I've been having some weird trouble with my Y!im Today and yesterday...I wonder if they're planning an upgrade soon? I hate missing messages. The 'net seems a little slower, too.. I wonder if it's some drag from all the kids being on holiday break?
Most excellent news. ACIM just had it's 50th successful recovery and Full membership in AMECO.
Dreams of insects under the covers with me last night.... not creepy or dirty ones, but lightning bugs and other either bio-lit or otherwise glowy made my bed look like the underside of a tacky neon car cruising the 'hood at 2am. I like the cool weather lately...the mid-40s is a nice range to dip into. I only wish that I could spend more of it snuggling with my beloved. I hope that weather and health are maintained by as many as possible this season.. it seems that so many folks are getting the flu or strep.
All of the RotK reviews are rolling in... I'm guessing that it'll be a week or two before I get a chance to see it. I know Danny's going with his students tomorrow night. Not many poor reviews, except for folks complaining a bit about the flow at the end... I'm looking for ward to seeing it in the "directors cut" version.. it seems like they always leave a lot out, but at least they try to put a goodly does back in afterward.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow - "This science fiction adventure set in the 1930s starts as New York City reporter Polly Perkins (Gwynneth Paltrow) starts to investigate why so many famous scientists are starting to be reported missing. Soon, she starts to get clues, as strange flying machines and giant robots threaten the city. Luckily, her old flame, aviator Captain Joseph Sullivan (Jude Law), AKA Sky Captain, is there to battle the bad guys with his friends, the Flying Legion, in his Warhawk P-40. Soon, Polly is flying away with Sky Captain to Nepal to find a crazy scientist, Dr. Totenkopf, who apparently wants to destroy the world..."
Exploring Dystopia
Interactive Hieronymous Bosch Gallery
Antiquarian Supernatural Literature
The Illustrated Complete Summary of Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow (A tome I was insanely fond of for about 10 years. I still dig it, but the fanaticism is gone. I still harbor a great fondness for the Illuminatus! books, too.)
Amazon Wish-list of stupidly expensive gifts.
Most excellent news. ACIM just had it's 50th successful recovery and Full membership in AMECO.
Dreams of insects under the covers with me last night.... not creepy or dirty ones, but lightning bugs and other either bio-lit or otherwise glowy made my bed look like the underside of a tacky neon car cruising the 'hood at 2am. I like the cool weather lately...the mid-40s is a nice range to dip into. I only wish that I could spend more of it snuggling with my beloved. I hope that weather and health are maintained by as many as possible this season.. it seems that so many folks are getting the flu or strep.
All of the RotK reviews are rolling in... I'm guessing that it'll be a week or two before I get a chance to see it. I know Danny's going with his students tomorrow night. Not many poor reviews, except for folks complaining a bit about the flow at the end... I'm looking for ward to seeing it in the "directors cut" version.. it seems like they always leave a lot out, but at least they try to put a goodly does back in afterward.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow - "This science fiction adventure set in the 1930s starts as New York City reporter Polly Perkins (Gwynneth Paltrow) starts to investigate why so many famous scientists are starting to be reported missing. Soon, she starts to get clues, as strange flying machines and giant robots threaten the city. Luckily, her old flame, aviator Captain Joseph Sullivan (Jude Law), AKA Sky Captain, is there to battle the bad guys with his friends, the Flying Legion, in his Warhawk P-40. Soon, Polly is flying away with Sky Captain to Nepal to find a crazy scientist, Dr. Totenkopf, who apparently wants to destroy the world..."
Exploring Dystopia

Antiquarian Supernatural Literature
The Illustrated Complete Summary of Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow (A tome I was insanely fond of for about 10 years. I still dig it, but the fanaticism is gone. I still harbor a great fondness for the Illuminatus! books, too.)
Amazon Wish-list of stupidly expensive gifts.