Hitting the sack early tonight... visiting ACIM tomorrow morning, 9 AM this go-round. After the meeting, I'll be able to get my groceries and tools if all goes well.
I may've linked to this before... playtarot - Playmobil toys meets the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.
Current blogshares - Total Portfolio: $347,742.36. Folder: 12 blogs.
Moreorless - Heroes & Killers of the 20th Century.
Scanning the New Hero system rules... I'm glad that they didn't incorporate the spirit rules from the old hero almanac. Terribly unbalancing stuff, and it was my biggest fear for the revision's updates.
Wacky Burqas. (in the conceptual art section) The hawaiian one is pretty spiffy.
Today's Eats
Points: 31.6 Adj: 0 Act: 2 Rem: 6.4
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes
Breakfast: 10.0 points
4.8: Egg sandwich -morningstar
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
2.4: Peanut butter; smooth style 1 tbsp
Lunch: 7.4 points
0.6: Fruit juice bar; raspberry
1.4: Yogurt; fat free, blueberry 4.4 oz
5.4: Pizza rolls- 6
Dinner: 11.2 points
7: Mexican casserole
4.2: Corn; sweet; white; canned; whole kernel; drained solids-1 can
0: Soda; Low calorie; other than cola or pepper; w/aspartame
0: Soda; Low calorie; other than cola or pepper; w/aspartame
Snack: 3.0 points
1.0: Dove dark chocolate promise
1.0: Dove dark chocolate promise
1.0: Dove dark chocolate promise
A good midday. I have the chores that could be done inside done, Newt beside me purring as I type this, storms outside rumbling, classic Planet of the Apes playing in the background on AMC, and "Beneath" is coming up afterwards. (The Two best... you can really stop watching after that and be perfectly happy with the series.) There's a pretty good article about why it's a popular series, aside from having talking simians with machine guns or horseback. I really dig the score, too. I won't go into how Burton's remake could've put his movie-making skills to better use elsewhere.

Elton John puts Lestat on Broadway is a true news item, though.
[ presented in the Iraqi language, with English subtitles ]
[ open on "Saddam & Osama" title card ]
Announcer: It's the Abu Dhabi Kids Network! State-run and gobs of fun.
"Saddam & Osama!
On the run from American imperialist pig-eaters.
Satan tries to catch them
But they are endowed with amazing transforming powers.
Glory be to Allah!
Saddam & Osama!"
[ dissolve to Saddam and Osama sharing soup in the desert with a nomad ]
Saddam Hussein: Ah.. this soup will sustain us.
Nomad: Anything to help Super-Titans of Jihad!
Osama bin Laden: Your people are loyal, Saddam.
Saddam Hussein: Yes. [ over flashback statue footage ] Like the time I turned into a statue, and had to get all of Baghdad to play along by hitting me with shoes!
Osama bin Laden: Yes! All the world was fooled!
[ cut to CIA Headquarters, where cowboy hat-clad CIA members type on computers ]
CIA Agent #1: It appears Hussein is 13 degrees northwest of Mosul.
CIA Agent #2: Excellent! Alert the general, as we fornicate.
[ the two CIA agents begin to make out ]
[ cut to the White House ]
President George W. Bush: [ in the image of a monkey ] Boo-hoo-hoo! If me don't capture Arab soon, me going to crap myself!
Dick Cheney: [ eating a whole, roasted pig ] All is well, sir. Soon, we will rename Iraq East Dakota.
President George W. Bush: Too many words. No understand.
Dick Cheney: I will alert Israeli Prime Minister Sharon. [ looks below desk ] Mr. Sharon, we've located them.
Prime Minister Sharon: [ rises from behind the desk, wearing only a large diaper ] Fantastic!
Dick Cheney: Who told you to stop?
Prime Minister Sharon: Yes, sir. [ drops back behind the desk ]
[ dissolve back to the desert, as a pigeon in a beret delivers a letter to Saddam ]
Saddam Hussein: Cracky! Good to see you, old friend!
Osama bin Laden: Why the long face, Saddam?
Saddam Hussein: It's a letter from my wives. How I miss them.
Osama bin Laden: I miss mine. But, look - there is no time for tears. [ points to arriving American tanks ]
[ dissolve to title card ]
Announcer: "Saddam & Osama" will return after these messages..
[ dissolve to commercials ]
Announcer: Next, on Abu Dhabi Kids..
[ show scenes from a Bat-Man cartoon ]
Announcer: Bat-Man faces not one.. but three treacherous villains as he battles..
[ show The Joker ]
The Jew..
..and also does battle with..
[ show The Riddler ]
..the other Jew..
As they join forces with..
[ show The Penguin ]
The little old Jew. Next on.. "Bat-Man".
[ cut to "Martyrs" title card ]
Announcer: Then, on "The Martyrs", Halabi has too much ice cream and is far too happy.
Halabi: Not again! How am I going to eat all this delicious ice cream..?
Voice of Allah: That's your problem, Halabi. But don't neglect your seventy virgins.
[ seventy copies of the Olson Twins suddenly surround Halabi ]
Olson Virgins: Please hurry, Halabi!!
Halabi: Allah, you spoil me..
[ cut to "Disney Favorites" card, with Information Minister Mohammed standing foreground ]
Announcer: Then, it's "Disney Favorites", hosted by the Information Minister Mohammed.
Information Minister Mohammed: The Queen has arrived and has beheaded the dwarves, I swear by God, she remains the fairest of them all. Snow White and the Prince have committed suicide, and God will roast their stomachs in Hell.
Announcer: On "Disney Favorites".
[ cut to intercut images of kids dancing with decal-designed rocks and Iraqis throwing the same rocks at American tanks ]
Jingle: Rocks! Rocks! Rocks!
They come with cool decals
and cool fluorescent colors.
Then you throw them at the soldiers.
Collect them all!
[ cut back to "Saddam & Osama" title card ]
Announcer: And now, back to "Saddam & Osama".
[ the American tanks move in fast ]
Saddam Hussein: It's go-time, Sammy!
[ Saddam & Osama grab and make their power chant ]
Saddam & Osama: Power, power!
[ Saddam morphs into a goat, as Osama morphs into a bag of pork rinds ]
American General: [ passing Osama/pork rinds in his tank ] Wait.. were those pork rinds? [ wags tongue and turns his tank around ] Infidel-icious!
Saddam Hussein: Osama, no!
Osama bin Laden: Uh-oh.. bad choice.
[ Saddam morphs into the General Lee car from "The Duke's Of Hazzard". Osama/pork rinds jumps inside ]
Saddam & Osama: Hee-haw!
[ they jump over the hills and escape ]
Osama bin Laden: You saved my holy butt.
Saddam Hussein: Can I have one pork rind?
Osama bin Laden: [ stern ] Sad-dam...
[ cut to title card ]
Announcer: "Saddam & Osama"!
[ credits roll, numerous names written in the Iraqi language except for one credit to Sean Penn as a writer ]
[ fade ]
She-Spies was also particularly well written and laid out, too. Not just jiggle TV... While Natasha Henstridge is a real negative, there are great asides and nonsequiturs...I like when they break with the show's "reality" at times, and highlighting DD's skills at operetta and kung fu. Nothing quite like seeing someone beat the daylights out of enemy agents while singing Gilbert and Sullivan's "I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major-General" Plus, this crew's Bosley equivalent is really well characterized.
I fired a yahoo torpedo at a nasty germ's page being generally mean. They made the mistake of being hosted by yahoo/geocities and breaking terms of service. I look forward to seeing if the spiteful little site is still online in 3 days.
Blogwise finally added me to their engine... it took a good 2 weeks, I think, but my default journal page is listed there now.
a year ago - Wreck of the Medusa, Feral, Muso, my trading card, LJ meet, taught Dave Heroclix, misc pix
2 years ago - yellow bellies
3 years ago - questions