tail, the Web site of Britain's National Gerbil Society at said.

In addition to being an agricultural pest, the gerbils are known to carry bubonic plague, it said.

Add your own Richard Gere joke.

Go below the streets of New York City. Marvel at what it takes to pump life into 'the city that never sleeps.'

Today's Eats

Point Range: 31-36
Water: 0 Veg/Fruit: 0 Milk: 0
Points: 31.9 Adj: 0 Act: 0 Rem: 4.1
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes

Breakfast: 6.5 points
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
0.3: Egg; whole; hard-boiled
0.3: Egg; whole; hard-boiled
0.3: Egg; whole; hard-boiled
2.8: Cereals; REESE'S PUFFS

Lunch: 9.4 points
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
0.7: Olives
0.1: Alfalfa seeds; sprouted; raw
0.8: Boca burger; grilled vegetable
0.8: Boca burger; grilled vegetable
0.7: Olives
3.5: Goldfish

Dinner: 7.4 points
5.3: Amy's Enchilada dinner
2.1: Corn; sweet; white; canned; whole kernel; drained solids

Snack: 8.6 points

6.6: ice cream ; fudge ripple - 1 cup
1.0: Dove dark chocolate promise
1.0: Dove dark chocolate promise


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