Question not yon clams, and yon jerk-ed beef!
Hopefully I'll be getting together with the bro today, to shoot the breeze and spend some quality time together, even if it's only to do laundry and chum around. He's supposed to call me by noon... if I don't hear from him by one, I'll have to fly solo. I'd like everything to be calm and comfy for my Monday. [update 3:10 pm Bah, no call yet... solo laundry it is. ]
Wondering what it's like to be deaf, and not be able to even hear the sound of your own voice.
I just realized that the spoonerism for art fair is fart air. heehaw... how old am I?
Helpful Vampire game hint - The barman says "The closest shop to here is The Potion Shoppe, right by Emerald and 71st. I do wish those damn magic shops would stay still for a while."
Random Comic Book Factoid.... Krypto, the Superdog was Skippy, and he disguised his secret ID with brown spray paint.
From an issue circa 1981
Danny mentioned that many, if not all of the students in the Sci-Fi club have journals... primarily on Deadjournal. Interesting how widely the phenomenon has grown over the last some years. Apparently the Making fiends link went over well with them.
Scout walker Kama Sutra. AT-STs in the throes of passion! How Sex-ay!
Morning Newt by request -
Stalking the elusive paper wad
Talking to me from atop the monitor 1
Interactive Dali - Try your forces in the surrealism! Change the image as you like. You can move and resize the parts as you like.
A Watch Powered by Snake Oil "Like a deflector shield protecting the Starship Enterprise from its enemies, a new watch promises to shield the body from "electronic pollution" from cell phones and other gadgets."
a year ago - wonka, hypno powers, got my computer desk
2 years ago - stoic, codex seraphinianus, fruit poll
3 years ago - remembering a hard month
Back from doing the wash, and still no sign of my bro. I'm guessing he got some day work, and that's a good thing. I made a most delicious sammich for lunch, and the olive oil seems to have attracted Newt as much as the olives themselves. I could've used some sun-dried tomato, though it came out delicious without it. I got to go over Allston's Champions book more in-depth, and it's really quite good, with some excellent examples and samples. If we'd had some of the advice mentioned, I think some of our games would've gone a little smoother by being forewarned (and being able to point out in print to some players potential trouble spots, like code vs. killing / soloists / genre elements, myself included.)
At the 'mat , my "green man" was complimented by a few friendly hippies and we talked a little about th ePeace River for a bit.. I haven't been in an age, now... once it cools off, I'm all for another journey.
Catch 33... a simple but fun little game.
Why you shouldn't park under trees. Bleh!
Orisinal's new game, Koala.
Female Gamers outnumber boys - LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Challenging the stereotype that video gaming is the domain of teenage boys, an industry group Tuesday reported that more women over 18 than young boys are playing games and the average age of players has risen to 29.
A poll released by the Entertainment Software Association and conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates found 26 percent of game players are women 18 or older, while 21 percent are boys 6 to 17.
Video gaming has traditionally been seen as the province of teenage boys locked in dark rooms and twitching away at their game consoles, although in recent years the industry has worked to publish games catering to kids, women and older gamers.
Growing audience
In line with that trend, adults over 50 now make up 17 percent of the gaming population, the ESA said, compared with 13 percent three years ago.
The largest group of gamers, at 38 percent, is men 18 and up, while girls 6 to 17 account for 12 percent of game players, the poll found.
"I think that what used to be the standard in games, which was the female character in distress and the big macho man saving the day, is no longer the case," said Vikki Hrody, a faculty member at the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago, who teaches art for game design.
A random national sample of 806 adults, covering a total of 1,048 game players including kids, was used in the poll, the ESA said.
The average gamer spends 6.5 hours a week playing games, the ESA said, while boys 6 to 17 average 7.3 hours per week of game time.
Prefer mature games
As the age of gamers has risen, so has the number of games for adults. Of all games sold in 2002, the ESA said 13.2 percent carried a "Mature" or "M" rating, up from 9.9 percent in 2001 and under 8 percent in 2000.
Hrody said she and her friends much prefer many of those mature games, like war titles, to the games specially designed and targeted by game companies at the female market, such as dancing themes or Barbie.
"They don't hear enough about what the market is. I think they just assume that it's boys that are playing these games," she said. "(Girls' games are) very boring, there's no story line, it's almost like they play it down for girls."
The poll found little difference in the relationship between game play and income, with 39 percent of gamers reporting total household income of less than $50,000 a year and 41 percent reporting an income of more than $50,000.
Ok, this is going to be a problem. Official: N. Korea Vows to Make Nuke Test
WASHINGTON - Rejecting U.S. disarmament demands, North Korea said Thursday it will prove to the world that it possesses nuclear weapons by carrying out a nuclear test, a U.S. government official said.
At a six-nation meeting in China that included the United States, North Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Yong Il also said, according to the U.S. official, that his country has the means to deliver nuclear weapons, an apparent reference to its highly-developed missile program.
The State Department declined comment on the deliberations in Beijing except to reiterate that the U.S. goal at the conference is to focus on "the complete, verifiable and irreversible elimination" of North Korea's nuclear weapons program.
Wie Sung-rak, director-general of the South Korean Foreign Ministry's North American Affairs Bureau, injected a positive note, saying in Beijing that another round of talks probably will be held after the current round ends on Friday. Efforts to confirm Wie's statement with U.S. officials were unsuccessful.
North Korea had confirmed privately to U.S. officials last April during talks in China that it possessed nuclear weapons but Kim's statement Thursday is believed to have been its such acknowledgment in a formal setting.
Present for Kim's presentation at a guest house in western Beijing were Assistant Secretary of State James A. Kelly and representatives from China, South Korea , Japan and Russia, in addition to North Korea.
U.S. intelligence has not detected overt signs that North Korea is preparing to conduct a nuclear weapons test, said one U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity. But such a test would presumably be underground, so preparatory work would be difficult to detect, the official said.
There was speculation here that North Korea could carry out a nuclear test on Sept. 9, the anniversary of the formation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, as the country is known officially.
With the exception of North Korea, all governments represented in Beijing had expressed varying degrees of opposition to the communist country's nuclear programs.
The administration believed that a broad international front — including North Korea's neighbors — in support of a denuclearized Korean peninsula would induce Pyongyang to retreat from its nuclear ambitions.
Officials also hoped that North Korea might show flexibility given U.S. promises to offer security guarantees to Pyongyang as well as measures to assist the country's stricken economy.
In addition, the administration found encouragement in signs that China was increasingly opposed to North Korea's program. As a major donor of food and energy aid to North Korea, China has been thought by U.S. officials to be in position to play a decisive role in restraining Pyongyang.
But the North Korean rejection of the U.S. nuclear disarmament proposal appeared to be complete. According to the official, Kim said there was no evidence of any U.S. intention to abandon its policy of hostility toward North Korea. He also rejected U.S. suggestions that North Korea open up its nuclear facilities to international inspection.
The administration official, asking not to be identified, said China's delegate appeared visibly angry over Kim's statement but responded in a moderate tone.
The official said that when Russia and Japan attempted to point out some positive elements of the U.S. presentation, the North Korean delegate attacked them by name and said they were lying at the instruction of the United States.
North Korea has insisted for almost a year that Washington and Pyongyang negotiate a non-aggression pact. But the administration has shown no interest. American promises of no hostile intent toward North Korea apparently have not satisfied Pyongyang.
It is widely suspected that President Bush generated anxiety in Pyongyang by including North Korea, along with Iran and pre-war Iraq (news - web sites), as a member of an "axis of evil" in January 2002.
Also, the White House, in a September 2002 global strategy report, threatened to stop North Korea and other hostile nations before they are able to attack the United States with weapons of mass destruction.
Although there is no clear evidence of a connection, North Korea in the months after the report was issued took a series of steps that caused alarm in Washington, Northeast Asia and beyond.
They included Pyongyang's withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, cancellation of an eight-year freeze on its plutonium-production program and assertions that reprocessing had begun on spent nuclear fuel rods — an essential step toward production of nuclear weapons.
The administration began exerting pressure on North Korea starting last fall after receiving information that the country had launched a uranium-based nuclear weapons program.
The administration said North Korea confirmed the existence of such a program to Kelly during a meeting in Pyongyang last fall. On Thursday, however, Kim, according to the U.S. official, said his country has no such program.
Ok, I confess. I officially like Kim Possible. Monkey Ninjas. Naked Mole Rats Named Rufus. Evil Scottish Golfers, and the Head of the Global Defense league (a woman in an eye patch) has an evil *fraternal* twin (A guy in an eye patch and goatee).
Today's Eats - *note to self, the cupboard is bare! get food, man!*
Point Range: 31-36
Water: 3 Veg/Fruit: 3 Milk: 0
Points: 31.2 Adj: 0 Act: 3.8 Rem: 8.6
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes
Breakfast: 7.6 points
4.8: Egg sandwich -morningstar
Lunch: 8.7 points
2.6: Cheese; provolone
1.1: Bread; whole-wheat; commercially prepared
1.1: Bread; whole-wheat; commercially prepared
0.0: Mixed veggies
0.2: Peppers; sweet; red;
0.1: Olives; ripe; canned (jumbo-super colossal)
0.1: Olives; ripe; canned (jumbo-super colossal)
0.0: Vinegar; cider
3.5: Oil; olive; salad or cooking
0.0: Soda; Low calorie; other than cola or pepper; w/aspartame
Dinner: 10.4 points
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
2.4: Peanut butter; smooth style 1 tbsp
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
2.4: Peanut butter; smooth style 1 tbsp
Snack: 4.5 points
4.5: Toaster Pastries; raspberry strudel
Activity Log: (Min:Int:Points Desc)
20:L:1.6 Morning- stretches
20:M:2.2 Evening- stretches
Question not yon clams, and yon jerk-ed beef!
Hopefully I'll be getting together with the bro today, to shoot the breeze and spend some quality time together, even if it's only to do laundry and chum around. He's supposed to call me by noon... if I don't hear from him by one, I'll have to fly solo. I'd like everything to be calm and comfy for my Monday. [update 3:10 pm Bah, no call yet... solo laundry it is. ]
Wondering what it's like to be deaf, and not be able to even hear the sound of your own voice.
I just realized that the spoonerism for art fair is fart air. heehaw... how old am I?
Helpful Vampire game hint - The barman says "The closest shop to here is The Potion Shoppe, right by Emerald and 71st. I do wish those damn magic shops would stay still for a while."
Random Comic Book Factoid.... Krypto, the Superdog was Skippy, and he disguised his secret ID with brown spray paint.

From an issue circa 1981
Danny mentioned that many, if not all of the students in the Sci-Fi club have journals... primarily on Deadjournal. Interesting how widely the phenomenon has grown over the last some years. Apparently the Making fiends link went over well with them.
Scout walker Kama Sutra. AT-STs in the throes of passion! How Sex-ay!
Morning Newt by request -

Stalking the elusive paper wad

Talking to me from atop the monitor 1
Interactive Dali - Try your forces in the surrealism! Change the image as you like. You can move and resize the parts as you like.
A Watch Powered by Snake Oil "Like a deflector shield protecting the Starship Enterprise from its enemies, a new watch promises to shield the body from "electronic pollution" from cell phones and other gadgets."
a year ago - wonka, hypno powers, got my computer desk
2 years ago - stoic, codex seraphinianus, fruit poll
3 years ago - remembering a hard month
Back from doing the wash, and still no sign of my bro. I'm guessing he got some day work, and that's a good thing. I made a most delicious sammich for lunch, and the olive oil seems to have attracted Newt as much as the olives themselves. I could've used some sun-dried tomato, though it came out delicious without it. I got to go over Allston's Champions book more in-depth, and it's really quite good, with some excellent examples and samples. If we'd had some of the advice mentioned, I think some of our games would've gone a little smoother by being forewarned (and being able to point out in print to some players potential trouble spots, like code vs. killing / soloists / genre elements, myself included.)
At the 'mat , my "green man" was complimented by a few friendly hippies and we talked a little about th ePeace River for a bit.. I haven't been in an age, now... once it cools off, I'm all for another journey.
Catch 33... a simple but fun little game.
Why you shouldn't park under trees. Bleh!
Orisinal's new game, Koala.
Female Gamers outnumber boys - LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Challenging the stereotype that video gaming is the domain of teenage boys, an industry group Tuesday reported that more women over 18 than young boys are playing games and the average age of players has risen to 29.
A poll released by the Entertainment Software Association and conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates found 26 percent of game players are women 18 or older, while 21 percent are boys 6 to 17.
Video gaming has traditionally been seen as the province of teenage boys locked in dark rooms and twitching away at their game consoles, although in recent years the industry has worked to publish games catering to kids, women and older gamers.
Growing audience
In line with that trend, adults over 50 now make up 17 percent of the gaming population, the ESA said, compared with 13 percent three years ago.
The largest group of gamers, at 38 percent, is men 18 and up, while girls 6 to 17 account for 12 percent of game players, the poll found.
"I think that what used to be the standard in games, which was the female character in distress and the big macho man saving the day, is no longer the case," said Vikki Hrody, a faculty member at the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago, who teaches art for game design.
A random national sample of 806 adults, covering a total of 1,048 game players including kids, was used in the poll, the ESA said.
The average gamer spends 6.5 hours a week playing games, the ESA said, while boys 6 to 17 average 7.3 hours per week of game time.
Prefer mature games
As the age of gamers has risen, so has the number of games for adults. Of all games sold in 2002, the ESA said 13.2 percent carried a "Mature" or "M" rating, up from 9.9 percent in 2001 and under 8 percent in 2000.
Hrody said she and her friends much prefer many of those mature games, like war titles, to the games specially designed and targeted by game companies at the female market, such as dancing themes or Barbie.
"They don't hear enough about what the market is. I think they just assume that it's boys that are playing these games," she said. "(Girls' games are) very boring, there's no story line, it's almost like they play it down for girls."
The poll found little difference in the relationship between game play and income, with 39 percent of gamers reporting total household income of less than $50,000 a year and 41 percent reporting an income of more than $50,000.
Ok, this is going to be a problem. Official: N. Korea Vows to Make Nuke Test
WASHINGTON - Rejecting U.S. disarmament demands, North Korea said Thursday it will prove to the world that it possesses nuclear weapons by carrying out a nuclear test, a U.S. government official said.
At a six-nation meeting in China that included the United States, North Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Yong Il also said, according to the U.S. official, that his country has the means to deliver nuclear weapons, an apparent reference to its highly-developed missile program.
The State Department declined comment on the deliberations in Beijing except to reiterate that the U.S. goal at the conference is to focus on "the complete, verifiable and irreversible elimination" of North Korea's nuclear weapons program.
Wie Sung-rak, director-general of the South Korean Foreign Ministry's North American Affairs Bureau, injected a positive note, saying in Beijing that another round of talks probably will be held after the current round ends on Friday. Efforts to confirm Wie's statement with U.S. officials were unsuccessful.
North Korea had confirmed privately to U.S. officials last April during talks in China that it possessed nuclear weapons but Kim's statement Thursday is believed to have been its such acknowledgment in a formal setting.
Present for Kim's presentation at a guest house in western Beijing were Assistant Secretary of State James A. Kelly and representatives from China, South Korea , Japan and Russia, in addition to North Korea.
U.S. intelligence has not detected overt signs that North Korea is preparing to conduct a nuclear weapons test, said one U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity. But such a test would presumably be underground, so preparatory work would be difficult to detect, the official said.
There was speculation here that North Korea could carry out a nuclear test on Sept. 9, the anniversary of the formation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, as the country is known officially.
With the exception of North Korea, all governments represented in Beijing had expressed varying degrees of opposition to the communist country's nuclear programs.
The administration believed that a broad international front — including North Korea's neighbors — in support of a denuclearized Korean peninsula would induce Pyongyang to retreat from its nuclear ambitions.
Officials also hoped that North Korea might show flexibility given U.S. promises to offer security guarantees to Pyongyang as well as measures to assist the country's stricken economy.
In addition, the administration found encouragement in signs that China was increasingly opposed to North Korea's program. As a major donor of food and energy aid to North Korea, China has been thought by U.S. officials to be in position to play a decisive role in restraining Pyongyang.
But the North Korean rejection of the U.S. nuclear disarmament proposal appeared to be complete. According to the official, Kim said there was no evidence of any U.S. intention to abandon its policy of hostility toward North Korea. He also rejected U.S. suggestions that North Korea open up its nuclear facilities to international inspection.
The administration official, asking not to be identified, said China's delegate appeared visibly angry over Kim's statement but responded in a moderate tone.
The official said that when Russia and Japan attempted to point out some positive elements of the U.S. presentation, the North Korean delegate attacked them by name and said they were lying at the instruction of the United States.
North Korea has insisted for almost a year that Washington and Pyongyang negotiate a non-aggression pact. But the administration has shown no interest. American promises of no hostile intent toward North Korea apparently have not satisfied Pyongyang.
It is widely suspected that President Bush generated anxiety in Pyongyang by including North Korea, along with Iran and pre-war Iraq (news - web sites), as a member of an "axis of evil" in January 2002.
Also, the White House, in a September 2002 global strategy report, threatened to stop North Korea and other hostile nations before they are able to attack the United States with weapons of mass destruction.
Although there is no clear evidence of a connection, North Korea in the months after the report was issued took a series of steps that caused alarm in Washington, Northeast Asia and beyond.
They included Pyongyang's withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, cancellation of an eight-year freeze on its plutonium-production program and assertions that reprocessing had begun on spent nuclear fuel rods — an essential step toward production of nuclear weapons.
The administration began exerting pressure on North Korea starting last fall after receiving information that the country had launched a uranium-based nuclear weapons program.
The administration said North Korea confirmed the existence of such a program to Kelly during a meeting in Pyongyang last fall. On Thursday, however, Kim, according to the U.S. official, said his country has no such program.
Ok, I confess. I officially like Kim Possible. Monkey Ninjas. Naked Mole Rats Named Rufus. Evil Scottish Golfers, and the Head of the Global Defense league (a woman in an eye patch) has an evil *fraternal* twin (A guy in an eye patch and goatee).
Today's Eats - *note to self, the cupboard is bare! get food, man!*
Point Range: 31-36
Water: 3 Veg/Fruit: 3 Milk: 0
Points: 31.2 Adj: 0 Act: 3.8 Rem: 8.6
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes
Breakfast: 7.6 points
4.8: Egg sandwich -morningstar
Lunch: 8.7 points
2.6: Cheese; provolone
1.1: Bread; whole-wheat; commercially prepared
1.1: Bread; whole-wheat; commercially prepared
0.0: Mixed veggies
0.2: Peppers; sweet; red;
0.1: Olives; ripe; canned (jumbo-super colossal)
0.1: Olives; ripe; canned (jumbo-super colossal)
0.0: Vinegar; cider
3.5: Oil; olive; salad or cooking
0.0: Soda; Low calorie; other than cola or pepper; w/aspartame
Dinner: 10.4 points
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
2.4: Peanut butter; smooth style 1 tbsp
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
2.4: Peanut butter; smooth style 1 tbsp
Snack: 4.5 points
4.5: Toaster Pastries; raspberry strudel
Activity Log: (Min:Int:Points Desc)
20:L:1.6 Morning- stretches
20:M:2.2 Evening- stretches
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