F-Secure has published a fix: ftp://ftp.f-secure.com/anti-virus/tools/f-sobig.exe
Also, the Zombie sim now has a speed control, and panicked humans. (Folks that have seen zombies and decided to run for it, or sees another panicked human) It's fun watching the fear spread before the disease hits. Human weapons are soon to follow.
Despite the torrential rain, this morning's meeting went pretty well, I think. Taking the gig means being "on call" a week or two a month, being ready to submit information to law enforcement and other agencies, as well as doing full maintenance / data upkeep of the website. The hardware person reminds me a lot of Sappho, and I think that she and I will get along pretty well. (It was easy to geek-speak with about Access, SQL, and the like.)
I'll be calling them tomorrow as a follow-up to see how well I did, and take an additional test to see if I'll make a good addition to the team. Being on call from the house is a nice deal... they get from zero to about four calls a day regarding missing kids on the on-call stuff. I get a good feeling from the idea of helping to save lives and reuniting families.
They'd just gotten a donation of loot from a Las Olas art store, and I had to pick up a cast-metal Ganesha figurine (and will probably get more loot when I go back.) There were all sorts of goodies there...carved didgeridoos, carved wooden turtle candlestick holders, hand-drums, and seven-foot tall fertility goddess statues. The prices were almost overly reasonable, and I think that they could make a lot more if they put the stuff on eBay.
On the way home, I noticed that Halloween candy is out in the stores already. Ghost / pumpkin peeps and candy corn! Must. Fight. Candy. Urge.
Good non-candy things about the coming season... It'll be cooling off, the smell of plastic costumes, pumpkins, I can talk about Zombies without appearing too nutty.
Feel free to detail an answer detail in comments
Monty Python Toys...Even the Penguin on Television. and AAAArrghhh monster.
An amazing little evolution/ flash animation. it follows the mouse, and is hypnotic.
In the vibe of Red Kryptonite and chimeras, Cairo - A 26-year old woman from a village in upper Egypt has given birth to a health baby girl with two heads, the Cairo daily Al-Akhbar reported on Friday.
The baby can move both heads, according to the newspaper, which also published a photo of the child.
The baby was delivered by Caesarean section in a hospital in Assiut after an uncomplicated nine-month pregnancy. The baby was then brought to a specialist clinic in Cairo "to carry out further tests and to establish how to manage this unusual case"

Random Witch Factoids - While witch burnings happened in other parts of the country (New York, for instance, burned 13 at the stake in 1741) no one was burned in Salem, which instead generally used death by hanging.
Sun sentinel Cam, then and now.

Random Scotto Factoid - I hate Boba Fett because he has wookie scalps on his belt.
Sci-Fi posters
Enter a URL, and the Gematriculator will determine the percentages of good and evil.
Today's Eats -
Point Range: 31-36
Water: 0 Veg/Fruit: 0 Milk: 0
Points: 32.1 Adj: 0 Act: 2 Rem: 5.9
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes
Breakfast: 6.2 points
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
0.3: Egg; whole; hard-boiled
0.3: Egg; whole; hard-boiled
2.8: Cereals; REESE'S PUFFS
Lunch: 6.9 points
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
0.7: Olives
0.1: Alfalfa seeds; sprouted; raw
0.8: Boca burger; grilled vegetable
0.8: Boca burger; grilled vegetable
0.7: Olives
1.0: Dove dark chocolate promise
Dinner: 12.4 points
4.1: Veggie wings ;5
4.2: Corn; sweet; white; canned; whole kernel; drained solids-1 can
4.1: Veggie wings ;5
Snack: 6.6 points
6.6: ice cream ; fudge ripple - 1 cup
http://scottobear.livejournal.com/2003/08/20/ is: