Saturday, March 16, 2002

please sign my guestmap ....careful...That arrow is tricky. :)

I've also put a link to it on my bio page.

dream last night, the ides of march I went to bed sort of early last night, to get a long, deep sleep. I woke up about 4 am and doodled a quick piccie on the palm... took me about a half hour, then I snugged back to snoozeville. Not bad for having a sleepy kitty on my neck. (It loops after about a 30 second pause, if you want to see it go by again.)

I don't recall the follow-up dreams later, but they were quite comforting, as well. Nice stuff... makes the whole day feel brighter.

Hmmm... now then, what's for brunch? Apple Jacks, OJ, and peanut butter toast are looking good to me... and then a hot shower.

got a nifty e-card from One World Journeys by way of flying_blind... Thanks to him and Sluggo! :)