Wednesday, December 17, 2003

filename: Mid([Database_Location], InStrRev([Database_Location],"\") +1)

from another Query ([Server_Names]):
dl (which is the Database location full path)
Server name
Share name

SELECT [Server_Names].[Server Name], [Server_Names].[Share Name],
Mid([dl],InStrRev([dl],"\")+1) AS [FN]
FROM [Server_Names]
ORDER BY [Server_Names].[Share Name];


Let's see if I can post polls via email! I meant to write this up this morning.

Launchcast reworked its interface again. I think I like the 1-10 scale better,
but I can see the 0-4 stars being more popular overall.

Want to listen to my launchcast station?

Last 10 songs-

Soul Coughing: Paint
Chris Isaak: Wicked Game
Sugar Ray: Fly - Featuring Super Cat
The Pixies: Where Is My Mind?
Led Zeppelin: In The Evening
Cake: World Of Two
Talking Heads : Once In A Lifetime
Staind: Epiphany
They Might Be Giants: Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
Natacha Atlas: Something Dangerous - Featuring Princess Julianna

current music: Dead Milkmen - Surfin' Cow
current mood: Letting the days go by, water flowing underground.


Last blue skies before the rains came.
Tree seen yesterday afternoon, accidentally captured with palm cam.
It began to rain heavily about 20 minutes later.

Thank you from Newt and me to for the lovely card and turtle post-its! They're great!

Random Question -

Aloft for a century. There are countless online tributes to the Wright Brothers. Here are just a few. Flights of fancy, a small BBC gallery celebrating the 100th anniversary of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight at Kitty Hawk, on 17 December 1903. See also Photography and the Wright Brothers, and the stark abstract beauty of images like these: I, II, III. Related: Microsoft's A Century of Flight. Even more photos.

I trained Mohna yesterday... fascinating person, 19 year old Muslim girl, spent several years in Palestine, helping to raise her brother's children. She's now in BCC, and is a perfect candidate for the nighttime phone gig. I wonder how much time we can dump on her, and not stress her out? She gets another Training session Friday... I'll throw a few curveballs at her, and see how she adapts to them, but she's got a good head for deductive reasoning and gathering information.

Strongbad Email #92

Scrollbar racing.. now with music!

How to totally miss the point of Lamont Cranston

I briefly had the urge to get a white linen suit and a red fez, and to use that outfit as "work clothes".

The difference between cold and flu - via the CDCSite Meter