Monday, September 01, 2003

I'm looking forward to spending some quality time today... so far, so good. It's going to get better, too, I'm sure.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on TV last night.. I haven't seen it in ages, and forgot how fun it was, though I think Benny Hill was underused.

Red-Haired Barbarians: The Dutch and other foreigners in Nagasaki and Yokohama, 1800-1865 40 Japanese prints from the NEHA collection.

Who was Aunt Jemima? (via art for housewives)

Fart costs bank 100,000 dollars
A fart was the start of a staff conflict that ended up costing the Swedish national bank NOK 760,000 (USD 100,000) in compensation.

According to computer technician Göran Andervass, 44, a colleague visited his office and let out a big, stinky fart, Aftonbladet reports.

Andervass thought the incident was provoking and shouted at his colleague.

After the fart and the following shouting, Andervass and his colleague were called in to a meeting with their boss in the national bank.

"The boss wanted to know why I had been shouting at my colleague. I explained what it was all about, but my colleague would neither admit nor confirm that he had farted", Andervass told Aftonbladet.

The incident was the beginning of a serious conflict, a long sick notice and exclusion from the office.

Göran Andervass was fired from his job on 20 December 2001. According to the human resource department in the bank, the reason was "personal issues".

The bank thinks Andervass was away sick a lot of the time and that he was not following the rehabilitation plan presented to him by a doctor and the social security office. According to Andervass, there was no such rehabilitation plan.

Göran Andervass sued the national bank, and the court sentenced the bank to pay him NOK 760,000 compensation.

from :

1 MINUTE AGO: cleaned out Newt's litter
1 DAY AGO: Went Grocery shopping
1 WEEK AGO: started at acim
1 YEAR AGO: played heroclix with Dave,

I HURT: my toe last night (fine now)
I LOVE: sleeping in with the rain falling and Newt by my neck.
I HATE: that my brother is in his current situation
I FEAR: that it he may be that way for the rest of his life
I HOPE: that all those dear to me are prosperous and healthy
I FEEL: good about my new gig
I LISTEN: to my head, heart, and gut. I admit that gut seems to get priority too often.
I HIDE: my hand under a blanket to put Newt into Stalk-mode
I DRIVE: a pair of black sneakers, and a mean internet browser
I PLAY: paper wad fetch, twenty questions, orisinal games
I MISS: playing champions, and the sort of "weekly community
I'VE LEARNED: that people are fascinating, complex things, even the most seemingly bland ones.
I KNOW: that there are very few things that are "black or white", though some people believe otherwise
I WAIT: patiently, as long as I have something to read, or some way to distract myself.
I NEED: to learn new things regularly.
I THINK: old books, monkeys, giant squid, ancient civilizations and common beliefs around the world are very nifty.

Current Clothes: Boxers marked "Handle with care"
Current Mood: pretty good
Current Music: thunder and rain outside, Zwan in here
Current Hair: Long, Brown, hanging down... "Fabio mode"
Current Annoyance: Nothing's really annoying me right now.
Current Smell: rain, sandalwood
Current thing I should be Doing: it's a holiday. I'm doing what I should be... lazing around.
Current Desktop Picture: nifty burgundy & silver "Celtic meets middle east" pseudo fabric with knotwork.
Current Favorite bands/singers: Zwan is a new fave, but I like a lot of music.
Current Book: Champions - Aaron Allston
Current Movie In VCR/DVD: had to look... Young Frankenstein.
Current Refreshment: ice cold water
Current Worry: see fear, above
Random fact of the moment: My least favorite slang term for breasts is "cans".


Rain 2

Random Scotto factoid - I liked Dynamite Magazine when I was in elementary school, but only because of Magic Wanda's tricks page. DYNAMITE (1974-1992)

The Rain stopped!

Enough looking out the window... time to chill out.

ok, I've implemented flex points in my system...we'll see how that works out. Rather than point ranges for each day, 35 flex points are awarded each week. These points may be used as needed during the week. As part of this program Weight Watchers has eliminated point ranges and now assigns a single daily point value for each weight group. Seven days, five points a day, equals 35 points. I've done the math, and you still get the exact same number of points per week - it's just a different psychological way of counting. They're just modifying the system so that it's in terms of a week rather than in terms of a day... though I can reserve some for a extra gluttonous day on occasion.

I've been craving ice cream cake since Cookie Puss has made a return to Carvel. Though... fudgie the whale seems to be sort of ironic. "To a whale of a dad... Here's a big chunk of ice cream, tubbo!"

Speaking of which, I sort of like Am I Annoying or Not? of the "Or Not?" trends. Cleopatra's Entry

Segue into Egypt...

Egyptian Scholar Planning Lawsuit Over Exodus Gold
A prominent Egyptian legal scholar is preparing a lawsuit against Jews around the world over gold allegedly stolen in biblical times during the Jewish exodus from Egypt.

Nabil Hilmy, dean of the faculty of law at Egypt's Zagazig University, announced his plan in the Egyptian government weekly, Al-Ahram Al-Arabi, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute — known as MEMRI — a group that specializes in translating articles in the Arab media. Hilmy reportedly told Al-Ahram that if the story of the exodus is to be believed, Jews fleeing Egypt "stole from the Pharaonic Egyptians gold, jewelry, cooking utensils, silver ornaments, clothing, and more, leaving Egypt in the middle of the night with all this wealth, which today is priceless."

Calling the alleged heist the "greatest fraud history has ever known," Hilmy said that he and a number of Egyptian jurists will sue "the Jews of the world" for these lost treasures, the value of which Hilmy estimates in the trillions of dollars.

"If we assume that the weight of what was stolen was one ton," Hilmy said, its worth "doubled every 20 years, even if annual interest is only 5%... hence after 1,000 years it would be worth 1,125,898,240 million tons... This is for one stolen ton. The stolen gold is estimated at 300 tons, and it was not stolen for 1,000 years, but for 5,758 years, by the Jewish reckoning. Therefore, the debt is very large."

Hilmy said that he and Gamil Yaken, the vice president of the Egyptian community in Switzerland, had "set up a legal team to prepare the necessary legal confrontation aimed at restoring what the Jews stole a long time ago, to which the statute of limitations cannot possibly apply."

Hilmy said that while the defendants would not be able to repay the debt in full, Jews around the world — particularly Israelis — should pay their fair share: "There may be a compromise solution. The debt can be rescheduled over 1,000 years, with the addition of the cumulative interest during that period."

MEMRI's report has already created a tremendous splash in Israel, according to the organization's president, Yigal Carmon, who oversaw the translation of Hilmy's interview from Al-Ahram. "We had 1,200 reactions on our Web site," Carmon told the Forward. "We sent it to [all] our subscribers — one in five reacted," one of the largest reactions the group has ever received.

Carmon said if he had read the Al-Ahram article on April Fool's Day he would have assumed it was a joke, but "it's a reality. This publication is like [the Egyptian equivalent of] the Sunday New York Times insert — it's a serious publication."

Hilmy did not specify where he planned to file suit, but should the case ever reach a courtroom, Alan Dershowitz — a Harvard Law professor and author of "The Case For Israel" (Wiley) — told the Forward, "I'd be happy to defend the Jews." Calling Hilmy a "clown" who "obviously knows [only] a little bit of law," Dershowitz said that the scholar's "ridiculous" suit invites a countersuit from the Jews over reparations for their enslavement in Egypt. Such a countersuit, Dershowitz said, could also be calculated in the trillions of dollars and would expose the oppressive life the Jews led under Egyptian slavery.

Not that Dershowitz believes that Hilmy's case will ever be heard in court: "There's no court that would be open to a lawsuit like that," he said. "Maybe an Islamic court with an elbow, a foot and an ass on the scale."

Image quest marine - beautiful shots of marine life.

Heard from the bro this afternoon... he didn't bother even mentioning skipping out on yesterday, but at least he checked in with me.

Danny may be able to help me find school volunteers for some ACIM stuff! I'll get his contact info to the pr crew over there. It'll be nice help the resource.

Stubbed my toe last night, and it hurt like the dickens for a half-second... I had to do some creative home surgery to out-ingrown the toenail there. Not what I wanted to do during the wee hours of the morning, but things have to be done. Also discovered that the fan on big brain's power supply is only working intermittently, so that needs to be swapped out, before he bites the biscuit. I'm going to have to crack him open and do a major overhaul on him one way or the other... was even briefly considering just replacing it outright, but that may be rather drastic, reflecting on it now.

Sweet Dreams
"Sweet Dreams" (by Eurhythmics)
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

Which 80's Song Fits You?
brought to you by Quizilla

MAKOTO: good; sincere
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What would your Japanese name be? (male)
brought to you by Quizilla

cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Still too early to see the strike zones for Hurricane Fabian

infrared imagery of Fabian continues to impress this evening with deep convection becoming more symmetric around a very tight. 10 nm diameter eye. Dvorak satellite intensity estimates from tafb and
air force global continue to increase. And are now at 6. 0. The initial intensity estimate is therefore increased to 110 kt.

Fabian has been moving in a general west to west-northwest track at about 11 kt and is expected to remain along this course through the next 72 hours. Global models are in fairly good agreement on the track of Fabian for the next 72 hours as it moves south of the Atlantic subtropical ridge. Global models all indicating a trough approaching the east coast of the united states on days four and five will help to create a weakness in the ridge north of Fabian and allow it to turn more northwestward. Degree to which the trough deepens differs slightly with nogaps most aggressive. Developing a fairly deep trough and allowing Fabian to turn north sooner. Conversely. Gfs not indicating as deep a trough and remains the southernmost track of all available models. The official forecast track is shifted slightly to the right of the previous track and lies between a consensus of the global models to the east and the gfs to the west. There appears to be no reason for Fabian not to strengthen a bit more with a forecast for low vertical wind shear and warm ssts. 28 degrees Celsius. Both ships and gfdl are indicating some strengthening and the official forecast reflects this as well. Radius of 12 foot seas is also being increased to 180 nm in the northern semicircle in this advisory. This is based on a ship observation of seas greater than 12 feet about 190 nm from the tropical cyclone. Further support for the larger radii comes from tropical cyclone wave model outputs that indicated a larger radii of 12 ft seas north of Fabian.

Newt rejected as potential for governor of California. I don't know.. he's as viable as Eminem or Cookie Monster.

Newton, running for Office

back from the grocer... I got so spoiled with home delivery.... no waiting in line, no travel... just move the groceries from the front door to the cupboard and fridge. Though, I'm more likely to "impulse buy" online rather than in the store itself. Another upside of going to the grocer was to use the scale... until I saw that it doesn't go up past 280, which isn't helpful to me... maybe in another six months.

I'm glad that I have a stocked house again...I found some tofurkey stuff that has gotten great reviews. The Beer Brats are on my list for tomorrow's eats, along with a bed of kraut and yummy brown mustard.

Biggest non-scotto entry keyword - 27 hits AltaVista melons

10 ways to sneak fabric into the house
john belushi donuts of champions
heinrich himmler picture photo
download bok choy boys on kazaa
nude imps pics
Florida Tourist Traps
a very specific variant on the recurring - "giraffe penis width -human -enlargement "
forced sissy comic
Pictures Proving Mermaids Exist
cheap baby raccoons on sale under 75 (*again!* Is it the giraffe penis search?)
premenstrual geocaching (um... what?)
weinermobile driver employment
pics of swollen uvula
Masturbation In Hindutva
airbrushed gorillas

Point Range: 31-36
Water: 3 Veg/Fruit: 0 Milk: 0
Points: 31.3 Adj: 0 Act: 3.8 Rem: 8.5
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes

Breakfast: 4.2 points
2.1: Cereals; LC OATS 1 cup
2.1: Cereals; LC OATS 1 cup

Lunch: 4.8 points
4.8: Egg sandwich -morningstar

Dinner: 12.5 points
3.1: Chik patties - morningstar
3.1: Chik patties - morningstar
3.1: Chik patties - morningstar
0.1: Beans; snap; green; canned; no salt added; drained solids
3.1: Chik patties - morningstar

Snack: 9.8 points
3.5: Goldfish
2.1: Orange juice; chilled; includes from concentrate
2.1: Cereals; LC OATS 1 cup
2.1: Cereals; LC OATS 1 cup

Activity Log: (Min:Int:Points Desc)
20:L:1.6 Morning- stretches
20:M:2.2 Evening- stretches

Question not yon clams, and yon jerk-ed beef!

Hopefully I'll be getting together with the bro today, to shoot the breeze and spend some quality time together, even if it's only to do laundry and chum around. He's supposed to call me by noon... if I don't hear from him by one, I'll have to fly solo. I'd like everything to be calm and comfy for my Monday. [update 3:10 pm Bah, no call yet... solo laundry it is. ]

Wondering what it's like to be deaf, and not be able to even hear the sound of your own voice.

I just realized that the spoonerism for art fair is fart air. heehaw... how old am I?

Helpful Vampire game hint - The barman says "The closest shop to here is The Potion Shoppe, right by Emerald and 71st. I do wish those damn magic shops would stay still for a while."

Random Comic Book Factoid.... Krypto, the Superdog was Skippy, and he disguised his secret ID with brown spray paint.
All Right... you fly out of the tunnel, - - catch your collar on this hook -- then you stand under the dye-filled shower-head -- pull the cord -- and in the blink of an eye, KRYPTO BECOMES SKIPPY *YIP*!
From an issue circa 1981

Danny mentioned that many, if not all of the students in the Sci-Fi club have journals... primarily on Deadjournal. Interesting how widely the phenomenon has grown over the last some years. Apparently the Making fiends link went over well with them.

Scout walker Kama Sutra. AT-STs in the throes of passion! How Sex-ay!

Morning Newt by request -

pretending to be a turkey vulture
Stalking the elusive paper wad

Morning Monitor-peer
Talking to me from atop the monitor 1

Interactive Dali - Try your forces in the surrealism! Change the image as you like. You can move and resize the parts as you like.

A Watch Powered by Snake Oil "Like a deflector shield protecting the Starship Enterprise from its enemies, a new watch promises to shield the body from "electronic pollution" from cell phones and other gadgets."

a year ago - wonka, hypno powers, got my computer desk

2 years ago - stoic, codex seraphinianus, fruit poll

3 years ago - remembering a hard month

Back from doing the wash, and still no sign of my bro. I'm guessing he got some day work, and that's a good thing. I made a most delicious sammich for lunch, and the olive oil seems to have attracted Newt as much as the olives themselves. I could've used some sun-dried tomato, though it came out delicious without it. I got to go over Allston's Champions book more in-depth, and it's really quite good, with some excellent examples and samples. If we'd had some of the advice mentioned, I think some of our games would've gone a little smoother by being forewarned (and being able to point out in print to some players potential trouble spots, like code vs. killing / soloists / genre elements, myself included.)

At the 'mat , my "green man" was complimented by a few friendly hippies and we talked a little about th ePeace River for a bit.. I haven't been in an age, now... once it cools off, I'm all for another journey.

Catch 33... a simple but fun little game.

Why you shouldn't park under trees. Bleh!

Orisinal's new game, Koala.

Female Gamers outnumber boys - LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Challenging the stereotype that video gaming is the domain of teenage boys, an industry group Tuesday reported that more women over 18 than young boys are playing games and the average age of players has risen to 29.

A poll released by the Entertainment Software Association and conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates found 26 percent of game players are women 18 or older, while 21 percent are boys 6 to 17.

Video gaming has traditionally been seen as the province of teenage boys locked in dark rooms and twitching away at their game consoles, although in recent years the industry has worked to publish games catering to kids, women and older gamers.

Growing audience
In line with that trend, adults over 50 now make up 17 percent of the gaming population, the ESA said, compared with 13 percent three years ago.

The largest group of gamers, at 38 percent, is men 18 and up, while girls 6 to 17 account for 12 percent of game players, the poll found.

"I think that what used to be the standard in games, which was the female character in distress and the big macho man saving the day, is no longer the case," said Vikki Hrody, a faculty member at the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago, who teaches art for game design.

A random national sample of 806 adults, covering a total of 1,048 game players including kids, was used in the poll, the ESA said.

The average gamer spends 6.5 hours a week playing games, the ESA said, while boys 6 to 17 average 7.3 hours per week of game time.

Prefer mature games
As the age of gamers has risen, so has the number of games for adults. Of all games sold in 2002, the ESA said 13.2 percent carried a "Mature" or "M" rating, up from 9.9 percent in 2001 and under 8 percent in 2000.

Hrody said she and her friends much prefer many of those mature games, like war titles, to the games specially designed and targeted by game companies at the female market, such as dancing themes or Barbie.

"They don't hear enough about what the market is. I think they just assume that it's boys that are playing these games," she said. "(Girls' games are) very boring, there's no story line, it's almost like they play it down for girls."

The poll found little difference in the relationship between game play and income, with 39 percent of gamers reporting total household income of less than $50,000 a year and 41 percent reporting an income of more than $50,000.

Ok, this is going to be a problem. Official: N. Korea Vows to Make Nuke Test

WASHINGTON - Rejecting U.S. disarmament demands, North Korea said Thursday it will prove to the world that it possesses nuclear weapons by carrying out a nuclear test, a U.S. government official said.

At a six-nation meeting in China that included the United States, North Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Yong Il also said, according to the U.S. official, that his country has the means to deliver nuclear weapons, an apparent reference to its highly-developed missile program.

The State Department declined comment on the deliberations in Beijing except to reiterate that the U.S. goal at the conference is to focus on "the complete, verifiable and irreversible elimination" of North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

Wie Sung-rak, director-general of the South Korean Foreign Ministry's North American Affairs Bureau, injected a positive note, saying in Beijing that another round of talks probably will be held after the current round ends on Friday. Efforts to confirm Wie's statement with U.S. officials were unsuccessful.

North Korea had confirmed privately to U.S. officials last April during talks in China that it possessed nuclear weapons but Kim's statement Thursday is believed to have been its such acknowledgment in a formal setting.

Present for Kim's presentation at a guest house in western Beijing were Assistant Secretary of State James A. Kelly and representatives from China, South Korea , Japan and Russia, in addition to North Korea.

U.S. intelligence has not detected overt signs that North Korea is preparing to conduct a nuclear weapons test, said one U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity. But such a test would presumably be underground, so preparatory work would be difficult to detect, the official said.

There was speculation here that North Korea could carry out a nuclear test on Sept. 9, the anniversary of the formation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, as the country is known officially.

With the exception of North Korea, all governments represented in Beijing had expressed varying degrees of opposition to the communist country's nuclear programs.

The administration believed that a broad international front — including North Korea's neighbors — in support of a denuclearized Korean peninsula would induce Pyongyang to retreat from its nuclear ambitions.

Officials also hoped that North Korea might show flexibility given U.S. promises to offer security guarantees to Pyongyang as well as measures to assist the country's stricken economy.

In addition, the administration found encouragement in signs that China was increasingly opposed to North Korea's program. As a major donor of food and energy aid to North Korea, China has been thought by U.S. officials to be in position to play a decisive role in restraining Pyongyang.

But the North Korean rejection of the U.S. nuclear disarmament proposal appeared to be complete. According to the official, Kim said there was no evidence of any U.S. intention to abandon its policy of hostility toward North Korea. He also rejected U.S. suggestions that North Korea open up its nuclear facilities to international inspection.

The administration official, asking not to be identified, said China's delegate appeared visibly angry over Kim's statement but responded in a moderate tone.

The official said that when Russia and Japan attempted to point out some positive elements of the U.S. presentation, the North Korean delegate attacked them by name and said they were lying at the instruction of the United States.

North Korea has insisted for almost a year that Washington and Pyongyang negotiate a non-aggression pact. But the administration has shown no interest. American promises of no hostile intent toward North Korea apparently have not satisfied Pyongyang.

It is widely suspected that President Bush generated anxiety in Pyongyang by including North Korea, along with Iran and pre-war Iraq (news - web sites), as a member of an "axis of evil" in January 2002.

Also, the White House, in a September 2002 global strategy report, threatened to stop North Korea and other hostile nations before they are able to attack the United States with weapons of mass destruction.

Although there is no clear evidence of a connection, North Korea in the months after the report was issued took a series of steps that caused alarm in Washington, Northeast Asia and beyond.

They included Pyongyang's withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, cancellation of an eight-year freeze on its plutonium-production program and assertions that reprocessing had begun on spent nuclear fuel rods — an essential step toward production of nuclear weapons.

The administration began exerting pressure on North Korea starting last fall after receiving information that the country had launched a uranium-based nuclear weapons program.

The administration said North Korea confirmed the existence of such a program to Kelly during a meeting in Pyongyang last fall. On Thursday, however, Kim, according to the U.S. official, said his country has no such program.

Ok, I confess. I officially like Kim Possible. Monkey Ninjas. Naked Mole Rats Named Rufus. Evil Scottish Golfers, and the Head of the Global Defense league (a woman in an eye patch) has an evil *fraternal* twin (A guy in an eye patch and goatee).

Today's Eats - *note to self, the cupboard is bare! get food, man!*

Point Range: 31-36
Water: 3 Veg/Fruit: 3 Milk: 0
Points: 31.2 Adj: 0 Act: 3.8 Rem: 8.6
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes

Breakfast: 7.6 points
4.8: Egg sandwich -morningstar

Lunch: 8.7 points
2.6: Cheese; provolone
1.1: Bread; whole-wheat; commercially prepared
1.1: Bread; whole-wheat; commercially prepared
0.0: Mixed veggies
0.2: Peppers; sweet; red;
0.1: Olives; ripe; canned (jumbo-super colossal)
0.1: Olives; ripe; canned (jumbo-super colossal)
0.0: Vinegar; cider
3.5: Oil; olive; salad or cooking
0.0: Soda; Low calorie; other than cola or pepper; w/aspartame

Dinner: 10.4 points
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
2.4: Peanut butter; smooth style 1 tbsp
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
2.4: Peanut butter; smooth style 1 tbsp

Snack: 4.5 points
4.5: Toaster Pastries; raspberry strudel

Activity Log: (Min:Int:Points Desc)
20:L:1.6 Morning- stretches
20:M:2.2 Evening- stretches

Good morning, good morning, oh journal o' mine!

New Zombie update.

Stormy weather, hour changes and lots of brain activation makes for a solid night of rest.

I had strange dreams of Tony Randall being a serial killer, and my sweetie and I got to play forensic scientists at an "Odd Couple" convention. Tony said that he killed all those people because he was tires as being seen as "a neatnik and prissy-boy"... but he didn't give the Scooby-Doo ending of "And I would've gotten away with it, too". Pretty scary, really... he was genteel and very friendly one minute, the next, a snarling, bloodthirsty monster. I don't remember all of the details but at least one of the people was beheaded and hidden under a catering cart, with the head under a large silver food-tray. He wore a white short-sleeved shire and black tie, and solid black slacks... he was finally caught when we were issued paralysis guns that could freeze a person in place for questioning. My sweetheart had some additional cool gadgets, like a forehead jewel that could send out a beam to lift fingerprints and dna samples and a silver bracelet that had a hidden recording device inside.

Off to the races... until later!
7:26 am
thick, heavy raindrops falling from the sky this morning. The first one I noticed landed squarely on the top of the "sinus line" at the crown of my head, echoing a THUNK through my noggin and making me laugh at the echo.

Rt 55 pushing the schedule back by 15 minutes, starting on Sunday. That means rewinding my wake up to a safety zone of 6
7:56 am
Front door... Morning gear, black sneaks, khaki pants, forest green shirt with faint white and dark blue "plaid", smiley boxers, khaki socks, hair up in a low pony by a black band.
8:06 am
Kahuna arrived
8:14 am
prop2 arrived
1:00 pm
scavenging-testing ancient computers for parts... Mostly net cards, drives, and RAM.
5:00 pm
Two cases today... a depressive / schizophrenic 19 year old in Hollywood... missing since Monday at 7:30 Sort of went out as a "cover everything" measure. The other was solved before the calls went out. A six-year-old boy went missing, turned out he was on the wrong school bus.

/palm synch

Big Kahuna is pleased with the progress of her newbies...and I'm pretty satisfied. No flubs, quick adaptation, and most folks seem to get along swimmingly. The EOD meeting went well, and I look forward to going to some of the big events as a volunteer. An Edy's Ice Cream social sounds especially fun, as does the opening of the Seminole Indian Hard Rock Cafe. The Miccosukee is a possible group to deal with soon, too.

Clue in the Vampire game - The barman says "Don't tell anyone you found a secret door - otherwise it isn't secret any more." The barman says "It's said that cheap drinks do little to loosen tongues." and most importantly - The barman says "Pssst. Thieves Guild 1 is right next to Aardvark and 4th today. I don't know how much longer it will be there, though." If you want to do some robbing, and you've got some coin, high tail it over there.

Cool stickman cartoons with the longest url that I've *ever* seen in use. Great dark humor in some of them... makes me want to do doodles on the palm again. I've got a composite face maker that might be fun to fool with, too.

Even though the Matrix is old hat now, the "bullet time on the fly" in flash is cool beans.

Apparently in the world of Newt, I have a tasty forehead, or it needed to be cleaned. So, it seems I'm his Mama and personal salt lick, too. Ah well, I had just come in from the heat.

Points: 31.5 Adj: 0 Act: 4.3 Rem: 8.8
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes

Breakfast: 8.0 points
8.0: Croissan'wich w/ Egg & Cheese

Lunch: 6.4 points
3.1: Rice; white; glutinous; cooked
3.1: Rice; white; glutinous; cooked
0.0: Mixed grilled veggies
0.2: Soy sauce made from soy & wheat (shoyu)
0.0: Soda; Low calorie; other than cola or pepper; w/aspartame

Dinner: 10.5 points
1.0: Garden Vegetable Soup
7.5: VegiMax 6" Sub
2.0: Saltines (crackers)

Snack: 6.6 points
6.6: ice cream; fudge ripple - 1 cup

Activity Log: (Min:Int: Points Desc)
20:L: 1.6 Morning- stretches
25:M: 2.7 Evening constitutional

Newt Chillin'.


F-ing Mongorians were on last night, and I laughed and laughed... Newt's adapted to my new sleep schedule and is now back on track of swabbing me awake about 15 minutes before my wake-up alerts go off. Note to self, call vet today about appointment. I have my own doc's appt next week, too.

This week has whizzed by amazingly fast, so far.

Kamasutra fully scanned in an open directory... - Not safe for work.

Making fiends cartoons

The whole run of all the mars attacks cards.

Dork tower #279.

Three minutes and 45 seconds into an radio interview with Sean Hannity, Arnold Schwarzenegger dropped a bombshell:
"I think gay marriage should be between a man and a woman."
Even in California I'm thinking that's not going to go over well. - (via defective yeti)

Dan & I playing heroclix a year ago.

got that dreaded toe-hang? Toe-shortening surgery may sound a bit macabre to the average pump-wearer, but it's not an original idea. According to the unsanitized Grimm Brothers fairy tale, Cinderella's stepsisters hacked off pieces of their feet in attempts to fit into the famous slipper. Today's procedures are usually more successful.

Okie doke, on my way. Unitl later, dear journal.

7:32 am
conjunction junction theme in my head.

The county courthouse and jail are on the path to ACIM... These days I wonder how many people (what percentage) are inside for harming or attempting to harm another person physically, and how many of those are children.
7:58 am
Waiting by the front door for my fellow propeller head. Timing is pretty good... I arrive early enough to get a soda, and eat my breakfast sammich. I think I'll go back to morningstar English muffins... Croissant is tasty, but expensive, points-wise.

Speaking of which, I need to get a scale, pronto, to measure progress and adjust points if needed. I still have not made the trip to market and the cupboard is getting bare.
8:07 am
I'm beginning to suspect that prop2 is a habitual tardy... This might just be a bad week for her, so I'll reserve judgment for the time being. The building is starting to grow more active now, with comings and goings of the assorted worker-ants.
8:13 am
Big Kahuna arrival - she's beat after a 10pm meeting to shoot a psa.
8:14 am
Prop2 arrival... the poor woman had a flat yesterday, and today, it's no brakes. She's got the worst luck with cars!

I just had some seriously tasty beans and veggies for din din... lemon-salad is soooo good.

Good day today, and managed to recover a lost document for PR, and scrubbed a lot of the adware off of all the poor browsing computers, worked on setting up the reporting software for the quarterly and annual totals for the missing kids / Alzheimer’s / sexual predators database. I'm looking forward to getting the amber alert system down, too. I'm feeling really good about this's nice to think that I'm able to make a contribution, daily. My work ethic is high... It sort of feels like the library up vibe so many years ago. I only hope to avoid the Farace effect.

Brother came by at about 4:30, and we discussed a few things.. I'm glad I got to see him, as he was incommunicado for the last day or two. September 4 can't come quickly enough... speaking of which, I've got a final appt with the doc in a week to verify that I'm all in one piece and doin' Jim dandy, back / leg / knee-wise.

More free paper craft models.

Museum of the mind

Themed fonts from games, bands, TV/movies and misc.

Misc palm-cam pics from this morning between the church, the courthouse and jail.

Three angles from the corner of Broward & Third ~7:30 am

Links underneath in case they don't load.

8/28/03 7:28:52 am
8/28/03 7:29:32 am
8/28/03 7:30:07am

also some cool blackout pics by John Wehr

Today's Eats -
Point Range: 31-36
Water: 5 Veg/Fruit: 2 Milk: 0
Points: 31.2 Adj: 0 Act: 3.8 Rem: 8.6
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes

Breakfast: 8.0 points
8.0: Croissan'wich w/ Egg & Cheese

Lunch: 7.2 points
5.5: BK Veggie Burger w/o Reduced Fat Mayo
0.0: Side salad
1.0: Kraft Fat Free Ranch dressing
0.0: Soda; Low calorie; other than cola or pepper; w/aspartame
0.7: Olives

Dinner: 8.4 points
2.8: Baked beans in veggie sauce-1 cup
2.8: Baked beans in veggie sauce-1 cup
2.8: Baked beans in veggie sauce-1 cup
0.0: Side salad
0.0: Lemons; raw; w/o peel

Snack: 7.6 points
6.6: ice cream ; fudge ripple - 1 cup
1.0: Dove dark chocolate promise

Activity Log: (Min:Int: Points Desc)
20:L: 1.6 Morning- stretches
20:M: 2.2 Evening- stretches
Point Range: 31-36
Water: 3 Veg/Fruit: 1 Milk: 0
Points: 31.1 Adj: 0 Act: 2.0 Rem: 6.9
Bank: 10.0 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 10 Point: 5 Act: 4
Bank Method: Rolling 7 days
Vitamins: Yes

Breakfast: 8.5 points
8.0: Croissan'wich w/ Egg & Cheese
0.5: Ketchup

Lunch: 13.0 points
6.5: BK Veggie Burger
6.5: BK Veggie Burger

Dinner: 9.0 points
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
1.4: Bagels; egg
2.4: Peanut butter; smooth style 1 tbsp
2.4: Peanut butter; smooth style 1 tbsp

Snack: 0.6 points
0.6: Fruit juice bar; raspberry

how to use Japanese toilets. via

Anyone that's going to dragon*con, if you see free heroclix-type stuff being given away, grab some for me, if you think of it, and care to.

Still waiting for some goodies form overseas to appear in my mailbox.. I wonder how long shipping takes from the middle east? I've also been expecting a check since Monday. I've just left a voice mail to find out if it's on the way.

ADHD girl today, 12 years old with the behavior of a 3 year old... she was lost, but was ultimately fond by the police on the roof of her own house.

Frankie interrupted me at the door while I was talking to Danny last night, begging to use the phone. He didn't seem to believe me when I told him I was using the phone. Tough noogies, Frankie. You want access to a phone anytime, drop a quarter and a dime over at the 7-11 pay phone. If it's not an emergency, you don’t have my sympathy.

I notice that StarBucks and Borders are offering wireless hotspots... sponsored by T-mobile. Sounds good at first glance, so I read a little more deeply. The fine print - "Sign up for an unlimited monthly subscription plan starting at $29.99 or pay as you go for only $6.00 per hour".

Around the corner, there's an internet cafe that provides the hourly service for the same price, and the coffee is better.

If you don't need coffee, the Broward county library has 50 t-1 ready computers free for the using.

What bugs me is that it plays at being free-free, but 24 hours and then we bill you. Bah on them. I think paying $4 for a coffee drink should be enough incentive for me to use my 'pooter there, or at least make it cost less than home service, for pity's sake.

Cool paper toys, including a free DIY leaping sheep and Zen.

The BBC announced plans to make its entire radio and television program archive available for free online.

Cool phony business cards to confuse and delight.

Word of the day -
dasypygal (da-si-PYE-gul) adjective

Having hairy buttocks.

[From Greek dasy- (hairy, dense) + pyge (buttocks).]

A related word is dasymeter, an instrument for measuring the..., no, not that, rather the density of gases. Another related word is callipygian, having a beautiful behind.

a year ago - comic book ads, genetic ID card, lifegems, happy tree friends, Bheesh got a vette, free fonts, and Pynchon paper dolls

2 years ago sci-fi dorkness (pity enterprise is so bad), red headed wildcat, bacchanalia, ultima Thule, stinky cab driver, lj "post limit hububb"

3 years ago - zoo day, de-compartmentalized some pals, Brown, turtle