Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Gray Pumpkin's Mrs. got him Gamma World D20 for his birthday. Pretty cool... He was talking about running a Thundarr the Barbarian one-shot, which sounds like a hoot. I'd love to play a Mok. (I still wonder if Ookla was named via UCLA) .

I remember some of my earliest gaming was done in the gamma world setting. Certainly the first TSR game that I used a hex-map with. I had a Humanoid Guy with Photosynthetic skin and Chameleon (I healed fast, and fed off of UV rays, and could blend in with my surroundings), and Kevin Cummins had a Wolf-guy that had a poisonous musk-spray. We were glomming on to his older brother's gaming group sometime in '79-80, I think. The best treasure we found (in my opinion)was a dog-whistle, which allowed me to signal his character silently at range. Kev's brother Patrick, and Pat's buddy Sean were usually in charge of the adventures...which I recall as being pretty fun. Note to self, try to recall more of that time period. My memories of the games themselves are foggy, but I do like the post-apoc setting, and mutant vibe.

How to Shave your Cat's nose. (No, not Newt)

Baby got back (in latin)

A 13-year-old Tibetan schoolboy has miraculously memorized large parts of the world's longest poem after having had a mysterious dream.

Sitar Doje, a fifth-grader from Qamdo prefecture, had his dream two years ago and can now recite "The Life of King Gesar" for up to six hours on end, the Xinhua news agency reported Wednesday.

The agency says Tibet has a long tradition of people waking from sleep inexplicably able to recite the poem from memory. Most of these "God-taught Masters", however, are much older than Sitar Doje and are usually illiterate, the agency said. The lengthy 1,000-year old epic is also cherished by Mongolians and has given rise to a whole field of study referred to as "Gesarology", Xinhua said.

The major film and entertainment companies are poised to get FCC approval to require that video recording equipment honor a "broadcast flag" that will restrict or bar recording of programs they don't want recorded, and make it impossible for you to share copies of things you've recorded with your friends.

It will make today's VCRs, DVD recorders, TiVos and computer software for video recording illegal.

And the press isn't telling you this. Worse, they're reporting the story from the perspective of an entertainment-industry press release, notes Cory Doctorow.

Time to start stockpiling VCRs, PCs and CD and DVD recorders.

Warning to all semagic users -

The new semagic client truncated my earlier morning's entry to the letter "T" and kept my mood and music (now deleted)

That's the second time somethings happened, and I suspect it's a spellcheck issue. I'll have to work on recreating the gamma world reminiscence I was planning to write. Sakes, it's been a while since I've updated via the web.

I think that it'll be fixed if I turn off word spellcheck, and instead resort to the internal developed one.. will know more when I get home later.