Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Tricky, adapting to my new sleep schedule. I fell into the "up at 8 / 9" syndrome... 6am thunderstorms are pretty tough to break through on the waking side. I'll shift and adjust, though.

Good day, today.

My first experience with an actual lost child today... She went missing at 2:45 and with our help was found by the Margate police and returned to her family before 3:15.

I'm looking forward to the long weekend coming up... Planning a nice, relaxing day of comfort on Monday. I got a note that says Newt's due his six-month appointment at the vet's on the first, but that's Labor day... I'm going to have to call and confirm.

I think that I've got the knack of the primary players in the new chapter so far. If you're logged in, a minor review follows.

I get to add another contribution to the coming zombie multiplayer game by Projector Games.

Zombie voice acting sounds to record for the game. I need to record at 16-bit, 44khz, mono.

No Zombies for a while

Where are they?
I can hear them!
What time is it?
Remember - short controlled bursts
we need a flare gun!
we're not gonna make it
maybe we got 'em all...maybe
they mostly come out at night... mostly...

First Zombie(targeting someone after X time with no zombies targeting)
we've got company!
open fire!
need help here!
let em have it!

Continued Attack (X seconds without a zombie hit cancels this state; Y seconds in it triggers sound )
they're still coming!
I'm running outta ammo!
who are these guys?
where did they come from?
how many are there????
you want some of this?
yeah you too!
c'mon baby c'mon!
come to daddy!
we're screwed!
it's just game over man!
let's go (ash)

Attack Finished
Cease fire!
that looks like the last of 'em... for now.
ammo's running low...
dammit, where's that chopper?
hail to the king baby

Reloading (if reload time> 30)
cover me
shit,not now


Zombie mutter (no player around)
Zombie pain (damaged by gun shot, etc)
Zombie die (sharp noise, dying off)
Zombie growl (seen player, alerting nearby players)

Radio chatter
"ok, we have triangulated your 20, and we're sending armed transport to the nearest landing zone. ETA is six minutes - you have hold out until then. If you can find some way to signal us, we may be able to locate you quicker. Repeat, we are on our way *crackle static*
"ok, we have triangulated your 20, and we're sending armed transport to the nearest landing zone. ETA is four minutes - you have hold out until then. If you can find some way to signal us, we may be able to locate you quicker. Repeat, we are on our way *crackle static*
"ok, we have triangulated your 20, and we're sending armed transport to the nearest landing zone. ETA is two minutes - you have hold out until then. If you can find some way to signal us, we may be able to locate you quicker. Repeat, we are on our way *crackle static*

Flare collected
"we see your flare! we're on our way!"
"we see a flare, that must be you"
"we're heading towards that flare!"

Reporter on location (Male):

[fade up] …in fact, we had arrived here to shoot another story just 45 minutes before the first attack took place, over there on the Mill Deane Estate. Since then we’ve seen an escalating number of panicked residents and there is a trail of blood are gore along several of the streets around here. Sandy, I’ve got to tell you, we wanted to leave a while back but our (cut off)

Helping Hands, Monkey Helpers for the disabled

a year ago - Deer Hunter, Apache, Equality/freedom Poll, Emerson, flying saucer, heroclix 200 point armies, McD hot dogs, wpoison

2 years ago - that piercing woman I just saw yesterday!, lj vibe change, many links (not all work anymore)

3 years ago - Godzilla, quizzes, added me, IMT threatens to move all operations north to Tampa, dean martin


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