Photo Friday Submission - "Broken"

AdventureQuest is a lunch break sized RPG that you can play daily using your web browser. We are adding new things every week! Join us in shaping the direction of this campy yet addictive roleplaying game. Create an account and play!
Another fun little interactive flash-world. "arrrgh!"
1 year ago - moonlight movies, a li'l grumpy
2 years ago -vertiginous, steganography, word association poll
3 years ago - smelly BK, political mailings cost the same
I get a little nervous when I call my brother's place and he's not there. Sometimes, I'd like to tag him like a cougar on "Wild Kingdom" just so that I'm able to keep tabs on him. It's a pity that communications, while frequent, can be difficult to stay on top of. Hopefully, I'll hear from him early tonight, and that'll balm the concern.
A new website appeared on my geoURL... A tidemarker for the bridge nearby.
My review copy of the Hero system 5th Ed, and Champions came today... it's nice to have friends in the industry. Those'll make fun reading when I want to recapture the old players vibe.
Things that need tending soon - (Probably Sunday)
Newton is evolved by strange radiation, and turns on his master. Cat in the Hat Seuss font seems to work pretty well.
I'm using my old DeviantART account... we'll see how this works out.
Why is yawning contagious?
A: We don't know but we have guesses.
We yawn to stay together and synchronize our activities says Robert Provine, psychology professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, who's studied neural mechanisms of behavior in over 30 species. Yawning apparently triggers behavior transitions. We yawn when we wake up and need to get moving. We yawn next most often when we get ready to go to sleep.
A long time ago when we were primitive peoples facing constant dangers, perhaps contagious yawning was a useful tool to manage the different activity transitions through the day. The family woke up and started to yawn contagiously. Everyone was soon ready to forage or hunt together. Likewise, later in the day, one would yawn and soon the group was yawning and ready to nap. None was left up alert to wander off and face a saber-toothed tiger alone.
A few yawning facts:
Hmmm... I got this link in the mail after seeing the Newton / Scotto Superhero / Villain pics I do on occasion. That green goblin... he is a little crazy.
Also a little crazy... Women in spacesuits in TV and film. I wonder if that's someone's big fetish.
Today's Eats -
Point Range: 31-36
Water: 8 Veg/Fruit: 3 Milk: 0
Points: 31.2 Adj: 0 Act: 0 Rem: 4.8
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes
Breakfast: 6.5 points
1.4: Bagels; egg
4.8: Egg sandwich -morningstar
0.3: Egg; whole; hard-boiled
Lunch: 10.8 points
5.4: Pizza rolls- 6
5.4: Pizza rolls- 6
Dinner: 5.5 points
5.4: Pizza rolls- 6
0.1: Beans; snap; green; canned; no salt added; drained solids
Snack: 8.4 points
Photo Friday Submission - "Broken"

Marcus Cole
An honest and chivalrous adventurer that pursues just causes, you would sacrifice much to help others.
I am a Ranger. We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no-one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One.
Marcus is a character in the Babylon 5 universe. You can read his profile at the Worlds of JMS.
Hmmm.... I'd buy that more except for that stunt he pulled at the end with the clone. I was a hair's breadth from getting Aragorn, or Samwise.
AdventureQuest is a lunch break sized RPG that you can play daily using your web browser. We are adding new things every week! Join us in shaping the direction of this campy yet addictive roleplaying game. Create an account and play!
Another fun little interactive flash-world. "arrrgh!"
1 year ago - moonlight movies, a li'l grumpy
2 years ago -vertiginous, steganography, word association poll
3 years ago - smelly BK, political mailings cost the same
I get a little nervous when I call my brother's place and he's not there. Sometimes, I'd like to tag him like a cougar on "Wild Kingdom" just so that I'm able to keep tabs on him. It's a pity that communications, while frequent, can be difficult to stay on top of. Hopefully, I'll hear from him early tonight, and that'll balm the concern.
A new website appeared on my geoURL... A tidemarker for the bridge nearby.
My review copy of the Hero system 5th Ed, and Champions came today... it's nice to have friends in the industry. Those'll make fun reading when I want to recapture the old players vibe.
Things that need tending soon - (Probably Sunday)
- Clean the Bathroom
- Clean the Kitchen
- Groceries - Including a House Scale & screwdriver
- Computer upgrade (I E - the sturdy screwdriver when you get Groceries)
- See Medallion
- Stop John Stamos from completing his plans for world domination.
Newton is evolved by strange radiation, and turns on his master. Cat in the Hat Seuss font seems to work pretty well.

I'm using my old DeviantART account... we'll see how this works out.
Why is yawning contagious?
A: We don't know but we have guesses.
We yawn to stay together and synchronize our activities says Robert Provine, psychology professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, who's studied neural mechanisms of behavior in over 30 species. Yawning apparently triggers behavior transitions. We yawn when we wake up and need to get moving. We yawn next most often when we get ready to go to sleep.
A long time ago when we were primitive peoples facing constant dangers, perhaps contagious yawning was a useful tool to manage the different activity transitions through the day. The family woke up and started to yawn contagiously. Everyone was soon ready to forage or hunt together. Likewise, later in the day, one would yawn and soon the group was yawning and ready to nap. None was left up alert to wander off and face a saber-toothed tiger alone.
A few yawning facts:
- Humans yawn before they're born, even in the first trimester of prenatal development. Ultrasonic scanners catch fetuses yawning and hiccupping at 11 weeks.
- Children up to about age five, yawn but not contagiously. From 5 to 11 they become increasing susceptible to "catching" a yawn from others.
- Olympic athletes yawn on the starting line, students yawn before an exam, and musicians yawn before a concert begins. They yawn before a big activity change: the race, the test, the concert.
- Schizophrenics rarely yawn.
- Chimpanzees and apes yawn infectiously, just as we.
- Cats, fish, and birds yawn
- Myth: People yawn to take in more oxygen and the reason it's contagious is everyone in the stuffy room needs more oxygen. Provine proved this false in 1987 when he observed experiment subjects yawning even though breathing pure oxygen.
Hmmm... I got this link in the mail after seeing the Newton / Scotto Superhero / Villain pics I do on occasion. That green goblin... he is a little crazy.
Also a little crazy... Women in spacesuits in TV and film. I wonder if that's someone's big fetish.
Today's Eats -
Point Range: 31-36
Water: 8 Veg/Fruit: 3 Milk: 0
Points: 31.2 Adj: 0 Act: 0 Rem: 4.8
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes
Breakfast: 6.5 points
1.4: Bagels; egg
4.8: Egg sandwich -morningstar
0.3: Egg; whole; hard-boiled
Lunch: 10.8 points
5.4: Pizza rolls- 6
5.4: Pizza rolls- 6
Dinner: 5.5 points
5.4: Pizza rolls- 6
0.1: Beans; snap; green; canned; no salt added; drained solids
Snack: 8.4 points
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