In other weighty news, I'm down another belt size. Haven't bothered to post my meals in my journal, as I've fallen into a habit of eating much the same thing every day... just 9 different day formats programmed eats repeating over and over. How many times cana person say pick 4 or so from the following- "sushi, veggie egg rolls, chik patties, total corn flakes, york peppermint patty, king size diet coke, water, tea, veggie beans, peas, french cut string beans"?
I am keeping track on the palm, mainly to be sure I don't go over if I decide to splurge. I *did* have some demonic volcano cake with caramel drizzle and vanilla ice cream that I figured was at least a 15, so I pulled 25 from the bank of 35 points for the week. I can get away with that when I geneally eat the bare minimum, and only withdraw about 3-5 points a week from the bank over incidentals and barely-overs.
Madre thought that I looked significantly different, and I suspect that's true, since I think the last time I saw her was the top of september, give or take.
Trying to decide what goodies to take with me to the hospital. Palm is surely coming, I think lappie will stay home. I haven't decided on the digi-cam yet, but the cruddy palm-cam will be along, one way or the other.
Speaking of my upcoming surgery, I would prefer to opt out of a catheter. I hope that since this is an "overnight" thing, I won't have to have some ham-handed sadist to try and shove a tube into my natural urination-equipment, if it can be helped. One of my least-fond memories of my last surgery was getting an erection with it in. It didn't really hurt, but it was an unpleasant event.
Random Scotto factoid - I've got a very strong pubococcygeus muscle, and am quite confident that I won't have much trouble incontinence-wise when I'm older. (I do my Kegels.)
Some fine Halloween Wallpaper. (105k)
Hmm... Now *this* has potential, if it works.
I wonder how to set privacy settings / icons?
If you want to post via email, check out -
(I'm glad I can trim off the "yahoo taglines")
okie doke.
I have about 10 days worth of easy to make food, and Madre is being very helpful by way of doing my laundry.
The posting by email feature looks *really* spiffy, and is another reason I'm happy to be a paid / permanent member rather than a freebie.
Remember folks, if you post from a work server, your friendly neighborhood net-admin can generally see the content of what you're mailing out...webmail is usually a safe exit.
Dinner Tonight is Palak Paneer. (In India, palak means "spinach"; panir is a type of fresh, unripened cheese, simple enough name.) I first had this in a restaurant with my late-90s gaming group. It's not very visually pleasing to me, but smells wonderful, and tastes even better.. .I've had it with the same amount of green peas replacing the Paneercheese, but I don't think it's as good. I'd use ricotta instead. I've got the good fortune of a decent ethnic area in my grocery store, so it's moot.
Random factoid - People who eat spicy foods increase their metabolic rate of 25%
While I wait for my lift to the grocer...
A tiny peek... I may tweak this, and make it a regular icon
Giving me his Col. Steve austin / Mr. Spock Eye.
Newt decided to come talk to me right as I was coming out of a long soak in the tub... he went to leap up on the windowsill, slipped, and dunked his rear-half into the draining water (it was only lukewarm, rather than my preferred scalding at the start, luckily.) He promptly leapt out of the water about 5 feet in the air (a little low.. probably because of the water's drag), using only is hind legs, and left a creamsicle colored blur, shaking off the water as he ran. I caught up with him, and gave his moistened booty & belly a warm fluff-dry. He wasn't too crazy about that in his shocked state, but coped with it...eventually allowing me to swaddle him like a baby, albeit a baby that was licking his won ankles in an effort to get his fur in order.
He seems quite content now... I'm doing laundry shortly, and so he'll have a huge fresh sheet to run in circles on and a pillowcase to play "cat in the sack" with.
I'm contemplating a multi-player game online in the toybox. Something like vampires or space wars, but maybe a little different. A seagoing pirate game, perhaps, or a "tag, you're it" sort of thing. I'll have to review how hard it'd be to write something like that while I'm on my back, and what sort of bandwidth it'd suck up. Probably do a beta-test thing for a while first, with maybe a test pool of about 25 players to see how it works. I'll post more here about it as I think of things, and if it gets off the ground, open up users afterwards. (Not a for-pay thing, just a fun, free game... the way the net is meant to be.)
Today is chores day... I have to pick up a good load of provisions and get the laundry out of the way, so it's time to sign off for now. until later, dear journal!
'Iceman' Grabs Shark to Save Men
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - An Icelandic fishing captain, known as "the Iceman" for his tough character, grabbed a 660-pound shark with his bare hands as it swam in shallow water toward his crew, a witness said Thursday.
The skipper of the trawler "Erik the Red" was on a beach in Kuummiit, east Greenland, watching his crew processing a catch when he saw the shark swimming toward the fish blood and guts -- and his men.
Captain Sigurdur Petursson, known to locals as "the Iceman," ran into the shallow water and grabbed the shark by its tail. He dragged it off to dry land and killed it with his knife.
"He caught it just with his hands. There was a lot of blood in the sea and the shark came in and he thought it was dangerous," Frede Kilime, a hunter and fisherman who watched from the beach, told Reuters by phone from Greenland.
Icelandic author and journalist Reynir Traustason, who knows the trawler captain, said the act was typical of the man.
"He's called 'the Iceman' because he isn't scared of anything," he said. "I know the people in that part of the world. They are really tough."
Kung Fu Robots!
Martial arts robots hit Asian tech fair
Humanoid robots capable of performing somersaults and complex martial arts moves were demonstrated at Asia's largest electronics and computing fair in Tokyo on Saturday.
Visitors to CEATEC 2003 (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies) met Morph3, a human-like robot about 30-centimetres tall developed by researchers at the Chiba Institute of Technology in Japan. It can perform back flips and karate moves thanks to 138 pressure sensors, 30 different onboard motors and 14 computer processors.
Another miniature humanoid robot on display was Fujitsu's HOAP-2. This droid has been programmed to perform moves from the Chinese martial art taijiquan, as well as Japanese Sumo wrestling stances.
HOAP-2 is designed as an aid to robotics research and therefore runs on open source, Linux-based software. Fujitsu believes it will sell between 20 and 30 of the robots to universities and companies in 2004.
But impressive as these high-kicking robots are, Frederic Kaplan, at Sony's robotics laboratory in France, says making more agile robots is not the biggest challenge facing robotics researchers at the moment.
"There are challenges in terms of mechanics still, but the biggest gap would be in intelligence," he told New Scientist. "One of the key things we are looking at now is developmental robotics, where a robot learns."
Squish things on your scanner! (Example is a Cadbury Egg) Some of these are tempting to make into icons. Kiwi fruit is nifty, too.
I am keeping track on the palm, mainly to be sure I don't go over if I decide to splurge. I *did* have some demonic volcano cake with caramel drizzle and vanilla ice cream that I figured was at least a 15, so I pulled 25 from the bank of 35 points for the week. I can get away with that when I geneally eat the bare minimum, and only withdraw about 3-5 points a week from the bank over incidentals and barely-overs.
Madre thought that I looked significantly different, and I suspect that's true, since I think the last time I saw her was the top of september, give or take.
Trying to decide what goodies to take with me to the hospital. Palm is surely coming, I think lappie will stay home. I haven't decided on the digi-cam yet, but the cruddy palm-cam will be along, one way or the other.
Random Scotto factoid - I've got a very strong pubococcygeus muscle, and am quite confident that I won't have much trouble incontinence-wise when I'm older. (I do my Kegels.)
Some fine Halloween Wallpaper. (105k)

Hmm... Now *this* has potential, if it works.
I wonder how to set privacy settings / icons?
If you want to post via email, check out -
(I'm glad I can trim off the "yahoo taglines")
okie doke.
I have about 10 days worth of easy to make food, and Madre is being very helpful by way of doing my laundry.
The posting by email feature looks *really* spiffy, and is another reason I'm happy to be a paid / permanent member rather than a freebie.
Remember folks, if you post from a work server, your friendly neighborhood net-admin can generally see the content of what you're mailing out...webmail is usually a safe exit.
Dinner Tonight is Palak Paneer. (In India, palak means "spinach"; panir is a type of fresh, unripened cheese, simple enough name.) I first had this in a restaurant with my late-90s gaming group. It's not very visually pleasing to me, but smells wonderful, and tastes even better.. .I've had it with the same amount of green peas replacing the Paneercheese, but I don't think it's as good. I'd use ricotta instead. I've got the good fortune of a decent ethnic area in my grocery store, so it's moot.
Random factoid - People who eat spicy foods increase their metabolic rate of 25%
While I wait for my lift to the grocer...
A tiny peek... I may tweak this, and make it a regular icon

Giving me his Col. Steve austin / Mr. Spock Eye.

Newt decided to come talk to me right as I was coming out of a long soak in the tub... he went to leap up on the windowsill, slipped, and dunked his rear-half into the draining water (it was only lukewarm, rather than my preferred scalding at the start, luckily.) He promptly leapt out of the water about 5 feet in the air (a little low.. probably because of the water's drag), using only is hind legs, and left a creamsicle colored blur, shaking off the water as he ran. I caught up with him, and gave his moistened booty & belly a warm fluff-dry. He wasn't too crazy about that in his shocked state, but coped with it...eventually allowing me to swaddle him like a baby, albeit a baby that was licking his won ankles in an effort to get his fur in order.
He seems quite content now... I'm doing laundry shortly, and so he'll have a huge fresh sheet to run in circles on and a pillowcase to play "cat in the sack" with.
I'm contemplating a multi-player game online in the toybox. Something like vampires or space wars, but maybe a little different. A seagoing pirate game, perhaps, or a "tag, you're it" sort of thing. I'll have to review how hard it'd be to write something like that while I'm on my back, and what sort of bandwidth it'd suck up. Probably do a beta-test thing for a while first, with maybe a test pool of about 25 players to see how it works. I'll post more here about it as I think of things, and if it gets off the ground, open up users afterwards. (Not a for-pay thing, just a fun, free game... the way the net is meant to be.)
Today is chores day... I have to pick up a good load of provisions and get the laundry out of the way, so it's time to sign off for now. until later, dear journal!
'Iceman' Grabs Shark to Save Men
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - An Icelandic fishing captain, known as "the Iceman" for his tough character, grabbed a 660-pound shark with his bare hands as it swam in shallow water toward his crew, a witness said Thursday.
The skipper of the trawler "Erik the Red" was on a beach in Kuummiit, east Greenland, watching his crew processing a catch when he saw the shark swimming toward the fish blood and guts -- and his men.
Captain Sigurdur Petursson, known to locals as "the Iceman," ran into the shallow water and grabbed the shark by its tail. He dragged it off to dry land and killed it with his knife.
"He caught it just with his hands. There was a lot of blood in the sea and the shark came in and he thought it was dangerous," Frede Kilime, a hunter and fisherman who watched from the beach, told Reuters by phone from Greenland.
Icelandic author and journalist Reynir Traustason, who knows the trawler captain, said the act was typical of the man.
"He's called 'the Iceman' because he isn't scared of anything," he said. "I know the people in that part of the world. They are really tough."
Kung Fu Robots!
Martial arts robots hit Asian tech fair
Humanoid robots capable of performing somersaults and complex martial arts moves were demonstrated at Asia's largest electronics and computing fair in Tokyo on Saturday.
Visitors to CEATEC 2003 (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies) met Morph3, a human-like robot about 30-centimetres tall developed by researchers at the Chiba Institute of Technology in Japan. It can perform back flips and karate moves thanks to 138 pressure sensors, 30 different onboard motors and 14 computer processors.
Another miniature humanoid robot on display was Fujitsu's HOAP-2. This droid has been programmed to perform moves from the Chinese martial art taijiquan, as well as Japanese Sumo wrestling stances.
HOAP-2 is designed as an aid to robotics research and therefore runs on open source, Linux-based software. Fujitsu believes it will sell between 20 and 30 of the robots to universities and companies in 2004.
But impressive as these high-kicking robots are, Frederic Kaplan, at Sony's robotics laboratory in France, says making more agile robots is not the biggest challenge facing robotics researchers at the moment.
"There are challenges in terms of mechanics still, but the biggest gap would be in intelligence," he told New Scientist. "One of the key things we are looking at now is developmental robotics, where a robot learns."
Squish things on your scanner! (Example is a Cadbury Egg) Some of these are tempting to make into icons. Kiwi fruit is nifty, too.