Thursday, May 01, 2003

Calling Robin Rodriguez today, and doing follow-ups. [update] stardust diner 12:30 With Robin - interview /lunch I may be too expensive for her, but we'll see.

Brett over at Starmark is very fast on his replies, and I appreciate that.

The bulk of the reply was:
"It is possible I can bring you in freelance before I hire that position, but I would not know the timing at this point. I'll try to have a definitive answer for you by the end of this week."
Works for me... I'' keep positive vibes there. It looks like a great gig.

Joanne wrote back this morning too, re: the State Attorney's office, and that seems to be very positive.

Tomorrow is the big visit with Mark over at JKG... 10:30 am, that's a quick trip via tri rail to Boca. It amazes me how all trips take an hour, whether you're going up the street or cross-county.

Picked up some provisions earlier and nearly fell over... the weather outside is fantastic... maybe the low 60s or cooler. Thank you, whatever super villain is messing with the world’s temperatures! This morning, first thing, I'd say it was in the 40s.

Bro brought Newt a Catnip mouse and some treats, and me a packet of Reese’s pieces. I can't recall the last time I had RP... probably some Halloween before Newt was born.

Hey kids - this is advertising! sponge bob toys at burger king I think Newt'd dig the plush shakin' sponge bob., and I'm rather partial to the gravity defying Gary wind up toy.

Dan thinks I'm Dogbert.


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