Sent my Brother a nice care package… The letter had a few more zombies and a magneto heroclix top, as well as some sweets and smokes.
Escher for Real! - the work of M.C. Escher needs no introduction. We have all learned to appreciate the impossibilities that this master of illusion's artwork presents to the layman's eye. Nevertheless, it may come as a surprise for some, but many of the so-called 'impossible' drawings of M. C. Escher can be realized as actual physical objects.
Camel Simulator.
Well, it's October, so a teensy change to my graphics this month!
Speaking of the season, a good story from a couple of years ago - increasing mobile phone usage is destroying ghosts, possibly through the disruption of electromagnetic fields that would otherwise be causing lightweight hallucinations. But why would it be disrupting them, rather than strengthening them? Why aren't we getting more ghost sightings and flying saucers and unexplained senses of presence, now that the air we walk through is thick with wireless transmission?
Cell phones spook ghosts, expert says
Mobile phones are killing off ghosts, a British expert who has spent years researching the occult has said.
Tony Cornell, of the Society for Psychical Research, told the Sunday Express newspaper that reports of ghost sightings had started to decline when mobile phones were introduced 15 years ago.
"Ghost sightings have remained consistent for centuries. Until three years ago we'd receive reports of two new ghosts every week," said Cornell, of Cambridge in Eastern England.
"But with the introduction of mobile phones 15 years ago, ghost sightings began to decline to the point where now we are receiving none."
According to the paper, haunted tourist attractions in Britain could be under threat if the number of cell phones continues to grow from the present figure of 39 million
Apparently paranormal events, which some scientists put down to unusual electrical activity, could be drowned out by the electronic noise produced by phone calls and text messages.
Ooh... a Lego Casemod. I'd like to get something like that when I replace my power supply. Also, Lego Treasure hunt.
Lord of the rings sand sculpture and the Harry Potter Puppet pals.
Nifty Fireball over Wales shot on APOD.